1、动词和动词词组,第10讲,动词分类(一),1,按其在动词词组中所起的作用分:主动词和助动词,主动词:又叫实义动词,能独立作句子谓语成分 简单动词词组 复杂动词词组,助动词,Examples:1.The workers received a raise last year.2.They have been taking music lessons.3.He neednt have been waiting in the rain.,基本助动词:be,do,have 情态助动词can,could,may,might,will,would,shall,should,need,must,dare,da
2、red,ought to,used to 半助动词:have to,seem to,be about to,be due to,be going to,be meant to,be meant to,be supposed to等.,一,基本助动词,be,1.be通常用来协助主动词构成进行体和被动态 I am listening to a Beethoven symphony The students were praised by the principle do1.do通常用来协助主动词表示否定意义或构成疑问句 My wife doesnt know Russian Do you agre
3、e with me?,2.do用来加强语气,起强调作用 You do look well 3.do用作代词-Do you like Beijing?-Yes,I do(do代替like Beijing)4.构成否定祈使句时,只用do,而不用does和did Dont be so absent-minded,5.do用作实义动词,译为“做”Jane was doing the dishes when her mother came backhave1.have通常用来协调主动词构成完成体或完成进行体 Joan has seen that movie I have been working her
4、e for 20 years,2.have 做实义动词,译为“有”Im sorry I cant play with you,because I have so many things to do,二,情态助动词,14个:can/could,may/might,will/would,shall/should,must,ought to,dare/dared,need,used to,Examples:1.It may snow before nightfall.2.Would you let me use your pen for a minute?3.If she became a movi
5、e star,she could afford a new home.,注意:情态动词过去时形式并不一定就表示过去时间情态动词不能叠加使用,其后接的是动词原形,三,半助动词 半助动词是兼有主动词和助动词特征的语法结构,常见的有 have to,seem to,be about to,be due to,be going to,be meant to,be supposed to,be willing to,be likely to,be unable to 等,既可与主动词搭配构成复杂动词词组表示情态意义,从而像情 态动词,又可与其他助动词搭配,像是主动词,Examples:1.I have
6、to buy a new car.2.You will have to sell your house.,及物动词,不及物动词,连系动词,2.按是否须跟有补足成分以及须跟什么样的补足成分分一,及物动词 1.及物动词后须带宾语,有些可带双宾语,John is playing cricket The new lamp gave us more light 2.有些及物动词在一定上下文中既要带宾语,也要带状 语,2.按是否须跟有补足成分以及须跟什么样的补足成分分一,及物动词 1.及物动词后须带宾语,有些可带双宾语,John is playing cricket The new lamp gave u
7、s more light 2.有些及物动词在一定上下文中既要带宾语,也要带状 语,I put the book on the shelf二,不及物动词 1.不及物动词之后不带宾语,但有些不及物动词在一定上下 文中须带状语,否则意义完全不同 Example 1.The president is speaking 2.Frank cheats at poker 三,连系动词 1.连系动词之后带主语补语,Example 1.That sound like a good idea 2.The fish smells awful补充:(1)状态系动词:be(2)持续系动词:keep,remain,sta
8、y,rest,lie,stand等(3)表象系动词:seem,appear,look等(4)感官系动词:fell,smell,sound,taste等(5)变化系动词:become,grow,turn,fall,get,go,come,run 等(6)终止系动词:prove,turn out等注意:有一些动词具有跨类现象,既能作及物动词,也能作不及物 动词和联系动词,常见的有smell,become,prove,taste,stay,Example 1.The fish is fresh from water.You dont have to smell it 2.The milk is go
9、ing bad.It smells 3.This dish smells delicious,表持续动作的词,表改变或移动的词,表短暂动作的词,例:drink,eat,fly,play,rain,read,run,sit等,例:arrive,become,change,come,get,go,leave,例:hit,jump,kick,open,close,put,shut,knock等,Examples:1.He works at a chemical factory.2.They were talking about the house.3.Winter is here.The leave
10、s of the trees are turning yellow.4.The old man stops at a house and knocks at the door.,表持续动作,表持续动作,表改变,表短暂动作,3,按词汇意义分:动态动词,静态动词一,动态动词,二,静态动词,1.用作主动词的be和have(作“有”解):,We have friends all over the world.,2.含有静态动词be,have意义的动词,如apply to,belong to,differ from,cost,weigh等。,This rule applies to(=is applic
11、able to)everyone.,3.表示感觉的动词,如feel,hear,see,smell等,She doesnt hear very well.,4.表示心理或情感状态的动词,如assume,believe,consider,detest等,We understood your difficulty.,注意:,如果静态动词(stative verb)用于进行体(progressive aspect),则变为动态动词(dynamic verb).,Examples:1.He is being foolish.2.This mistake is costing us dearly.3.Be
12、 quiet.Im thinking.,表示肉体感觉的动词,如ache,feel,hurt等,用于进行体或非进行体均可,含义不变。,Examples:1.My foot aches/is aching.2.I dont feel/am not feeling very tired.,=is acting foolishly,=is bringing great injury to us,=giving thought to a problem,动词分类(二),词组动词,v+prep.动词+介词,v+adv.动词+副词小品词,v+adv+prep.动词+副词小品词+介词,Examples:1.H
13、e couldnt account for his long absence from school.2.The place blow up when it was hit by a missile.3.I dont want to come down with the flu again.,补充:副词小品词是形似介词的一类比较特殊的词,它兼有副词和介词的特征。它往往与前面的动词构成修饰和补充说明的语义关系,本身不能单独充当句子成分,它形似介词,又没有实体意义,不能独自带宾语,与动词构成只有一个论元的单位论述结构。常见的副词小品词有:up,down,in,out,on,off,over,awa
14、y.,一,单词词组和动词词组,限定动词,非限定动词,限定形式,非限定形式,现在时过去时,不定式现在分词过去分词,二,限定动词和非限定动词,三,规则动词和不规则动词 大多数动词的过去时和过去分词都是在原形之后加词尾-ed构成,这类动词叫规则动词,其他则归为不规则动词 不规则动词的几种类型:(1)ABC(即原形,过去时,过去分词)arise arose arisen break broke broken ring ran run steal stole stolen begin began begun,(2)AAA cast cast cast hit hit hit put put put se
15、t set set spread spread spread 此外还有cut,fit,hurt,let,read,cost,shut等(3)ABB bend bent bent creep crept crept deal dealt dealt flee fled fled mean meant meant dig,catch,hang,hold,find,sit,pay,win,meet,feel等同此用法(4),补充:(4)AAB beat beat beaten(5)ABA become became become come came come run ran run,Verbs gr
16、ammatical forms:,Tense(时):it is the verb form that shows time distinction.,Aspect(体):it is the verb form that shows motion or process is in what state in a certain time.,Voice(态):it is the verb form that shows active or passive relationship between subjects and predicate verbs.,Mood(式):it is the ver
17、b form that is used to distinguish speakers in what tone of voice.,Tense(时):过去时 现在时 将来时,Aspect(体):,Progressive Aspect进行体,Perfective Aspect完成体,Examples:,I speak Chinese,but now I am speaking English.,2.I have taught English for 20 years.,Voice(语态):,Active Voice主动态,Active Sentence主动句,Passive Voice被动态,
18、Passive Sentence被动句,被动态动词词组也可有不同的时、体形式(P120),Moo(式):,Indicative Mood陈述式,Imperative Mood祈使式,Subjunctive Mood虚拟式,Examples:,He goes to church every Sunday.,Take a 10 minutes break now.,How I wish I had gone there with you.,虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,一是用来表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实,而是一种假设、猜测、怀疑等(在条件从句中或让步状语从句中);一是表示说话人的愿望、要求、命
19、令、建议等(在宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)。虚拟式仅有两个形式:1、be-型虚拟式(BE-Subjunctive);2、were-型虚拟式(WERE-Sub-junctive)。,The Subjunctive Mood,、be-型虚拟式的主要用法:,用于表示命令、决定、建议等词语之后的that-分句中。例如:.He ordered that all the books be sent at once.It is essential that all the facts be examined first.The board has given instrustions that the
20、agent fly to Boston.,2.用于由 if,though,whatever,lest,so long as 等引导的分句中。表示推测让步,防备等含义。例如:If he be found guilty,John shall have the right of appeal.,上述用法现在只限于正式书面语体,在非正式语体中通常用动词陈述式或者should/may+不定式。,3、用于某些公式化语句中可表示祝愿、诅咒、禁止等意义。例如:Long live the People s Republic of China!God bless you!Heaven damn you!(该死的!
21、)Devil take him!(混蛋!)So be it!(但愿如此/就这样吧。),、were-型虚拟式的主要用法:,1.常用于由if,if only,as if,as though,though 引导的条件状语和让步状语分句中,表示非真实的条件或让步。例如:If I were you,I should wait till next week.If it were to rain,the game would be put off.,2、常用于wish,would,rather,suppose,imagine之后的that-分句中,表示一种臆想的情况。例如:I wish it were sp
22、ring all the year round.I d rather I were not at the site of the accident.,上述 were-型虚拟式在第一、三人称单数主语之后可为 was 所取代。例如:If it was to rain,the game would be put off.If only I was not so nervous!,但是,在 if I were you 这一分句中,通常倾向于用 were,而不用 was。另外,在某些倒装结构中只用 were,不用 was。例如:Were I to do it(=If I were to do it),I
23、 should rely on you.还有,在 as it were(作 so to speak 解,即“宛如”、“好比”)结构中也只用were,不用was。例如:He is my best friend,my second self,as it were.,状态,基本结构,时间,一般,进行,完成,完成进行,现在,过去,将来,过去将来,一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成 时,现在完成进行时,一般过去时,一般将来时,过去将来时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去完成进行时,将来进行时,将来完成时,将来完成 进行时,过去将来进行时,过去将来完成 时,过去将来完成进行时,第11讲,动词的时和体(一),11
24、.1 一般现在时的用法,1)表示不受时限的客观存在(包括客观真理,格言,科学事实等)A rolling stone gathers no moss.Knowledge is power.Time and tide wait for no man.2)表示现在习惯动作My father doesnt smoke.He always sleeps with his windows open.,此法常与频度副词连用。如:always,ever,frequently,hardly ever,never,occasionally,often,rarely,seldom,sometimes,usually
25、等。Be动词常位于其后,位于其前可起强调作用。The students(always)are always on time for class.3)表示现时状态和现在瞬间动作A)静态动词I think I like B)实况报导Harper passes the ball to Jennings;Jennings shoots and the goal keeper leaps for it but yes,its a goal.C)专门或日常用语I wish I say I declare,4)表示将来时间主将从现I hope you have a good time.I bet it ra
26、ins tomorrow.Ill see(to it)/make sure/make certain(that)you dont get lost.Will you go and help to get in the crops when the harvest time comes?If it is fine tomorrow,we will go to the countryside.表示既定事实Tomorrow is Sunday.5)表示过去时间,能用一般现在表示过去的动词有tell,say,hear,learn,gather 等.Alice tells me youre enteri
27、ng college next year.附特殊用法:A)表达某种情绪I happen to drop in on her once and you make such an issue of it.B)死者言论著作,仍有影响Darwin believes that natural selection is the chief factor in the development.C)不强调时间No one is born an actor.11.2 一般过去时的用法,1)表示过去时间,通常已成为过去,现在不存在They had a baby last year.Did you see him
28、yesterday?His father was an English teacher all his life.2)表示现在时间和将来时间A)委婉语气want,wonder,think,hopeI wondered if you could give me some help.B)固定句型:Its time I wish Id rathera:表示与现在事实相反的主观设想Its time you went to bed.I wish you lived closer to us.If only he didnt drive so fast!,b:表示对将来时态的主观设想If I had mo
29、ney now,Id buy a car.If you went at about five oclock tomorrow,you could see him before he left the office.C)主从关系,要求从句使用过去时态I didnt know you were here.D)一般现在时与一般过去时区别He looks as if he was sick.(虚构)He looks as if he is sick.(事实),11.3现在进行体的用法基本结构:be(am,is are)+V-ing一.表示说话时正在进行的动作.能用于进行体的动词一般往往是表示延续性动词
30、,常有right now,now,at the moment,Look,Listen等提示词eg:Hurry up!Were all waiting for you.Look,John is dancing under the tree.二、表示现阶段一直在进行的动作(但当时不一定在发生)常出现的时间状语有(these days,this week,this month等)eg:Jane is studying law these days.与频度状语如always,constantly,forever等连用,其语意常带有感情色彩,多半表示不满情绪,或在特定语境中表示强调(而一般现在时的这一用
31、法通常陈述事实)eg:She is always complaining about her life condition.,不过这种结构在特定的上下文中可能不包含感情色彩,频度状语只是强调作用eg:Healthy and happy children are always playing.(always 表示强调动作反复)三、表示按计划安排近期内即将发生能用现在进行时表示将来的动词多是表示方位移动的动词,如:come,go,leave,start,arrive,get,travel,have(表示开会,开晚会,玩得开心等意思时)等动词。注意,若have/has表示“拥有”的含义时不能用于进行
32、时态eg:We are having a party tonight.Come and join us.Im going to Qingdao for the summer holiday.现在进行体表示将来的用法还常见于某些时间状语分句与条件状语分句中eg:Ill talk about it while youre writing the report.If you are standing at the corner,Ill give you a lift into the town.,用现在进行体表示将来时间时,在句中或者上下文会有表示将来的时间状语或者其他依据,否则意义会含糊不清eg:
33、Are you doing anything special tonight?(表示将来)Are you doing anything special now?(表示说话时正在进行的动作)Are you doing anything special?(以上两种解释均可,需根据上下文)四 现在进行体的其他用法表示刚刚的过去(只适合口语中某些表示说话的词,如tell,talk,say,exaggerate等)eg:I dont believe it?You know Im telling the truth.表示委婉语气(这一用法只限于hope,wonder等少数几个词),其实也暗含了现在进行体的
34、不确定性、暂时性的特点eg:Im hoping youll give me some advice.,综上所述:能用于现在进行体的动词通常是表示动作的动词,特别是表示延续性动作的动词,如work,study,live等;表示短暂动作的动词,如shoot,put,place jump,nod等,通常以一般现在时表示现在发生的短暂动作,即部分提到的现在瞬间动作eg:I place the test tube over the flames;now you can see that the liquid is beginning to change colour.11.4 过去进行体的用法 基本结构
35、:was/were+V-ing一、表示过去某时正在进行的动作(通常也要把时间状语表示出来或者根据上下文判断),可以表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作或者过去某一阶段一直在进行的动作eg:What were you doing yesterday at seven p.m.?They were building a dam last summer.人们常在口语和记叙文中首先用过去进行体表示某种正在进行的动作,由此引出用一般过去时表示的新的事态或者情节eg:A thirsty Ant was climbing down a blade of grass that grew beside a sprin
36、g.Unluckily,she slipped and fell into the spring.(体现故事发展的连续性)二、表示过去的某种阶段的习惯性动作eg:In those days,George used to get up at nine,but that week he was getting up at five every day.,也可与always,constantly,continually,for ever 等连用表示感情色彩,或者在特定语意中表示强调,与现在进行体基本相同eg:My brother was always losing his keys.三、表示过去将来
37、时间里的动作(按照计划安排即将发生的过去将来事态)eg:They were leaving a few days later.过去进行体用在某些时间状语和条件分句中还可以表示过去将来时间正在进行的动作eg:He promised not to mention this when he was talking to her.He told me to wake him up if he was sleeping.四、表示现在时间和将来时间里的动作表示婉转语气(只限于hope,want,wonder)等动词,主要用来表示有礼貌的请求),与现在进行体基本相同,eg:I was wondering/w
38、ondered if youd like to come out with me one evening.(相比而言,过去进行体会比一般过去时更加婉转、礼貌)表示主观臆想的情况(即类似于自己主观假定的情况或者特殊情况的虚拟语气),但这一用法限于某些固定结构,如:eg:I wish(但愿)they were not talking so loudly.Id rather(宁愿)you were going at once.If they were leaving tonight,Id like to go with them.=过去进行体与一般过去时的比较1.表示已完成的动作用一般过去时,表示未
39、完成的动作用过去进行体,eg:I was reading a novel yesterday.(未读完)I read a novel yesterday.(已读完)2.一般过去时通常只说明过去某时发生某事,而过去进行体侧重在动作的持续时间,而不仅是说明事实eg:It rained/was raining all day.He worked/was working all through the night.3.当一般过去时与过去进行体同时出现在句中时,通常表示时间较短的动作用一般过去时,表示时间较长的用过去进行时eg:I broke a glass while I was cooking th
40、e dinner.The pupils were talking noisily when the teacher stepped in.,4.在口语中,说话人表示所谈的内容是随便的,非故意的,或者无一定目的性的,常用过去进行体eg:I was talking to John the other day.5.注意一般过去时和过去进行体表示的动作的时间顺序,根据语境体会eg:When we arrived,she was making some fresh coffee.(正在煮)When we arrived,she made some fresh coffee.(到了以后才开始煮)6.表示过
41、去的状态、感觉及心理活动的静态动词,如be,like,love,hope,think,hate,fear,own,hear,see,know,want,notice等)可用一般过去时或者一般现在时,而不会有进行体表示eg:I hated it when a man spoke with his mouth full of food.(通常不同I was hating)7.与频度状语连用时,一般过去/现在时表示经常性、习惯性动作;而进行体表示动作的重复性,常带有感情色彩,TASKS1.-Has Sam finished his homework today?-I have no idea.He _it this morning.A.did B.has done C.was doing Dhad done答案:C 进行体具有未完成性和短暂性特点,此处I have no idea体现的就是不确定性2.Becausee the shop _,all the T-shirt are sold at half price.A.has closed down B.closed downC.is closing down D.had closed down答案:C 此处进行时态表现按计划安排发生的事情。,一个团结友爱互助的大家庭,Thank you,