1、How to teach English phoneticsin junior secondary schools?,Questions for discussion,Why teach phonetics?What kind of accent to teach?What to teach?When to teach phonetics?How to teach phonetics?,Why teach phonetics?,To help lay a good foundation for learning English vocabularyTo help with listening
2、and speaking To affect reading and writing,Why teach phonetics?,To build up studentsconfidence in learning English To improve intelligibility 表意To create a favorable impression,Why is teaching phonetics important?,What problems do students have with English pronunciation?Using the wrong soundMaking
3、long vowels shortLeaving sounds out,Why is teaching phonetics important?,Adding soundsPutting stress on the wrong syllable in a wordPutting stress on the wrong word in a sentenceUsing the wrong intonation pattern,What kind of accent to teach?,What are the main varieties of English accent?SSB(Standar
4、d Southern British)rather than RP(Received Pronunciation)GA(General American),What kind of accent to teach?,Which accent should we teach?Either SSB or GA as a basisBetter to expose students to a variety of accents,so that they will be able to understand most people they meet.,What to teach?,What is
5、required in the Curriculum Standards?1.Pronunciation of 26 lettersa,e,i(y),o,u in stressed/unstressed syllablesVowel combinations in stressed syllablesCommon vowel combinations in stressed syllables,What to teach 语音教学包含哪些内容?,Consonant combinations(ch,dg,th,tch,ph,ng,nk)Consonant clusters(bl-,cl-,fl-
6、,gl-,br-,cr-,sm-,sp-,pr-,qu-)Syllabic sounds(ble,-ple,-cle,-gle,-dle,-sin,-ten,-ven),2.Word stress and sentence stress3.Sound variationliaison(连读)incomplete explosive weak form assimilation(同化),What to teach?,4.Intonation and rhythmsense group and pausing rising and falling tones rhythm,What to teac
7、h?,Use of pronunciation,intonation,stress and rhythm in oral communication6.Pronunciation and enunciation skills in reading aloud and speeches7.English pronunciation differences in major English speaking countries(mainly taught in senior high school),What to teach?,Letters have sounds,方法一:掐头法学读音 读下列
8、辅音字母名称音,将其第一个音去掉,余下的音 即为该字母在单词中的读音。,Ff/ef/,Ll/el/,Mm/em/,Nn/en/,Ss/es/,Xx/eks/,/f/,/l/,/m/,/n/,/s/,/ks/,Example 1 案例一,读下列辅音字母名称音,将其后面的音去掉,余下的音 即为该字母在单词中的读音。,Zz/zi:/,Vv/vi:/,Bb/bi:/,Dd/di:/,Cc/si:/,Jj/d3eI/,Pp/pi:/,Kk/keI/,Tt/ti:/,/b/,/s/k/,/d/,/d3/,/k/,/p/,/t/,/v/,/z/,方法二:去尾法学音素,Gg Hh Yy Ww Rr,读下列辅音
9、字母在单词中的读音与汉语拼音g,h,y,w,r有相似之处,注意不要混淆。,egg 鸡蛋,hen 母鸡,yes 是的,well 好的,red 红色的,/g/,/h/,/j/,/w/,/r/,/eg/,/hen/,/jes/,/wel/,/red/,方法三:对比法学读音,Teach phonetic symbols(IPA)教音标Vowels and consonants元音和辅音的读音示范,有声版国际音标表,a,e,i(y),o,u in stressed syllables,Open Closea name/e/map/e we/i:/wet/e/i hi/a/hit/(y)why/a/phy
10、sics/o note/not/u flute/u:/flush/,a,e,i,o,u,y in unstressed syllables,Vowel letter combinations in stressed syllables,R-syllablesar/:/art car far hard gardener/:/her hers term nerve serviceir/:/sir bird girl firm thirtyor/:/or for torn morn forty ur/:/urge fur hurt nurse turning,Vowel letter&vowel l
11、etter combinations in stressed syllables元音字母及其字母组合在重读音节中的读音,/i:/e ea ee i ie be each feel police field/i e bit England/e/e ea a best head many/a bank/u o but come love front mother,Vowel letter&vowel letter combinations in stressed syllables,/:/or ore oor our al ar born more door four call war au aw
12、 ou(gh)cause draw brought/:/a(n)a(s)a(th)al ar au dance class father half farm aunt/e/a ai ay eigh cage rain May eight/a/i ie igh y hike die light fly/o o(ld)o(st)oa ow hope hold most road grow,Vowel letter&vowel letter combinations in stressed syllables,/:/er ir ur or ear certain first turn word ea
13、rly/u oo ou full foot could/u:/u o oo ew blue move cool flew/ju:/u ew use new/o a crop want,Vowel letter&vowel letter combinations in stressed syllables,/a/ou ow count brown/oi oy coin toy/ea ear eer ere idea dear deer here/e/air are ear eir ere chair care bear their where/our ure oor tour sure poor
14、,Sounds make up words,Letters combine in syllables to make words.CV(V)he she no by hi tea die day VC(C)at is us on off ebb add ant CVC hat hen did top cut get fan van CVCE hate Pete home cute kite fame CCVC thin ship than chat shot knot plug CVVC lead coat loud food foot dial CVCC fish cash neck ban
15、k cent wantMany words follow a regular pattern,but many dont.give have two one climb often Wednesday,Can you read these words?,dab den cod cluck braid dado轻拍 巢穴 鳕 咯咯叫 辫子 墙裙 duck chuck chuckle 抛,扔 暗自笑lot log loggerhead 原木 笨蛋fun fund fundamental 基金 基本的,Word syllables,cot cottage cottager 幼儿床 村舍 村民 pan
16、 panel panelist 专门小组 小组成员myth mythical mythology 神话的 神话,Assignment 1 作业(1),请对您正在使用的一册初中课本中的词汇做一调查,把符合拼读规则的单词挑出来,按照元音字母或元音字母组合在重读音节中的拼读规则归类。,Consonants&common consonant combinations,Consonant clusters,/pl-/please/pr-/pride/sl-/slow/bl-/bleed/fr-/fry/sm-/smoke/fl-/fleet/kr-/cry/sn-/snow/kl-/clean/r-/g
17、ride/sw-/swan/l-/gleam/br-/bright/sp-/speak/r-/through/sk-/skate/st-/star,Syllabic sounds,/b/,/p/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/,/f/,/v/,/s/,/z/,/+/m/,/n/,/l/Examples:able apple little middle uncle single often novel person reason bottom seven pencil puzzle lesson fashion version,Assignment 2 作业(2),请根据前面列举的辅音字母和辅音字母
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