1、Unit 1 whats the matter?第6课时(写作课),一、教学内容:能帮助别人提出合理化建议二、导入明标:能够写出给别人提出合理化建议的文章,三、教学步骤:1.语言准备:1)小组展示短语 2)复习第二课时导学案的提建议句式2.两人对话:-Whats the matter with you?-I-Maybe you should./-Yes,you are right./Thats a good idea.,Problems advice,go to bed early have a good restenough sleep lie down and rest,try to ea
2、t more healthy food eat a lot of fruit and vegetableslisten to beautiful music to relax,exercise play sports talk with your parents,3.分析思路:,请学生小组讨论,按分析思路熟悉相关材料:1)时态_ 2)人称:_3)写作思路:(1)可按先总后分的思路,主要用的句式_(2)The beginning_(3)The ending _(4)使句子连贯可用那些过渡词或句子,一般现在时,第二人称,提建议句式,To begin with,first,then,also,and
3、 so on,such as.,I think you shouldwhen you feel tired.,I think you will become better and better.,4起草作文:要求学生根据上述要求和准备 的材料,在10分钟内独立完成本篇 的写作。,5点评学生习作:从学生习作中选择有代表 性的进行点评,对文章中出现的语 法错误、单词拼写甚至标点符号进 行纠正.,6学习一篇优秀的范文:通过学习范文,让学生发现自 己写作能力的不足,例如词汇量的 不足、常见的语法错误等,以利于 今后写作水平的提高。,Dear Alice,Im sorry to hear that yo
4、u are not feeling well these days.I think you should go to bedand have a good rest when you feel tired.Enough sleep is important for your health.You said you were stressed out and become angry easily.Maybe you have too much pressure.You should try to eat more healthy food.Eating lots of fruit and ve
5、getables is also helpful.You should listen to beautiful music to relax after finishing lessons.Also,exercise is very good for you.You should run,play ping pong and so on.,I think itll become much better and better.I hope you will feel better soon.Yours,Lin Wei,7订正并上交习作 通过点评习作与优秀范文的学 习,让学生修正完善习作并上交。,四、总结构建:同学们普遍认为,用英语写作是一件难的事,平常写不出正确的句子,也不知该写哪些内容,有时写出的文章不符合格式要求。我认为,如果能根据困惑进行有针对性的训练,先从能写出正确的句子开始,然后分析构思过程中的重点与难点,使其认识到其实写出一篇好文章并不像原来想象的那么难,只要坚持训练,写作水平就一定能得到很大的提高。,