1、2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,一.Optical Fibers,1.光纤的结构,SMF:2a=4-10m,2b=125理论分析中,可以认为包层是无限大的MMF:(阶跃多模光纤)2a=50m,2b=125,2.阶跃光纤和渐变光纤 Step-Index Fiber&Graded-Index Fiber,3.光纤制作 reading:P15-P19,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,二.几何光学 Geometrical Optics,4.When all
2、 apertures are much larger than a wavelength,we can model the light as ray traveling in straight lines perpendicular to the wavefront,1.Speed of light in a medium of refractive index n:v=c/n2.Law of reflection:i=r3.Snells law:ntsin t=nisin i,oy:normal line.o-xz:boundary,2023/9/22,Optical fiber commu
3、nications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,三.Uniform plane wave 均匀平面波,A:Maxwell Equations(fundamental equations),B:在稳态简谐条件下,线性各项同性非色散,不导电媒质中Maxwell Equations,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,C.Helmholtz方程,1.时间参量:角频率,周期T,频率f。,2.空间参量:纵向相移常数或角波数kz,波长z,波数1/z.,where,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communication
4、s,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,3.空间与时间的联系:相速度 phase velosity,均匀平面波的纵向相移常数等于空间相移常数,其相速度等于光速,4.电磁联系:波阻抗,对于均匀平面波,真空中,均匀平面波是电磁波的最基本的形式,它是沿固定方向传播的等幅行波,垂直于传播方向的平面是等相面或称波阵面。其等相位面同时是等振幅面,其电场和磁场都垂直于传播方向且互相垂直,故称为横电磁波(TEM:Transverse Electromagnetic wave)波。同时是等幅波,即振幅不随传播距离而增加或衰减,等幅均匀平面波中电场与磁场同相,波阻抗为实数。,2023/9/22,Optical fiber
5、 communications,若在空间垂直于电场的面放置两块平行的导体平板,则因在导体表面切向电场为0,两导体板不影响平面波的传播。这就形成双平板传输线中的TEM模式的行波,它是双平板传输线中的主模,或称最低模。,TE:transverse electric wave.TM:transverse magnetic wave,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Plane Waves at a Dielectric Interface,1.Consider a monochromatic plane wave inciden
6、t on a dielectric interface described by the surface normal S,2.The plane wave takes the form:,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,4.Maxwells Equations tell us that the tangential component of the electric field must be continuous at the interface,so we have:,Plane Waves at a Dielec
7、tric Interface,3.The corresponding reflected and transmitted fields are:,where r and t are phase constants.Non-zero values of the phase constants can be interpreted as a spatial shift.,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Laws of Refraction,Similarly we find from the second of the tw
8、o equations:,It follows that kt is also in the incident plane,and,This is Snells law of refraction.,1.The laws of reflection and refraction forms the basis for Geometrical optics,2.Geometrical optics also assumes collimated optical beams(rays),which are unphysical,3.Geometrical optics is nevertheles
9、s very useful for modeling a large number of optical devices and phenomena,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Lenses Ray Picture,The rays are deflected at the air-lens interface due to the higher index of the lens.,The effect of the ray deflection is that all the rays pass through
10、the focus,Collimated(parallel)optical beam,If the lens is thin,we consider both deflections to take place at the center plane of the lens.,1.The operation of lenses can be understood by tracing individual rays through the lens,2.The rays all bend in different ways at the air-lens interface,3.The sha
11、pe of the lens surfaces is chosen such that each ray passes through the focus,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Lenses Wave Picture,Collimated(parallel)incident optical beam,The lens is thinner on the periphery,so the peripheral parts of the beam are delay less than the center par
12、t,resulting in curved phase fronts,The curvature of the wavefronts focus the beam to a point,1.we can also consider the wavefronts of the light passing through the lens to understand its operation,2.The lens is delaying the center part of the beam with respect to the sides such that all parts of the
13、 beam arrive at the focus in phase,3.In other words,all parts of the beam are interfering constructively at the focus,which leads to high intensity at this point,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Diffraction limits resolution,In the ray-optics(geometrical-optics)approximation,the
14、focus is a point,In reality,diffraction limits the focusing ability of the lens,1.Ray optics is a useful approximation for many considerations,but the fact that it does not consider diffraction gives it some major flaws,2.The main one is that it predicts that a lens focuses light to a mathematical p
15、oint,3.This is not possible(even for a perfect lens)with wave phenomena of finite wavelength,4.The central spot of the focus of a perfect,uniformly illuminated lens is d=2.44f/D,where is the wavelength,f is the focal length,and D the lens diameter,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理
16、,Ray Tracing in Ideal Lenses,To trace rays through ideal lenses we need only two simple facts:,1.Each ray goes through the focal plane at the same point as its parallel central ray,2.Central rays are not deflected,This is very useful for first order analysis of lens systems,2023/9/22,Optical fiber c
17、ommunications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Imaging,Thin lens equation:1/a+1/b=1/f,Magnification:b/a,a diverging beams,no imaging,a=f=collimation,f Imaging according to the lens equation with M1,a=2f=Imaging according to the lens equation with M=1,a2f=Imaging according to the lens equation with M1,2023/9/22,Optical
18、 fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Fresnel Law,A:,是入射光,反射光和透射光的矢量复数振幅,反射系数R传递系数T,B:,模表示强度,幅角表示相位,C:水平偏振波 TE横电波,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,D:垂直偏振波 TM 横磁波,Fresnel Law,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Tatal Internal Reflection,A:n1n2&c i900.c=arcsin(n2/n1)
19、,B:waves in medium one,|R|=1,2R=,在临界状态下,ci,2R0,反射不引起相位突变,i900,cosi 0,2R1800,有半波损失。,TE wave:,TM wave:,|R|=1,2R=,Attension:全反射时,TE,TM的位相变化是不相同的,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Wave in medium 1:TE wave,A:Incident wave takes the form as,入射波在x方向的相位常数,入射波的纵向相移常数,B:The corresponding re
20、flected wave will take the form:,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,C:讨论:波的状态,Z方向:,行波,相位常数,X方向:,驻波,x,z,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Wave in medium 2:TE wave,由上式可以看出传输系数的模值及其幅角。,令,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Z方向:z方向是行波状态,且相位常数与介质1中的相同
22、无界面法线方向即x方向的有功功率流。,有效穿透深度,渐消场的出现说明,不能简单的认为全反射介质2中完全不存在波场,实际上在界面附近波长量级的厚度内自然有场,入射波的能量不是在严格的界面上全部反射,而是穿透到介质2内一定的深度。,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,复习,TE,TM,B:n1n2&c i900.c=arcsin(n2/n1),C:TE wave:,D:Wave in medium 1:TE wave,E:Wave in medium 2:TE wave,A:,2023/9/22,Optical fiber co
23、mmunications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Total Internal Reflection,The transmission angle must be/2,No transmission,but instead Total Internal Reflection(TIR)if:nisini=ntsintnt=sinTIRnt/ni,=No transmission,Note the Goos-Hanchen shift,The G-H shift is important
24、in many optical components,including waveguides and fibers,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,2023/9/22,Optical fiber communications,第二章 光导纤维的传输原理,Ray picture of waveguides,We find the numerical aperture of the fiber or waveguide by requiring that the internal angle,i,must exceed t
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