1、1.2 Computer Generations,1.2.4 Fourth-Generation Computers:1971?Software development during the fourth computer generation started off with little change from the third generation.Operating systems were gradually improved,and new languages were designed.Database software became widely used during th
2、is time.The most important trend,however,resulted from the microcomputer revolution.Packaged software became widely available for microcomputers so that today most software is purchased,not developed from scratch.在计算机的第四代期间,软件的发展开始与第三代有所不同。操作系统在逐渐地改进,而新的语言被发明。期间数据库软件被广泛使用。然而,最重要的趋势起因于微型计算机革命。用于微型计算机
3、的软件包随处可得,因此今天大多数的软件可以购得,而不需从头开始开发。,1.2.5 Generationless ComputersWe may have defined our last generation of computers and begun the era of generationless computers.Even though computer manufacturers talk of“fifth”and“sixth”-generation computers,this talk is more a marketing play than a reflection of
4、 reality.我们可能已经定义了我们最新一代计算机而且开始了计算机的无代时代。即使计算机制造商谈到“第五”和“第六”代计算机,这些说法更多是市场行为,而不是真实的反映。Advocates of the concept of generationless computers say that even though technological innovations are coming in rapid succession,no single innovation is,or will be,significant enough to characterize another gener
5、ation of computers.无代计算机的观念提倡者说,即使科技革新接二连三地迅速出现,没有一种革新是,或将是足够重要,作为另一代计算机的特征。,1.2 Computer Generations,New Words=GigaByte,吉字节flops n.每秒浮点运算次数(floating-point operation per second),1.3 Near-future Supercomputer Directions,Some idea of what might be happening in the near future in supercomputer design c
6、an be gleaned from a press release issued by the US Department of Energy(DoE).It came out of the SUPERCOMPUTING 2002 Conference held last November in Baltimore,MD.The press release announced that the DoE had awarded IBM a$290(USD)million contract to build the two fastest supercomputers in the world
7、with a combined peak speed of 460 TFlops.To get an idea of the speed computing throughput 460 teraflops represents,the press release states that,“These two systems will have more than one-and-a-half times the combined processing power of all 500 machines on the recently announced TOP 500 List of Sup
8、ercomputers.”从美国能源部发行的通告中,可以收集一些有关在不久的将来超级计算机设计中可能发生的事情的概念。它来自在马里兰州巴尔的摩市召开的2002年超级计算会议。该通告称能源部已给IBM拨款2.9亿美元建造世界上最快的两部超级计算机,其最高综合速度为每秒460兆兆次。为了理解每秒460兆兆次速度的含义,通告解释说,“这两个系统将会具有最近发布的500强超级计算机的总处理能力的1.5倍还多。”,1.3 Near-future Supercomputer Directions,The first system,“ASCI Purple,”apparently the DoE likes
9、 colorful names will be the worlds first supercomputer capable of 100 Tflops.ASCI Purple will have a massive cluster of POWER-based IBM eServer systems and IBM storage systems.This supercomputer represents a fifth-generation system under the Advanced Simulation and Computing Initiative(ASCI)Program.
10、It will serve as the primary supercomputer for DoE.第一个系统“ASCI Purple”,显然能源部;生动的名字将会是世界的第一部能够运算每秒100兆兆次的超级计算机。ASCI Purple将具有基于POWER系列的IBM eServer 系统和 IBM 存储系统的宏大组群。这台超级计算机代表模拟和计算行动计划(ASCI)支持的第五代系统。它将作为能源部主要的超级计算机。,1.3 Near-future Supercomputer Directions,1.3 Near-future Supercomputer Directions,Accor
11、ding to the press release,the second system will be a research machine called Blue Gene/L.It will employ advanced IBM semiconductor and system technologies based on new architectures being developed by DoE and IBM.Blue Gene/L is expected to achieve a peak performance of 360 TFlops with 130,000 proce
12、ssors running under the Linux operating system.It will have the capability to process data at a rate of one terabit per second,equivalent to the data transmitted by ten thousand weather satellites.Applications are expected to include the simulation of very complex physical phenomena in areas such as
13、 turbulence,biology and high explosives.根据通告,第二个系统将会是一部被称为Blue Gene/L的研究机器,它将使用基于新结构的先进的IBM半导体和系统技术,该新结构是能源部和IBM共同开发的。Blue Gene/L具有13万台处理器,在Linux操作系统下运行,可望达到每秒360兆兆次的性能。它将具有以每秒1兆兆位的速度处理数据的能力,等同于一万个气象卫星传输的数据。其应用预期包括对非常复杂现象的模拟,如湍流、生物学和高空爆炸。,1.3 Near-future Supercomputer Directions,The ASCI Purple syst
14、em will use IBMs next generation microprocessor,the POWER5,employing a total of 12,544 of them.These 12,544 processors will be spread among 196 individual computers.The total memory bandwidth will be 156,000 GBs,the equivalent of simultaneously playing 31,200 DVD movies.A super-fast data highway wit
15、h a total interconnect bandwidth of 12,500 GB will interconnect the 196 computers.The IBM AIXL operating system will be used to run this configuration.The operating system will contain 50 terabytes of memory,an amount that is 400,000 times the capacity of the average desktop PC.There will also be tw
16、o petabytes of disk storage or holding the content of approximately one billion books.ASCI Purple系统将使用IBM的下一代微处理器POWER5,总数为12,544个。这12,544个处理器将分布在196部单独的计算机之中。总内存带宽将是15.6GB,等同于同时地播放 31,200部DVD电影。一条具有12,500 GB带宽的超快速数据通道将会把196台计算机互相连接。IBM AIXL 操作系统将用于运行一个配置。该操作系统将包50兆兆字节内存,容量是平均桌面个人计算机的40万倍。还将有2千兆兆字节的
17、磁盘存储,或可容纳大约十亿本书的内容。,1.3 Near-future Supercomputer Directions,Finally,since the UNIVAC-1s introduction,raw computer speed has increased by about 11 to 12 orders of magnitude in about 50 years,or a factor of 10 every five years.This is a truly remarkable achievement.Its also interesting to contemplate
18、 that,if this growth continues over the next 50 years,then by the 100th anniversary of the UNIVAC-1,computers will be operating at speeds on the order of 1023 Flops!最后,自从UNIVAC-1的发明以来,计算机的原始速度在50年内增加了11至12个数量级,或每五年增加10倍。这是一个真正显著的成就。设想一下也很有趣,如果在未来50年间仍以这样的速度持续增长,到UNIVAC-1诞生的100周年,计算机将会以大约每秒1023次的浮点运算
19、速度运行!,一、复杂长句多科技文章要求叙述准确,推理谨严,因此一句话里包含三四个甚至五六个分句的,并非少见。译成汉语时,必须按照汉语习惯破成适当数目的分句,才能条理清楚,避免洋腔洋调。这种复杂长句居科技英语难点之首,要学会运用语法分析方法来加以解剖,以便以短代长,化难为易。例如:Factories will not buy machines unless they believe that the machine will produce goods that they are able to sell to consumers at a price that will cover all c
20、ost.这是由一个主句和四个从句组成的复杂长句,只有进行必要的语法分析,才能正确理解和翻译。现试译如下:除非相信那些机器造出的产品卖给消费者的价格足够支付所有成本,否则厂家是不会买那些机器的。节译:要不相信那些机器造出的产品售价够本,厂家是不会买的。后一句只用了24个字,比前句40个字节约用字40%,而对原句的基本内容无损。可见,只要吃透原文的结构和内涵,翻译时再在汉语上反复推敲提炼,复杂的英语长句,也是容易驾驭的。,科技英语的特点,科技英语的特点,二、被动语态多英语使用被动语态大大多于汉语,如莎士比亚传世名剧罗密欧与朱丽叶中的一句就两次用了被动语态:Juliet was torn betwe
21、en desire to keep Romeo near her and fear for his life,should his presence be detected.朱丽叶精神上受到折磨,既渴望和罗密欧形影不离,又担心罗密欧万一让人发现,难免有性命之忧。科技英语更是如此,有三分之一以上用被动语态。例如:(a)No work can be done without energy.译文:没有能量决不能做功。(b)All business decisions must now be made in the light of the market.译文:所有企业现在必须根据市场来作出决策。,科
22、技英语的特点,三、非谓语动词多英语每个简单句中,只能用一个谓语动词,如果读到几个动作,就必须选出主要动作当谓语,而将其余动作用非谓语动词形式,才能符合英语语法要求。非谓语动词有三种:动名词、分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)和不定式。例如:要成为一个名符其实的内行,需要学到老。这句中,有“成为”、“需要”和“学”三个表示动作的词,译成英语后为:To be a true professional requires lifelong learning.可以看出,选好“需要”(require)作为谓语,其余两个动作:“成为”用不定式形式 to be,而“学”用动名词形式learning,这样才能符合英语
23、语法要求。,科技英语的特点,四、词性转换多英语单词有不少是多性词,即既是名词,又可用作动词、形容词、介词或副词,字形无殊,功能各异,含义也各不相同,如不仔细观察,必致谬误。例如,light名词:(启发)in(the)light of由于,根据;(光)high light(s)强光,精华;(灯)safety light 安全指示灯形容词:(轻)light industry 轻工业;(明亮)light room 明亮的房间;(淡)light blue 淡蓝色;(薄)light coating 薄涂层动词:(点燃)light up the lamp 点灯副词:(轻快)travel light 轻装旅
24、行(容易)light come,light go 来得容易去得快诸如此类的词性转换,在科技英语中屡见不鲜,几乎每个技术名词都可转换为同义的形容词。词性转换增加了英语的灵活性和表现力,读者必须从上下文判明用词在句中是何种词性,而且含义如何,才能对全句得到正确无误的理解。,Computer English,Chapter 2 Organization of Computers,Key points:useful terms and organization of computersDifficult points:describing the organization of computers,R
25、equirements:,1.Terms of computer hardware,2.Organization of computers and their functions,3.掌握专业词汇的构成规律,特别是常用词缀及复合词的构成,New Words&Expressions:instruction cycle 指令周期decode vt.解码,译解bus n.总线pins n.插脚,管脚uppermost adj.最高的;adv.在最上address bus 地址总线data bus 数据总线via prep.经,通过,经由multibit 多位bidirectional 双向的unid
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