1、,Personal Protective Equipment个体防护技术,Personal Protective Equipment个体防护用品,Last line of defense 最后一道防线Careful selection required 需仔细选择,Source:DuPont Personal Protection reproduced with permission,Class exercise课堂练习,What should be included in a PPE programme?个体防护用品程序应该包括些什么?,PPE Programmes个体防护用品程序,Basi
2、s for selection of PPE 个体防护用品Medical screening if required 如需要的话,进行医学体检Training program 培训程序Limitations 限值Proper fitting 合适的佩戴Cleaning,maintenance&storage 清洁,维护和储藏Evaluation of program 评估程序,We Need to Avoid Situations Like This!不应这样操作,Source:N Tresider-reproduce with permission,Global Harmonisation
3、of PPE?全球个体防护用品要求的统一,Currently not in place or on near horizon目前未出现或制定中Standards from:标准来自于ISO 国际标准化组织National 国家AS/NZS,BS,EN,USA,Japan,Korea etcOften different especially for respiratory通常不同 尤其对呼吸防护,Types of PPE个体防护用品类型,Head protection头部防护Eye&Face protection眼睛和脸部防护Hearing protection听力防护Respiratory
4、protection呼吸防护Hands/Gloves protection手部/手套防护Body/Clothing protection身体/衣服防护Foot protection足部防护Protection against falling防跌倒,Control of Hazardous Substances危害物质的控制,Respiratory Protective Equipment(RPE)呼吸保护装备Chemical Protective Clothing(CPC)化学防护服Gloves 手套Eye&Face 眼睛和脸部,Respiratory Protective Equipment
5、呼吸防护设备,Required when:在下列情况需要:Deficiencies in oxygen缺氧Contaminants in particulate form特别形式的污染物Contaminants in gaseous or vapour form气体或蒸气污染物,RPE-General Use Limitations呼吸防护用品 使用限制,Air purifying do NOT supply oxygen 不要直接供氧Do not use when:下列情况不能使用IDLH(Immediately Dangerous to Life&Health)立即危害生命和健康的情况Co
6、ncentrations unknown未知浓度 19%oxygen19%氧含量Unless wearing SCBA or airline/escape SCBA除非穿戴携气式呼吸器,RPE-General Use Limitations(cont)呼吸防护用品 使用限制(续),Do not abuse or misuse respirator 要仔细使用呼吸防护Do not wear if facial seal cannot be made-beard,facial hair,etc 不要穿戴不能进行面部密封实验的防护用品 胡须,面部头发,等等Do not exceed maximum
7、use concentrations set by regulatory authorities 不要在超过规定的最大浓度情况下使用,Types of Respirators呼吸防护用品类型,Air Purifying 空气净化Air supplied 空气供应,Air Purifying Respirators净化空气的呼吸防护用品,Particulates 颗粒物Dusts,Fumes,Fibres,Mists粉尘,烟,纤维,雾Gases&Vapours 气体和蒸气Combination filters 组合过滤,Air Purifying Respirators(cont)净化空气的呼吸
8、防护用品(续),Non powered 无动力,“Disposable”一次性,Half face piece半面罩,Full face piece全面罩,Source:3M Australia Pty Limited reproduced with permission.,Air Purifying Respirators(cont)净化空气的呼吸防护用品(续),Powered 动力性,PAPR送风过滤式,Source:3M Australia Pty Limited reproduced with permission,Particulate Filters颗粒物过滤,Substance
9、Specific Classes e.g.asbestos,lead&Cr6+in some countries在些国家,有些物质有专门的等级,如石棉,铅和六价铬,Gas&Vapour Filters(cartridges)气体和蒸气过滤器(过滤盒),Examples many other types有很多种类,Source:3M Australia Pty Limited reproduced with permission,Classes of Gas Filters气体过滤的分级,Increasing capacity吸收能力增加Class Auslow(shorter than Cla
10、ss 1)0级 低(比1级低)Class 1low to medium absorption capacity1级 低于中等吸收能力Class 2medium absorption capacity2级 中等吸收能力Class 3 high absorption capacity3级 高等级吸收能力,Different“Amounts&Types of Charcoal”不同数量和类型的活性炭,Source:3M Australia Pty Limited reproduced with permission,“Nuisance level organic”对有机气体无效,Class A1A1
11、级,Class A2B2E2K2P2A2B2E2K2P2级,PAPR A1B1E1P3A1B1E1P3送风滤盒,Combination Particulate&G&V Filter颗粒物、气体和蒸汽组合滤膜,Source:3M Australia Pty Limited reproduced with permission,Substance Specific Filters专用滤膜,Some Countries某些国家Vinyl chloride氯乙烯Benzene苯,Supplied Air Respirators供气式呼吸器,Deliver“breathing quality”air t
12、o the wearer将可呼吸的空气导入防护服Air hose respirator 软管式呼吸器 Airline respirator 输送管式呼吸器SCBA 携气式呼吸器,Source:Drager Safety Pacific Pty Ltd reproduced with permission,Breathing Air Quality可呼吸的空气质量,No objectionable odour 无令人厌恶的气味Not less than 19.5%and not more than 22%by volume of oxygen19.5%-22%浓度之间的氧含量Less than
13、10 ppm carbon monoxide小于10ppm的一氧化碳Less than 800 ppm of carbon dioxide小于800ppm的二氧化碳Less than 1 mg/m3 oil油雾小于1mg/m3,Protection Factor防护因子,“Ratio of outside concentration versus inside conc.”“外部和内部浓度的比率”PF=Ambient Airborne Concentration 周边空气内的浓度 Concentration Inhaled Inside the Respirator呼吸器内可供吸入的气体中 的
14、浓度,Required Minimum Protection Factor所需的最小的防护因子,But whats“acceptable”inside the respirator?呼吸器内部什么浓度才是可接受的Req Min PF(所需的最小防护因子)=Ambient Airborne Concentration(周围空气内的浓度)Acceptable Exp Level or Standard(可接受的等级或标准),Example例子,xyz dust粉尘Concentration 0.5 mg/m3浓度 0.5mg/m3Exposure standard0.1 mg/m3接触标准 0.1
15、 mg/m3Required minimum PF=0.5/0.1=5所需的最小防护因子=5AS/NZS Tables Half face piece respirator(P1,P2 or P3 filter)半面罩呼吸器(P1,P2或P3过滤器),Example(cont)例子(续),If however,然而,Concentration 浓度 1.5 mg/m3Exposure standard 接触标准 0.1 mg/m3Required minimum PF=1.5/0.1=15所需最小的防护因子=15A higher level of protection is now requi
16、red需要更高的防护等级AS/NZS TablesFull face piece or PAPR全面罩或送风过滤式(澳洲/新西兰 标准),Different“Factors”不同的因素,NO Globalization(yet)of Respirator Standards 没有全球的的呼吸防护用品的标准Differences&debates re“National Factors”不同与争论Required Minimum Protection Factor所需的最小防护因子Assigned Protection Factors指定的防护因子Nominal Protection Factor
17、s一般防护因子Workplace Protection Factors工作场所防护因子Differences within types 不同型号Differences between styles 不同风格,RPE Spectrum呼吸防护装备频谱,Source:3M Australia Pty Limited reproduced with permission,Contaminated Related Selection Factors选择防护因子要注意的因素,Is it a particulate,gas or vapour or both?污染物是颗粒物、气体、蒸气或都有?What i
18、s concentration of contaminant(s)?污染物的浓度是多少?Will respirator failure result in IDLH?呼吸器失效的情况下会不会即刻危害生命?Does contaminant have irritant eye properties?污染物会不会刺激眼睛?,Task Related Selection Factors选择防护因子需要做的,The length of time the respirator will be worn 呼吸器要佩戴的时间Whether the respirator will be worn regular
19、ly 是否有规律的佩戴呼吸器The mobility required of the wearer 呼吸器的移动性如何The nature of the workplace,whether confined or restricted,thermal conditions 工作场所的环境,是否密闭或高温,Task Related Selection Factors(cont)选择防护因子需要做的(续),The need for communication and 交流的必要性Other PPE which must be worn 佩戴其他个人防护用品的必要性e.g.-safety helme
20、t,ear muffs,safety glasses 例如 安全帽,护耳器,安全眼镜,Operator Related Selection Factors防护因子与操作者有关的因素,Fitness of the wearer to withstand the extra physiological/psychological strain of working while wearing a respirator 当佩戴呼吸器的时候,需观察因舒适性给佩戴者心理和生理上额外造成的紧张Ability of the person to accept the constriction of weari
21、ng the respirator 佩戴者接受压迫感的忍受程度Ability to obtain seal with facial hair 与头发的贴合程度Whether a person wears glasses which may affect the facial seal of the respirator 佩戴的眼镜是否会影响密合性,Operator Related Selection Factors(cont)防护因子与操作者有关的因素(续),Whether the person has facial features such as scars or acne or othe
22、r aspects that may affect the facial seal of the respirator 佩戴者是否有伤疤、粉刺或其他影响面部密合的面部特征Gender considerations as women often have smaller sized faces and hence may need a smaller sized respirator 女性的面部尺寸更小,所需的呼吸器也更小Ethnic considerations as the shape of facial features varies and must be considered 种族的不
23、同也要考虑,Training培训,Why the respirator is necessary and why the other hierarchy of control measures are not immediately feasible 包括为什么需要呼吸器,为什么其他等级的防护措施不可行How the respirator provides protection 呼吸器能提供怎样的防护Limitations of the respirator,including the service life of filter 呼吸器的使用限制,包括过滤器的寿命,Training(cont
24、)培训,How and why the respirator was selected 为什么和如何选择呼吸器Proper fitting of the respirator 合适的佩戴The importance of wear time 佩戴时间的重要性Maintenance,cleaning and storage requirement 维护,清洗和储存的要求Regular 时间间隔,Respiratory Performance呼吸器的性能,Filter efficiency 过滤器有效性Proper Fit 合适的配戴Proper maintenance 合适的维护Wear Tim
25、e 佩戴时间,Effective protection given by RPE,Effect of Non-wear Time未佩戴时间造成防护效果的影响,Source:3M Australia Pty Limited reproduced with permission,Qualitative Fit Testing适应性定性测试,Isoamyl acetate(banana oil)乙酸异戊酯(香蕉油)Saccharin mist甜味剂Bitrex苦味剂Irritant smoke刺激性烟雾,Quantitative Fit Testing适应性定量测试,Sodium chloride氯
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- 个人 防护 技术 安全 培训
