1、Chapter 8:DISEASES OF CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMDepartment of PathologyTJMC,HUSTWang Guoping,Contents,Section 1 AtherosclerosisSection 2 Coronary AS and CHDSection 3 HypertensionSection 4 Aneurysm Section 5 RheumatismSection 6 Infective endocarditisSection 7 Valvular Vitium of the heartSection 8 Others,动
2、脉粥样硬化 Atherosclerosis,AS冠状动脉AS及冠心病 Coronary AS&CHD高血压病 Hypertension动脉瘤 Aneurysm风湿病 Rheumatism感染性心内膜炎 Infective Endocarditis慢性心瓣膜病 Chronic valvular vitium心肌病 Cardiomyopathy心肌炎 Myocarditis、心包炎 Pericarditis先天性心脏病 Congenital heart disease,ATHEROSCLEROSIS(AS),Arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries th
3、ickening and loss of elasticity of arterial walls three forms:Atherosclerosis Mnckeberg medial calcific sclerosis Arteriolosclerosis,ATHEROSCLEROSIS(AS),Characterized by:Intimal lesions called atheroma,or atheromatous or fibrofatty plaques.,Characterized by:2.They protrude into and obstruct vascular
4、 lumina,weaken the underlying media,and may undergo serious complications.,Characterized by:3.AS affects elastic arteries(aorta,carotid,and iliac arteries)and large and medium-sized muscular arteries(coronary and popliteal arteries),ETIOLOGY&PATHOGENESIS,Risk Factors:hyperlipidemia hypertension ciga
5、rette smoking diabetes mellitus hyperhomocystinemia others:age,sex and genetics,ETIOLOGY&PATHOGENESIS,2.Response to injury hypothesis:,Endothelial Dysfunction in Atherosclerosis.,Russell Ross,N Engl J Med 1999;340(2):,Fatty-Streak Formation in Atherosclerosis.,Formation of an Advanced,Complicated Le
6、sion of Atherosclerosis.,Unstable Fibrous Plaques in Atherosclerosis.,The Role of MCP-1 in Atherosclerosis,MCP-1 released by VSMCs,ECs and macrophages promotes the recruitment of monocytes and macrophages to the subendothelial cell layer.Deposition of lipids within these monocytes and macrophages th
7、en leads to development of atherosclerotic lesions.,EC,MORPHOLOGY(pathologic changes),1.脂纹(fatty streak)2.纤维斑块(fibrous plaque)3.粥样斑块(atheromatous plaque)粥瘤(atheroma)4.复合病变(complicated lesions),一、基本病变,脂纹(模式图),fatty streak,脂纹,fatty streak,SMCs migrate into intima,proliferation、production of EM(collage
8、n,elastic fibers,and proteoglycans),Fibrous CapFC,SMC,LDL,MC,LC,Fibrous plaque,Fibrous capLipids,cell debris,cholesterol crystals,calcification、granulation tissue、LC,FC necrosis,Atheroma,complicated lesions,1.Hemorrhage into a plaque,complicated lesions,2.Rupture,ulceration or erosion of atheroma,co
9、mplicated lesions,3.Thrombosis,complicated lesions,4.Calcification,5.Aneurysm,二、主要动脉的病变,Aorta:Site:posterior wall of aorta ostia of major branchesSeverity:abdominal Athoracic Aascending Aaneurysm:abdominal A,Coronary artery:,Carotid:Internal carotid(at the beginning)Artery in brain:Basilar A,Middle
10、cerebral A Circle of Willis Aneurysm:circle of Willis Atrophy,Softening of brain、hemorrhages,Renal A:Hypertension、infarct、AS contracted kidney,Artery of extremity:intermittent claudication dry gangrene of the legs,Mesenteric A:Infarct,Coronary atherosclerosis&Coronary artery(heart)disease,一、Coronary
11、 atherosclerosis,1.2050 Y,men are more commonly,north as well。2.The frequence:left anterior descending right coronary artery left circumflex coronary artery 3.AS plaque 斑块多位于血管的心肌侧,crescentic,Here is a coronary artery with atherosclerotic plaques.There is hemorrhage into the plaque in the middle of
12、this photograph.This is one of the complications of atherosclerosis.Such hemorrhage could acutely narrow the lumen,二、冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(coronary atherosclerotic heart disease)冠状动脉性心脏病(coronary heart disease,CHD)缺血性心脏病(ischemic heart disease,IHD)冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(coronary atherosclerotic heart disease),coronary
13、 atherosclerotic heart disease,(A)angina pectoris(B)myocardial infarction(C)myocardial fibrosis(D)sudden coronary death,(一)angina pectoris,Coronary A Oxygen demandnarrowing,Myocardial ischemia(transient),The chest pain is described as constricting,squeezing,choking,or knifelike.持续数分钟,可缓解,(二)myocardi
14、al infarction,Coronary A thrombosis Ischemia(permanent),necrosis,Severe and sustained precordial chest pain can not be relieved by rest or nitroglycerin completely.,Subendocardial MI(心内膜下心肌梗死),1.Restricted to the inner one third of the ventricular wall,2.Necrosis:multifocal and small,3.diffuse steno
15、sing coronary atherosclerosis and reduction of coronary flow but neither plaque disruption nor superimposed thrombosis.,4.狭窄 诱因,加重了冠状A供血不足,造成各冠状A支最末梢区域(心内膜下心肌)缺氧,侧枝循环不能建立,导致广泛的多灶 性的心内膜下MI,透壁性心肌梗死 transmural MI,involves the full or nearly full thickness of the ventricular walllocates in the distribut
16、ion of a single coronary arteryusually associated with total thrombotic occlusion induced by acute plaque changetransmural and large,Pathologic changes with MI:,1.6h 内 no changes on gross examination,micro few wavy fiber at margin of MI,3.第4天 contraction bands,2.6h 后 gross exam color micro coagulati
17、on necrosis,4.第7天 granulation tissue;5.第2-8 weeks,organization and dense scar tissue,Laboratory:,GOT、GPT、CPK、LDH,Important Complications:,Papillary muscle dysfunctionVentricular aneurysmMural thrombi:potential sources for systemic emboliRupture of infarctAcute pericarditis,Rupture of a necrotic papi
18、llary muscle,resulting in the acute onset of severe mitral regurgitation,Mural thrombus,(三)心肌纤维化 myocardial fibrosis,long-term or repetitive and aggravated ischemic myocardial injury caused by moderate to severe stenosing coronary AS,心肌纤维持续性、加重性缺血缺氧,Necrosis and proliferation镜下:extensive and multifo
19、cal myocardial fibrosis,atrophy and hypertrophy,(四)冠状动脉性猝死 sudden coronary death,(1)Definition unexpected death from cardiac causes early after or without the onset of symptoms.(2)Cause marked stenosing coronary AS with acute plaque disruption(3)Mechanism lethal arrhythmia,HYPERTENSION,是以体循环动脉血压持续高于
20、正常水平为主要表现的疾病,原发性高血压 primary hypertension高血压病:细小动脉硬化的基本病变的 全身性疾病继发性高血压secondary hypertension,Etiology and Mechanisms,Etiology genetic predisposition others:environmental factors,2.Machanisms blood volume:total peripheral resistance:,Pathologic changes of benign hypertension(90%-95%of cases),Functiona
21、l disturbance,Vasculature injury,Organ injury,(1)Functional disturbance intermittent spasm of systemic arterioles accompanied with disturbance of high-grade neural function;fluctuation of blood pressure,(2)Vasculature injury Arteriolosclerosis Arterioles are the smallest branches of the arteries wit
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- 08 心血管 系统疾病
