1、,Onomatopoeia,The ice was here;The ice was there.The ice was all around;It cracked and growled,and roared and howled,like noises in a swound!“这里是冰,那里是冰,到处是冰墙重重;崩裂、咆哮、吼鸣、嚎啸,真个是震耳欲聋。”作者在这里连用了四个拟声词(crack,growl,roar,howl)来模拟海上冰裂的嘎嘎声,把环境和气氛渲染得极其逼真,把读者带到了一个如闻其声、如观其色、如见其形的境地,波涛汹涌的壮观景象仿佛栩栩如生地展现在读者眼前。,Rent a
2、 toot or buy a tweet,boom,zing,twang,tinkle,hum or plink.这是一则乐器广告,作者没有用乐器的名称,而是用了一连串的模拟各种不同乐器声响的拟声词,意寓于声音之中,语言鲜活俏皮。,The crowd began to hiss and boo him for his unsportsman-like conduct,but he sat unmoved.作者仅用二个拟声词hiss(嘘嘘),boo(呸呸),言简意赅,生动地描绘了当时观众向拳击手利威尔喝倒彩的情景。,“What be ye looking at?”asked a man who
3、had not observed the incident.“Ho-ho-ho!”laughed dark Car.“Hee-hee-hee!”laughed the tripping bride,as she steadied herself on the arm of her fond husband.“Heu-heu-heu!”laughed dark Cars mother,stroking her moustache as she explained laconically:“Out of the frying-pan into the fire!”,这是哈代长篇小说德伯维尔家的苔丝
4、中一处描写三个女人在一起嘲苔丝的情景。第一个是中年妇女,她的笑声是Ho-ho-ho;第二个女人酒后醉醺醺,她的笑声是Hee-hee-hee;第三个是老太婆,牙齿漏缝,她的笑声是Heu-heu-heu。哈代通过运用拟声辞格,细致入微地刻画了人物的不同年龄、身份和性格,颇为传神。,一词多义,(1)The dark spaces between the walls rumble with strange and appalling noises.两墙之间黑洞洞的地方有些轰隆隆和奇怪、吓人的响声。(2)His stomach rumbled emptily.他肚子空空如也,咕噜咕噜地叫。(3)The
5、mule-drawn freight wagons rumbled through the town.骡子拉的货车车声轱辘轱辘地驶过城镇。,How the pretty ladiestalk-Tittle tattle,tittle tattle!Like their patters when they walk-Pittle pattle,pittle pattle!,漂亮的小姐怎样闲话-叽叽喳喳,叽叽喳喳!恰似她们步履轻捷-劈嘀啪嗒,劈嘀啪嗒!.,Seven young parrots had not gone far,when they saw a tree with a single
6、cherry on it,which the oldest parrot picked instantly.But the other six,being extremely hungry,tried to get it alsoon which all the seven began to fight.And they scuffled,and huffled,and shuffled,and puffled,and muffled,and buffled,and duffled,and fluffled,and guffled,and bruffled,and screamed and s
7、hrieked and squealed and squeaked,and clawed and snapped and bit,and bumped and thumped,and dumped and flumped each other,till they were all torn into little bits.(这伙鸟儿扭成一团,噗哧噗哧,嘴撕脚抓,吱啦吱啦!你死我活,唏哩哗啦!)And at last there was nothing left to record this painful accident,except the cherry and seven small green feathers.And that w as the vicious and voluble end of the seven young parrots.,这是描摹鹦鹉打架的一首谐趣诗。文中作者连用十个uffle 结尾的拟声词(多数为自创拟声词),将饥肠辘辘的鹦鹉们拼抢时扑腾翅膀的声音刻画得生动形象。紧接着scream、shriek、squeal 和squeak 四个拟声词着力描摹鹦鹉混战时声嘶力竭的尖叫,而几个以ump 结尾的拟声词(bump,thump,dump,flump)则展现出争斗中鹦鹉互相撞击的声音,栩栩如生。,O(_)O Thank You!,