1、Instructions on Thesis Writing for Bachelor Degree,本科生论文写作规范,1.题目的命名2.目录的格式3.摘要的格式4.正文的格式5.参考文献的格式6.邮件联系导师的格式,应根据自己的所学专业来确定避免选择过偏、过窄、过于生僻选题范围:英美文学评论、中西文学文化比较、英语教学法、英语语言学及应用语言学、英语国家文化、跨文化交际、翻译理论与实践,1.题目的命名,论文题目应具体、明确、突出论文重点,避免大而空泛的题目,避免使用整句或者问句。,Topic as thought provoking:your topic should make the a
2、udience think and should be what they can not readily answer.Topic as interesting:you do not need to provide information that audience already knows.Think of a meaningful topic.,Topic as focused,“Love in Romeo and Juliet”broad;“Juliets mature love versus Romeos Adolescent love”would be better.“Julie
3、t as Character”too broad;“Juliets change from Child to Young Woman”better.“Male characters in Hemingways works”broad;“male characters in Hemingways novels”better;“male characters in Hemingways A Farewell to Arms”even better.“On Emily Dickinsons Poems”-broad;“on Emily Dickinsons Death Poems”better.,如
4、何确定最终选题?,1)选题应该有意义,有新意,观点正确、明确;2)选题应在个人能力可及范围之内;3)确定选题之前,对该选题所涉及的资料有充分的了解;4)通过对该选题论证和分析,能得出较客观公正的结论。,选题实例分析,如果选题过于宽泛,很难写出有深度的论文,因此需要将选题逐步缩小,然后确定出最终选题。General:The Iceberg Theory of HemingwayRestricted:The Iceberg Theory in Hemingways Short StoriesMore restricted:The Iceberg Theory in Hemingways The O
5、ld Man and The Sea,选题实例分析,1:On Problems in Cross-culture Communication and Learning Strategies.分析:该选题的可取之处在于:(1)切入点较具体:跨文化交际过程中可能出现的各类问题;(2)属分析性文章,从而确定文章主体结构:发现问题,讨论问题,提出可能的解决策略方案。,2.The Art of Contrast in Shellys Poem“Ode to the West Wind”分析:该选题的可取之处在于:英文作品分析,与英语语言专业联系紧密,能较好地展示作者的英语水平;(2)从一个角度(art
6、of contrast)分析作品,避免面面俱到,这样可以作较深入的探讨。,3.The Nature of Humor Embodied in Sense and Sensibility分析:该选题的可取之处在于:英文作品分析,与英语语言专业联系紧密,能较好地展示作者的英语水平;(2)从一个角度(the nature of humor)分析作品,避免面面俱到,这样可以作较深入的分析探讨。,4.Culture Comparison of Animal Words between Chinese Idioms and English Idioms分析:该选题的可取之处在于:(1)语言文化的比较研究,
7、在写作的同时可以学习和总结语言知识,充分体现论文写作是英语学习过程中的一环的教学思想;(2)选题具体,成语(习语)中动物词汇的文化内容;(3)比较研究有较成熟的行文思路(或说研究方法),文章结构好把握。,5.Language Must be Taught in Culture分析:该选题存在的问题是:(1)选题过于宽泛;(2)可修改为The Importance of Culture Teaching to English Learners,6.Parallelism and Contrast of Shakespeares Dramatic Language对本科生来说,过于大的题目无法把握
8、,应该具体到文本。如:Parallelism and Contrast of Shakespeares Dramatic Language In Romeo and Juliet,以往较好的论文题目范例(文学方向),“The Survival of the Fittest”embodied in The Call of the Wild 适者生存原则在野性的呼唤中的体现Analysis On Herzogs Salvation from Modern Spiritual Crisis in Saul Bellows Herzog 分析赫索格如何走出现代人精神危机,The Employment
9、of Images in The Open Boat 浅析海上扁舟意象的运用Analysis of Hemingways Iceberg Theory in Hills Like White Elephants 从白象似的群山解读海明威的冰山理论Martin Eden:A Victim of the American Dream 马丁伊登:美国梦的牺牲者,注:英文中的作品名称用斜体,不能用书名号,题目中的单词首字母大写,On the Way to Liberty:Analysis of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 在追求自由的道路上-读哈克贝利芬历险记
10、有感 The Feminist Reading of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne 解读纳撒尼尔霍桑作品红字的女权主义,The Realistic Features of Animal Farm 动物农场的现实主义特征Anti-Christianity Theme in Wallace Stevens Sunday Morning 解读华莱士史蒂文斯星期天的早晨的反基督主题,好的论文的三个要素,It persuades an audience of the validity of its ideas.It uses evidence(fac
11、ts,reasoning and when necessary,testimony)to explain and support its ideas.It has a thesis,an overall claim supported by specific sub-claims.,文献资料,Primary sources:are the works of literatures themselves.If your essay is about Hamlet,then Hamlet is your primary source.If your are writing about all of
12、 Shakespeares sonnets,then all of his sonnets are your primary sources.Primary sources are crucial for essays about literature.Your most important facts,the ones that support your claims,will come from primary sources.,Secondary sources,if you want to include facts from outside the work or commentar
13、y from people outside the work,you need to use secondary sources.Facts from second sources include such things as information about the authors life,the period in which the author lived,the authors philosophy,literary history,other authors,the original audience,the works influence and similarities t
14、o other works.,Secondary sources are valuable for what they teach us about the work.They give information that helps us form our own opinions.E.g.when we study Hawthorns fiction,our perception of his themes sharpens when we learn that he was ashamed of his Puritan ancestors.When we learn that Jane A
15、usten used an actual calendar to plot the events of Pride and Prejudice,we appreciate the care with which she crafted her fiction.,Reliable secondary sources,accurate histories,biographies,autobiographies,memoirs and interviews.When you include facts from secondary sources,cite them and indicate you
16、r sources for them.,How to organize your essay,The organization of any essay depends in part on the line of reasoning you develop,and this will vary from topic to topic.But the general structure of an argumentative essay is fairly standard and almost always contains the following units:,The title,It
17、 should tell enough the topic of the essay to capture the interest of readers and let them know the focus of the essay.It helps to include the authors name and the title of the work you are discussing.E.g.The Rain image in Hemingways A Farewell to Arms.”,Introduction,It should state the topic of the
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