1、Unit Four,Translation Unit and Discourse Analysis翻译单位与语篇分析,Definition of translation unit:,Many translation theorists defined the unit of translation in their own ways.For instance,Vinay and Darbelnet define the unit of translation as“the smallest segment of an utterance whose cohesion of signs is s
2、uch that they must not be separately translated”.In other words,the translation unit is the minimal stretch of language that has to be translated together,as one unit.According to Peter Newmark,the argument about the length of the UT,which has been put succinctly by W.Haas,“as short as is possible,a
3、s long as is necessary”,is a concrete reflection of the age-old conflict between free and literal translation,the freer the translation,the longer the UT;the more literal the translation,the shorter the UT,the closer to the word,or,in poetry,even to the morpheme.Free translation has always favored t
4、he sentence;literal translation the word.Now,since the rise of text linguistics,free translation has moved from the sentence to the whole text.,Taking the sentence as UT,1)Prose of its very nature is longer than verse,and the virtues peculiar to it manifest themselves gradually.散文就其本质而言,比韵文篇幅长,因而其特有
5、的品质是逐渐表现出来的。2)If the cardinal virtue of poetry is love,the cardinal virtue of prose is justice;and,whereas love makes you act and speak on the spur of the moment,justice needs inquiry,patience,and a control even of the noblest passions.如果说诗歌的首要品质是爱,散文的首要品质是公正;爱使你因一时冲动而采取行动,表达自己,但要做到公正则需要调查,需要耐心,需要控制
6、激情,即使这种激情是最崇高的。,3)By justice here I do not mean justice only to particular people or ideas,but a habit of justice in all the processes of thought,a style tranquillized and a form moulded by that habit.说起公正,我不是指针对具特殊人们或具体想法的公正,而是指在思想的全过程中的一种公正的习惯,一种由此习惯所形成的沉静的文风和由此习惯所造就的形式。4)Of the fruits of the year
7、 I give my vote to the orange.一年四季的水果中,我最推崇柑橘。5)Nature contains the elements,in color and form,of all pictures,as the keyboard contains the notes of all music.就色彩和形状而论,大自然包含所有图画的成分,就像琴键包含所有音乐的音符一样。,翻译英语主从复合句必须注意以下要点:分出句子层次;分别译出中文,根据汉语行文的时空关系和逻辑关系进行译文重组。1)I retired last year from my post at a univers
8、ity 1 in Tokyo,where I taught English literature and language.2我曾在东京某大学教英语语言文学,2去年刚辞职。1,2)He found the thought infinitely more enjoyable to focus on than the niggling fear 1that had been troubling him 2since his conversation with Fisher.(chronologically)3 那次与费希尔谈话以后,3 总有些琐琐碎碎的事儿一直困扰着他,使他有种莫名的担忧。2如今集
9、中精力做这种想法,比起那种杞人忧天来无疑要让人开心多了。(chronologically)1,3)A World Bank report released at the time of the conference,which ended on 10 November,insists that Vietnams overall growth will depend more on its own policies than on the volume of external financing.(1)A World Bank report insists(一份世界银行的报告坚持认为)(2)(A
10、 World Bank report was)released at the time of the conference(一份世界银行的报告是在这次会议上被披露出来的)(3)which ended on 10 November(这次会议在11月10日结束)(4)that Vietnams overall growth will depend more on its own policies than on the volume of external financing.(越南经济的全面增长将更主要地取决于其本国的政策,而不是外来资金的数额)(3)(2)(1)(4)译文:在11月10日结束的
11、巴黎会议上,披露了世界银行的一份报告。报告反复强调越南经济的全面增长将更主要地取决于其本国的政策,而不是外来资金的数额。,4)The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulbs,even to run an electric motor,is almost unbelievable.(1)The idea of is almost unbelievable.(这种想法简直令人难以置信)(2)a fish being able to generate electricit
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- 英汉翻译 翻译 单位 分析
