1、第二章 翻译的过程 Processes of Translation,第二章 翻译的过程2.1 正确理解 2.1.1 正确理解句子 2.1.2 正确理解段落与篇章2.2 流畅表达 2.2.1 关键词的表达 2.2.2 短语的表达 2.2.3 句子的表达 2.2.4 整体表达 2.3 认真审校第二章综合练习及参考译文,第二章重点,课堂互动1,课堂互动2,课堂互动3,课堂互动4,课堂互动5,课堂互动6,综合练习1,综合练习2,-end,3,翻译是在正确理解原文的基础上,用译入语文字创造性地再现原文思想内容的语言过程。第一步是理解,第二步是表达。,第二章翻译的过程Processes of Trans
2、lation,4,优美的译文必须经过下列翻译过程:,理解分析总体了解,表达转换重现原文,审校润色点睛出神,翻译的过程,小点结束,5,2.1 正确理解(Comprehension Reading),6,理解,篇章段落词句,词义的选择固定搭配、成语、短语、惯用词组歧义矛盾修辞 逻辑关系 夸张 重复 平行结构,理解的诸多方面如图所示:,7,2.1.1 正确理解句子,句子是表达一个完整思想的、具有一定语法特征的最基本的语言单位。翻译是不能只看半句话或开头几个词就动笔去译,要读完整个一句话,搞清句子结构,分析句子成分,句子传达的是什么意思,肯定什么,否定什么,提出什么问题,表达什么愿望或情感,是否隐含什
3、么,是否话中有话;还要看语言环境,根据一定的背景知识等。,8,例1:Having discovered an unknown island,they wintered upon it.(:Russians Eastward Expansion)【译文】他们发现了一个无名小岛后,便住了下来,在那里过冬。,9,例2:Eager to trust but determined to verify,many single women in an age of risky romance are hiring private detectives to check the background of t
4、heir suitors.(中国翻译,N0.5,1997)【译文】这个年月,就连谈情说爱都有暗礁。许多单身女子对向自己求婚者既急切地想以身相许,却又很想知道对方是否靠得住,于是就纷纷雇用私人侦探去查清对方的身世经历。,小节结束,10,2.1.2 正确理解段落与篇章,翻译首先要通读整个段落或全篇文章,先有个整体了解,知道说的是什么,要解决什么问题,关键在哪里,是什么结构,做到胸中有数。,11,例1:On Friday,October 19 of this year,when the afternoon sun was misty in an autumn sky,a part of Edgar
5、Snow returned forever to the campus of Beijing University;as a young man,he had taught in the department of journalism on these same grounds,at what was then called Yenching.(Louis W.Snow:Edgar Snows Return)【译文】今年10月19日,正好也是星期五。那是个秋日的下午,日色朦胧,埃德加 斯诺骨灰的一部分回到了北京大学校园并永远地安放在这里;他年轻时曾在这里的新闻系任教,当时北京大学还叫“燕京大
6、学”。,12,例2:It is hardly possible here to summarize his ideas.Suffice it to point out that they constitute a dependable response to the demands of a crisis which steadily increases the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness of the individual by asserting his primacy and supremacy and open up a pers
7、pective of restoring sanity and decency in public life.(M.N.Roy:Memoirs)【译文】此时此地,我们不可能概述他的思想。只要说明这一点就够了:人们由于主张个人第一、个人至上,这就日益增加了求助无门和失去希望的情绪,于是产生了危机,而他的思想就是对这种危机的出现所作出的可靠反应;同时,他的思想也在人们的生活中开创了恢复理性与公正的前景。,小节结束,13,1.Nor is the importance of trade likely to diminish for either China or the United States.
8、【译文】无论是中国还是美国,都不会缩小贸易的重要性。,课堂互动1:翻译句子(参考译文),14,2.My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring.【译文】几乎是毫无意识地,我用手指抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶子和新开的花朵迎来了南方美好的春天。,课堂互动1:翻译句子(参考译文),15,3.They say a person needs just three t
9、hings to be truly happy in this world.Someone to love,something to do and something to hope for.【译文】话说,人生幸福只需三条:有所爱,有所为,有所盼。,课堂互动1:翻译句子(参考译文),16,4.He smiled at that,with a rueful curve of his lips,but his eyes were alight with an emotion she was afraid to identify.【译文】听了这话,她笑了,双唇合成一条曲线,露出一副悔恨的样子。但两眼
10、仍熠熠发光,脉脉含情。这种感情她不敢认同。,课堂互动1:翻译句子(参考译文),17,课堂互动1:翻译句子(参考译文),5Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank,and of having nothing to do:once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading,but it had no pictures or conversations in it,“and what is the use of a
11、 book,”thought Alice,“without pictures or conversation?”【译文】爱丽丝无所事事,跟姐姐一起闲坐岸边,开始感到厌倦了。姐姐正在看书,她瞥了一两眼,但是那书上并没有图画或对话。爱丽丝想,一本书中如果没有图画或是对话,那它又有什么用呢?,小节结束,18,2.2 流畅表达(Fluency in Expressing),表达就是准确地运用各种翻译技巧,以规范的汉语体现原文的内容,从而使所译的东西在内容和形式上成为有机的统一体。,19,例1:He came up to her,his red face,with its bloodshot eyes,
12、thrust forward,and gripped her arms.She cried in fear of him,struggled to be free.(D.H.Lawrence:Sons and Lovers)【译文】他走上前去,眼睛充满血丝,满脸通红地凑到她面前,一把抓住她的胳膊。她吓得叫了起来,挣扎着想脱身。,20,例2:Go back to Mississippi,go back to Alabama,go back to South Carolina,go back to Georgia,go back to Louisiana,go back to the slums
13、and ghettos of our Northern cities,knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.I say to you today,my friends,that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment I still have a dream.It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dr
14、eam.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:“We hold these truths to be self-evident;that all men are created equal.”(Martin Luther King:I Have a Dream),21,【译文】让我们回到密西西比去,回到亚拉巴马去,回到南卡罗来纳去,回到佐治亚去,回到路易斯安娜去,回到我们北方城市中的贫民区和少数民族居住区去。要牢记,这种状况是能够,也必将改变
15、的。我们不要陷入绝望而不可自拔。朋友们,今天我对你们说,在此时此刻,我们虽然遭受种种困难和挫折,我仍然有一个梦想。这个梦想是深深扎根于美国的梦想中的。我梦想有一天,这个国家会站起来,真正实现其信条的真谛:“我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等。”,小节结束,22,翻译过程中要注意的问题:,关键词的表达 短语的表达 句子的表达 整体表达,23,2.2.1 关键词的表达,例1:He is a jovial giant,with a huge appetite for food,drink and women.(Brian Crozier:De Gaulle)【译文】他生性乐观,身材魁梧,贪食
16、贪杯又贪色。,24,例2:I wanted to be a man,and a man I am.【译文】我立志想做个真正的人;我现在终于成了一个真正的人。,25,例3:She was dancing gracefully in the room.【译文】她正在房间里跳舞,动作非常优雅。,小节结束,26,1.He excels others in every expect.【译文】他在各方面都优于他人。2.I get positively angry with the impertinence of it and the everlastingness.【译文】这么鲁莽无礼,没完没了,真让我生
17、气。,课堂互动2:翻译句子(参考译文),27,课堂互动2:翻译句子(参考译文),3China is a very big country with a very big population.【译文】中国幅员辽阔,人口众多。,28,课堂互动2:翻译句子(参考译文),4The key to everything is patience.You get the chicken by hatching the egg not by smashing it.【译文】耐心是一切的关键。小鸡是从蛋里孵出来的,不是把蛋壳敲破取出来的。,29,课堂互动2:翻译句子(参考译文),5Histories make
18、men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to contend.(Francis Bacon:Of Studies)【译文】读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑和修辞使人善辩,能够争论。(王佐良译),小节结束,30,2.2.2 短语的表达,例1:He has paid the debt of nature.【译文】他已经死了。,31,例2:The explorers worked their
19、way up the mountain.【译文】勘探人员十分艰难地慢慢地爬上高山。,32,例3:Dance music began to play,Sarah was the only woman present,and she had her work cut out.(:The Second War)【译文】舞曲响起来了,萨拉是在场的惟一女性,她可真给“忙”坏了。,33,例4:My hand moved by mistake and I spilled my drink on my leg.【译文】我失手把饮料撒到了腿上。,34,例5:So we go about our petty ta
20、sks,hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.(Helen Keller:Three Days to See)【译文】我们就这样终日忙碌于鸡毛蒜皮的琐碎小事,几乎没有意识到我们对待生命的态度是消极冷漠的。,小节结束,35,1A man is in his best shape in the decade before age 25.His muscles are firmest,his resistance to colds and infections is highest,and his body is most efficie
21、nt in utilizing nutrients.【译文】男人在25岁前的10年中身体最棒、肌肉最结实、对感冒和传染病的抵御力最强、身体摄取营养的效率最高。,课堂互动3:翻译句子(参考译文),36,2After singing,she sits on audiences hands.【译文】唱完歌,观众不给她鼓掌。3Every time he comes to New York,he wants to paint the town red.【译文】每次来纽约,他都要痛饮一番。,课堂互动3:翻译句子(参考译文),37,4The game was rained off.【译文】比赛因雨暂停举行。
22、5In the moment of fire,telephone the message to 119.【译文】如有火情,请拨打火警电话119。,课堂互动3:翻译句子(参考译文),小节结束,38,2.2.3 句子的表达,例1:His learning I admire,but his character I despise.【译文】他的学识我佩服,但他的人格我鄙视。,39,例2:The thought of returning filled me with fear.【译文】一想到还要返回,我心里就害怕。,40,例3:Ive been giving the thought some consi
23、deration.【译文】我一直在考虑这个问题。,41,例4:The sun sets regularly on the Union Jack these days,but never on the English language.【译文】现在,英国已不再是那个“日不落”帝国了,但是,英语却在广泛使用着。,42,例5:Environmental degradation and population growth,with consequent increase in demand for water,have contributed to a shortage of good quality
24、 fresh water.【译文】环境退化和人口增长,以及随之而来的对水的需求不断增加,这使得优质淡水的短缺变得更为严重。,小节结束,43,1.Everyone recognizes the importance of speaking English well.In school one of the chief things to learn and to practice may be the reading and writing of English,but in everyday life we convey our thoughts to other people by spea
25、king far more often than by writing.【译文】人人都知道讲一口流利的英语有多重要。在学校,我们学习和练习的主要内容之一是读写英语,殊不知在日常生活中我们与人交流思想时发现说比写的机会要多得多。,课堂互动4:翻译句子(参考译文),44,2Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were.But without it,we go nowhere.【译文】幻想常把我们带入虚无之乡,而缺乏想象又会使我们驻足不前。,课堂互动4:翻译句子(参考译文),45,3There are only three typ
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