1、英汉翻译之分译法,Division in E-C Translation,英语重形,汉语重意,英语造句多用形合法(hypotaxis),汉语造句多用意合法(parataxis),英语主要以词汇为纽带,汉语主要以逻辑为纽带;英语造句主要借助连词、关系代词等形式骨架,汉语造句主要凭借隐含的逻辑将句子的各个部分统一起来。,Leamas guessed she must have been briefed to take that way and that she were followed by another car.利马斯心想,一定有人想她交代过走这条路,后面还有一辆车跟随。,原文包括一个主句和
2、两个从句,主句和从句有连接代词that 沟通,两个宾语从句有并列连词and 联合,第一个宾语从句之前省略了that。,译文用三个逗号将三层意思隔开,主次关系包含其中。,A单词的分译 将原文中的一个单词分离出来单独译为汉语的一个句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个以上的汉语单句。可能进行分译的单词有:(1)形容词,3.He is having an identifiable trouble with his teeth.他正患牙病,这是大家都看得出来的。4.The day dawned misty and overcast.那天天亮时雾气很重,天上布满乌云。,EXE,5.As a shy young
3、 visitor to Einsteins home,I was made to feel at ease when Einstein said,”I have something to show you.”小时候有一次去爱因斯坦家作客,由于我很腼腆,他就对我说:“我有样东西给你看。”于是我便感到不拘束了。,(2)副词6.Frankly,are you interested in going?你说实话,有兴趣吗?,Paradoxically,though they are the providers of food to the remaining mankind and constitute
4、 lifeline for the urban dwellers,yet the interests of inhabitants in many rural areas continue to be consigned to revolting neglect.尽管他们生产粮食养活了世界的另一部分人,维系着城镇居民的生命线,然而,许多农业人口的利益至今仍继续遭受令人厌恶的冷漠忽视。说起来荒谬,但这却是事实。,EXE8.Characterically,Mr.Harold concealed his feelings and watched and learned.哈罗德先生没有表露自己的感情,
5、只是察言观色,心领神会。这是他的性格。7.Not surprisingly,those who were praised improved dramatically.那些受到表扬的人进步显著,这是不足为怪的。,The Counselor for Commercial Affairs of China Embassy and the representative of import and export corporations,economic and technical corporation exercise their functions and power abroad under t
6、he leadership of Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China.在国外,中国使馆商务参赞及进出口公司经济和技术公司的代表在中国对外经济贸易部的领导下行使职权。,(3)动词9.We recognize and share Chinas resolve to resist the attempts of any nation which seeks to establish global or regional hegemony.我们认识到中国决心抵抗任何国家寻求建立全球霸权和地区霸权的企图,我们也有这样的决心
7、。,EXE,The year 2008 began-and ended-with an unusual oil crisis:fears that the price of crude oil would not go up but down.2008年新年伊始,就存在着一种异乎寻常的石油危机:人们担心原油价格要下降,而不是上扬。这一年结束的时候,情况依然如此。,(4)名词10.She left home a child and came back a mother of three children.离家时她还是个孩子,回来时已是三个孩子的妈妈了。,EXE,He had a sound fe
8、eling that idiom was the backbone of a language and he was all for the racy phrase.他认为习语是语言的支柱,因此特别主张用生动活泼的短语。这种看法是很有道理的。,11.As a secret training base for a revolutionary new plane,it was an excellent site,its remoteness effectively masking its activity.作为新型飞机的训练基地,这是一个非常理想的地方;因为它地处边陲,人们不容易了解其中的活动。,
9、B短语分译将原文中的一个短语译为一个句子,使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的汉语句子。可能进行分译的短语有:(1)分词短语,12.He was dressed,sitting by the fire,looking a very sick and miserable boy of nine years.他已穿好衣服,坐在火炉旁。这个9岁的男孩看上去病得很厉害,一副可怜巴巴的模样。,EXE,13.He handed me my draft of the plan completely modified.他把我的计划草案交还了我,内容全改动了。,(2)介词短语14.The fire start
10、ed during the workmens dinner hour.工人们吃饭时,发生了火灾。15.With all his faults,I like him.尽管他有种种缺点,我还是喜欢他。,EXE,The popular reaction to the debt problem particularly in the United States,was try to punish the banks for having lent money to developing countries rather than to neighborhood companies.一般人对债务问题的反
11、应是试图惩罚这些银行,责怪它们把钱借给了发展中国家,而不是本地的公司。在美国,情况尤其如此。,(3)名词短语16.Alice,normally a timid girl,argued heatedly with them about it.阿丽丝平时是个腼腆的姑娘,现在也和他们热烈地辩论起来。,EXE,17.You should consult your advisor,Dr.John H.Olson,Room 125D Science Wing,Phone 715 232-2604,concerning the planning of your program.你应找你的指导教师约翰.H.奥
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