1、词类转译法,从理论上来说,翻译中的词性转换是没有限制的,例如:名词可以转换成动词、形容词、副词等,动词也可以转换成名词、形容词、副词等,而形容词也可以转换成名词、动词等,不一而足。不过,从实践来看,词性转换也有一定的规律,最明显的是英语比较习惯多用名词和介词,而汉语用动词多一些。因此,在英译汉时,词类的转换比较多的表现在名词、介词变动词上。目标:忠实原文,符合汉语表达习惯,但不照搬原文表达方式。适用情况:1、直译不通顺;2、上下文需要,1,The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing.看到我们的喷气式飞
2、机,听见隆隆的机声,我感到特别神往。The remembrance of these will add zest to his life.对于这些事情的回想将会增添他生活的乐趣回想起这些事情,使他的生活增添了乐趣。,2,例句是将重点词汇名词转译成动词,这种情况比比皆是。这主要是英汉两种语言的各自特点所决定的,这也是两种语言的主要差异之一,即“英语存在静态(static)趋势,而汉语则表现出一种动态(dynamic)趋势。”,3,What kind of sailor are you?你晕不晕船?(be a bad sailor 晕船;be a good sailor 不晕船),4,As he
3、is a perfect stranger in the city,I hope you will give him the necessary help.他对这城市完全陌生,所以我希望你能给他必要的帮助。She has beauty still,and,if it is not in its heyday,it is not yet in its autumn.她依然很美,如果不是芳华正茂,也还不到迟暮之年。,5,介词、副词转译成动词Party officials worked long hours on meager food,in cold caves,by dim lamps.党的干部
4、每天长时间工作,吃的是粗茶淡饭,住的是冰冷的窑洞,点的是黯淡的油灯。A force is needed to move an object against inertia.为使物体克服惯性而运动,就需要一个力。Millions of the people in the mountain areas are finally off poverty.千百万山区人民终于摆脱了贫穷。He was away before dawn.他是黎明前出发的。,6,注:英语中表示知觉、欲望等心理状态的形容词,在系动词后作表语用时,往往可转译成动词。如:confident,certain,careful,cauti
5、ous,angry,sure,ignorant,afraid,doubtful,aware,concerned,glad,delighted,sorry,ashamed,thankful,anxious等。,7,课堂练习,1.He who is subject to temptations tends to err.2 Talking with his son,the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wrong doings.3 He had never been a medical student,yet he was give
6、n one of those rare honorary degrees of Doctor of Science.,8,课堂练习参考译文:,1.He who is subject to temptations tends to err.不能抗拒诱惑的人往往要犯错误。2 Talking with his son,the old man was the forgiver of the young mans past wrong doings.老人在同儿子谈话时宽恕了年轻人过去的种种劣迹。3 He had never been a medical student,yet he was given
7、one of those rare honorary degrees of Doctor of Science 他从来没有上过医学院,但他却获得了理学博士这样难得的荣誉学位,9,名词派生的动词转译成名词,英语中很多由名词派生的动词,以及由名词转用的动词,在汉语中往往不易找到相应的动词,这时可将其转译成汉语名词。,10,In Greek mythology,love is personified by the goddess Aphrodite.在希腊神话中,阿佛洛狄特女神是爱的化身。Bright colours and bold strokes characterize his early p
8、aintings.他早期绘画的特点是色彩鲜明,笔法粗犷。They are already planning to staff the management in the event that the joint venture is formed.他们已经在打算合资企业一旦建成后的经理部门的人事安排问题。,11,形容词转译为名词He felt responsible for her death.他觉得她的死他有责任。Lack of trust is very destructive in a relationship.缺乏信任对人际关系的危害很大。They did their best to
9、help the sick and the wounded.他们尽了最大的努力帮助病号和伤员。Robin Hood and his merry men hated the rich and loved and protected the poor.罗宾汉和他的伙伴们痛恨阔人,热爱并保护穷人。英语中有些形容词加上定冠词表示某一类的人,汉译时常译成名词,12,形容词派生的名词往往可以转译成形容词Diligence and intelligence are of considerable importance to your success.勤奋和才智对于获得成功是颇为重要的。Its such a
10、nuisance that Ive got to work on Saturday.我星期六还得上班,真讨厌。,13,英语名词译成汉语动词时,修饰该名词的形容词往往转译成汉语副词Below 4C,water is in continuous expansion instead of continuous contraction.水在4摄氏度以下就不断地膨胀,而不是不断地收缩。Only when we study their properties can we make better use of the materials.只有研究这些材料的特性才能更好地利用它们。,14,英语动词译成汉语名词
11、时,修饰该动词的副词往往转译成形容词Earthquakes are closely related to faulting.地震与地层断裂有密切的关系。It is demonstrated that gases are perfectly elastic.人们已经证实,气体具有理想的弹性。,15,由于英汉两种语言表达方式不同,还有一些英语形容词可译为汉语副词A helicopter is free to go almost anywhere.直升飞机几乎可以自由地飞到任何地方。The same principles of low internal resistance also apply t
12、o milliammeters.低内阻原理也同样适用于毫安表。,16,名词、动词转译成副词I have the honor to inform you that your request is granted.我荣幸地通知您,您的请求已得到批准。Rapid evaporation at the heating-surface tends to make the steam wet.加热面的迅速蒸发,往往使蒸汽的湿度变大。,17,副词转译成名词The device is shown schematically in Figure 5.图5所示为这种装置的简图。Electromagnetic wa
13、ves travel as fast as light.电磁波传播的速度和光一样。,18,Adverbs into nouns 副词转译成名词,It was officially announced that they agreed on a reply to the Soviet Union.官方宣布,他们就给苏联的复信一事取得了一致的意见。,19,The image must be dimensionally correct.图形的尺寸必须正确。The paper said editorially that McMillan has stolen the western leadershi
14、p during Dulles absence.这家报纸的社论说,麦克米兰公司在杜勒斯卧病期间窃走了西方领导权。,20,名词转译成动词,Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.His drawing of children is exceptionally good,21,His drawing of children is exceptionally good.他的小孩画特别好。他画小孩尤其擅长。他画孩子画得特别好。,22,Rockets have found application for the
15、 exploration of the universe.火箭已经发现为宇宙探索的应用。火箭已经用来探索宇宙。,23,Nouns into adjectives名词转译成形容词The pallor of her face indicated clearly how she was feeling at the moment.她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她那时的情绪。,24,副词转译成名词,1)They have not done so well ideologically,however,as organizationally.2)Tact must be used in requesting p
16、ermission;and unless it is given willingly and cordially,the patrol shall not be landed.。3)He is physically weak but mentally sound.,25,副词转译成名词1)They have not done so well ideologically,however,as organizationally.但是,他们的思想工作没有他们的组织工作做得好。2)Tact must be used in requesting permission;and unless it is g
17、iven willingly and cordially,the patrol shall not be landed.征求同意,应注意方式方法,同意如果不是出于自愿真诚,巡逻队就不得登陆。3)He is physically weak but mentally sound.他身体虽弱,但思想健康。,26,Adverbs into verbs副词转译成动词,That day he was up before sunrise.那天他在日出以前就起来了。,27,Wisely,you made no attempt to have these problems discussed by the Ge
18、neral Assembly,believing that they should be dealt with elsewhere.你非常明智,没有试图让大会讨论这些问题,而认为应在其它场合解决。,28,Prepositions into verbs介词转译成动词,Coming!Away she skimmed over the lawn,up the path,up the steps,across the veranda,and into the porch.“来啦!”她蹦着跳着地跑了,越过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,穿过凉台,进了门廊。,29,that we here highly res
19、olve,that this nation under God,shall have a new birth of freedom,and that government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth.所以我们要在这里表示最大的决心.;这个国家在上帝的保佑下,一定要获得自由的新生;民有、民治、民享的政府决不会从地球上消失。,30,An American reader of translated Chinese poems may well be taken back by t
20、he frequency,as well as the sentimentality of the lament for home.美国人阅读英译的中国诗歌,很可能对乡愁的频繁出现以及过于伤感感到吃惊。It was an informative meeting,which benefits me a lot.会上透露了很多信息,让我受益匪浅,31,动词在英汉中的不同特点,32,英语和汉语比较起来,汉语中动词用得比较多,这是一个特点,往往在英语句子中只用一个谓语动词,而在汉语中却可以几个动词或动词性结构连用。He admires the Presidents stated decision to
21、 fight for the job.他对总统声明为保住其职位而决心奋斗表示钦佩。,33,汉语没有词形变化,但可以几个动词连用。因此,英语中不少词类(尤其是名词、介词、形容词和副词)在汉译时往往可以转译成动词。张三打算进城买驴推磨做豆腐挣钱娶媳妇。Zhang San decided to go to the market to buy a donkey,which would then help him make bean curd by turning the mill so that he could earn enough money to get a wife.,34,The thou
22、ght that she would be separated from her husband during his long and dangerous journey saddened Mrs.Brown.Im not a great believer in taking regular physical exercise.在哥伦布来到美洲的时候,此地已经有了印第安人,仅凭这个事实,就足以证明这一点。读一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。,PRACTICE,35,The thought that she would be separated from her husband during
23、his long and dangerous journey saddened Mrs.Brown.布郎太太一想到丈夫要踏上那漫长而危险的旅途而自己又不能同行,(心里)不禁感到难过。,Practice-英译汉,36,在哥伦布来到美洲的时候,此地已经有了印第安人,仅凭这个事实,就足以证明这一点。The presence of the Indians here at the time of Columbus arrival was sufficient proof of it.,37,读一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。An acquaintance of world history is hel
24、pful to the study of current affairs.Im not a great believer in taking regular physical exercise.我对经常锻炼身体的好处有点怀疑。,38,正反、反正表达法,39,英语肯定,汉语否定Affirmative,1)Such a chance was denied(to)me.(v.)我没有得到这样一个机会。2)I have read your article.I expect to meet an older man.(adj.)拜读了你的大作,没想到你这样年轻。,40,He went to an out
25、door phone booth and dialed Chicago,then New York,then San Francisco.Silence.Silence.Silence.(n.)他到一个户外公用电话亭,先给芝加哥、又给纽约、旧金山打了电话。没有回音。没有回音。没有回音。The criminal is still at large.(phrase)罪犯还未捉拿归案。,41,The beauty of the scenery passes all power of description 风景之美,非任何言语所能形容。Thursday is rather awkward for m
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