1、Chapter 11 Population Genetics 第十一章 群体的遗传平衡 11.1 Concept 11.1.1 Gene frequency 11.1.2 Genotype frequency 11.2 Hardy-Weinberg law 哈迪温伯格平衡 11.2.1 Equilibrium in gene frequencies 基因频率的恒定 11.2.2 Equilibrium in genotype frequencies 基因型频率的恒定,11.3 Calculating multi-allele frequencies 复等位基因频率的计算 11.4 Genoty
2、pe frequencies in the self-crossing population 自交群体中基因型频率的变化11.5 Transfer of recessive lethal gene in the random mating population 互交群体中隐性致死基因的传递,Genes in populations:hardy-weinberg equilibrium 群体中的基因:哈迪 温伯格平衡Population genetics 群体遗传学Deme 同类群Frequency 频率Gene pool 基因库 Randomly 随机地Random mating 随机交配Se
3、lection 选择Migration 迁移,11.1 Concept Population genetics is the study of alleles of genes in populations,and the force which maintain or change the frequencies of particular alleles and genotypes in populations.The total genetic stock of the population is its gene pool.Individuals have a selection of
4、 alleles from that gene pool,possibly taken randomly.,群体:随机交配(异交),产生可育后代的动态个体群 dynamic,孟德尔氏群体:基因遗传表现符合孟德尔遗传规律的 群体。,群体遗传组成变化 物种进化。研究群体遗传学 阐明物种进化机制,群体基因库-群体中遗传物质总和,群体遗传学 研究群体中维持或改变特定等位基因及 基因型频率的作用力的学科。,研究基因在群体中的传递情况和基因频率、基因型频率变化的科学。,研究群体遗传结构及其变化规律的遗传学分支学科。,Gene/allele frequencies 基因频率 某群体中某一等位基因数与位点上出
5、现的基因总数之比(该位点上可能出现的所有基因类型的频率之 和等于1,p+q=1),14.1.2 Genotype frequencies 基因型频率 同一基因座上某种基因型个体数与总群体数之比(群体中某基因座上所有基因型频率之和等于1,P+H+Q=1),Eg.100个体 AA 30,Aa 60,aa 10 基因型频率为:AA Aa aa 30%60%10%,设:P H Q(P+H+Q=100%)基因数:A 60 60 0=120 a 0 60 20=80 总基因数=60+60+60+20=200 基因频率:p(A)=120/200 100%=60%q(a)=80/200100%=40%(p+q
6、=100%),即:p(A)=(2P+H)/(2P+H+H+2Q)=(2P+H)/2(P+H+Q)=P+1/2 H q(a)=(H+2Q)/(2P+H+H+2Q)=(2Q+H)/2(P+H+Q)=Q+1/2H 即:p+q=P+1/2H+Q+1/2H=P+H+Q=1,11.2 Hardy-Weinberg law(哈迪温伯格平衡定律)Hardy and Weinberg independently developed this calculation to show that an equilibrium in genotype frequencies will occur after one g
7、eneration of random mating,and those genotype can be calculated from allele frequencies.The equilibrium frequencies will be maintained from generation to generation unless some force changes the allele frequencies,1908年,英国数学家Hardy、德国内科医生Weinberg分别得出该定律,Hardy和Weinberg各自独立提出此平衡式:经过一个世代的随机交配,群体中基因型频率恒定
8、,其频率可由等位基因频率推算。这种衡定代代保持,除非某种因素改变等位基因的频率。,在一个无限大的随机交配的群体中,基因频率和基因型频率在没有迁移、突变、自然选择的条件下,世代相传不发生变化。,大群体 Large population 无限大 无遗传漂变,无迁移 No immigration 不发生迁入迁出,随机交配 Random mating 有性交配(泛交)机会均等且随机,基因频率和基因型频率恒定的五大条件:,无突变 No mutation 无频发和非频发突变,无选择 No selection 无自然选择作用,Populations that satisfy all five assumpt
9、ions above are said to be at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.,11.2.1 Equilibrium in gene frequencies 基因频率的恒定Allele frequencies is found by adding up the number of copies of each allele in a population and expressing it as a frequency.A population of diploid individuals has 2N alleles.Each Aa heterozygote
10、 has one A allele and one a allele,each AA homozygote has two A alleles,each aa has two a alleles.,基因频率的恒定:假设亲本交配产生精、卵配子,各 配子中基因频率p(A)和q(a);配子随机组合形成合子,其基因型:,基因型之比:p2AA:2pqAa:q2aa=p2:2pq:q2=1:2:1,子一代配子基因频率:A=(2p2+2pq)/(2p2+2pq+2pq+2q2)=p2+pq=p(p+q)=p 或=P+1/2H=p2+1/22pq=p(p+q)=p a=(2q2+2pq)/(2p2+2pq+2
11、pq+2q2)=q2+pq=q(p+q)=q 或 Q+1/2H=q2+1/22pq=q(p+q)=q,F1 基因A频率=p;基因a频率=q;且世代相传-基因频率的恒定,e.g.亲本配子中p=0.7,q=0.3,求子代形成配子的基因频率?,lets see the answer,合子基因型:,子代形成配子的基因频率:A=(2p2+2pq)/(2p2+2pq+2pq+2q2)=p2+pq=0.49+0.21=0.70a=(2q2+2pq)/(2p2+2pq+2pq+2q2)=q2+pq=0.09+0.21=0.30,A、a频率仍分别为0.7和0.3群体该基因座上 基因频率总和=0.7+0.3=1
12、基因型频率总和=0.49+20.21+0.09=1,p2(AA)+2pq(Aa)+q2(aa)=p(A)+q(a)2=P+H+Q=1,11.2.2 Equilibrium in genotype frequencies 基因型频率的恒定Equilibrium in genotype frequencies will be reached in zygotes after one round of random mating.The total expected genotype frequencies are predicted by the Hardy-Weinberg equation:p
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