2、过程19921993年间与客户签定协议按照固定价格供应510年的汽油和取暖油,价格高于当时的现货价35美元,总量为1.6亿桶。客户在交易所当月油价高于合同价格时可以终止合同,并得到差价的一半与未交付数量相乘的金额。收购一家炼油厂49股权,并买断其全部生产能力采取1:1保值和堆仓后移保值策略,1/3在NYMEX建仓(原油、汽油、取暖油),2/3在OTC市场建仓油价下跌,不断增加的Margin Call造成资金链断裂,5,油价走势,6,MG的案例几个思考题,是保值还是投机?(到期时间的不对应)1:1的保值量合适吗?堆仓后移的策略正确吗?(流动性、市场看法、客户选择权)保证金足够吗?交易对手可靠吗?
4、测试(Effectiveness Test)。套期有效性是指套期工具的公允价值或现金流变动能够抵销被套期风险引起的被套期项目公允价值或现金流变动的程度。准则规定抵销结果在80-125的范围内。通过有效性测试的套期保值称为有效套期。,9,套期保值分类,按买卖方向分类买入保值/卖出保值采购保值/销售保值按被保值的对象分类公允价值保值(Fair Value Hedge),是指对已确认资产或负债、尚未确认的确定承诺,或该资产或负债、尚未确认的确定承诺中可辨认部分的公允价值变动风险进行的套期。现金流量保值(Cash Flow Hedge),是指对现金流量变动风险进行的套期。该类现金流量变动源于与已确认资
5、产或负债、很可能发生的预期交易有关的某类特定风险,且将影响企业的损益。境外经营净投资套期(Net Investment Hedge),是指对境外经营净投资外汇风险进行的套期。境外经营净投资,是指企业在境外经营净资产中的权益份额。按保值目的分类对冲保值(Offset)/锁价保值(Price Fix),10,保值还是投机?,按照传统标准衡量企业保值行为存在的问题企业的实际情况与理论标准间的冲突合理的保值操作有可能被认定为非保值行为广义的保值企业利用金融工具对某种风险进行全部或部分对冲的行为为企业保值提供相对宽松的环境及操作标准;,11,保值还是不保值?,企业是否保值的动机拥有多样化产品的企业倾向不
9、应经过企业高层决策者批准,19,保值政策示例1,HedgingThe Groups policy is to remain unhedged to the gold price.However,hedges are sometimes undertaken on a project specific basis as follows:to protect cash flows at times of significant expenditure,for specific debt servicing requirements,and to safeguard the viability of
10、 higher cost operations.Gold Fields may from time to time establish currency financial instruments to protect underlying cash flows.Gold Fields has various currency and interest rate financial instruments-those remaining are described in the schedule.It has been decided not to account for these inst
11、ruments under the hedge accounting rules of IFRS 39,except for the debt portion of the interest rate swap which has been hedge accounted,and accordingly the positions have been marked to market.Gold Fields Limited,20,保值政策示例2,NIE Energy Supply 30 April 2009 Hedging Policy Statement 3 Hedging Policy I
12、n deciding whether a hedge should be purchased NIE Energy Supply will need to consider the impact on both the likely price and its variability.If a hedge both lowers the expected price and reduces variability it is likely to be an efficient purchase unless there is an available alternative product t
13、hat does so to a greater extent.Similarly,if a hedge reduces variability without affecting the expected price it is likely to be an efficient purchase unless there is a superior product available.If a hedge raises the expected price but reduces variability,NIE Energy will need to take a view on the
14、relative values of those impacts.In doing so it will be guided by its view of its customers preferences.In assessing the likely price level,NIE Energy will model the cost of SEM purchases,hedge costs and other costs in the circumstances of one or more sets of customer demand and pool price projectio
15、ns.In assessing the variability of the price level,NIE Energy will consider the likely variability in customer demand,including in response to weather variation,and of generation purchase,hedging and other costs,including in response to variations in pool prices,fuel prices,exchange rates and custom
16、er demand.Its calculations will be based on its evaluation of projections of pool prices and on models of demand and of risk,both of which will be transparent to NIAUR.In assessing whether a hedge should be secured for its regulated customer base,NIE Energy Supply will take into consideration an ass
17、essment of the extent to which the price level,economic conditions and competitive activity may potentially affect the level of forecast customer demand.In hedging costs related to tariffs for the 2009-10 year,NIE Energy Supply is conscious of both the current lack of sophistication of products and
18、also the limited volumes of hedges available to do so.It will not be possible to hedge its generation purchases completely even if it were otherwise sensible to do so.Hedges may be obtained in a currency other than Sterling.This would result in a currency exposure between the currency denomination o
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- 保值 策略 风险 管理
