1、2023/9/14,天津理工大学,1,EST,Scientific English Writing,Yuan Yongkang,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,2,Contents,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,3,Introduction to Scientific English,Science writing in our country,according to many experts in English is,in fact,scientific translation from Chinese to English.That is to say,all Chinese s
2、tudents are able to write academic papers in Chinese.The problem is how they can put their papers into English.Quite a few professors and graduate students in our country sent their papers to the well-known technical journals abroad,such as the American IEEE and the British IEE.The reviewers comment
3、 may often be like this:What you described in the paper is O.K.,but your English is poor.Please improve it(Or Please rewrite your paper entirely.),2023/9/14,天津理工大学,4,Introduction to Scientific English,Look at the following examples:半导体是其导电率介于导体导电率和非导体导电率之间的物质。常见的有硅和锗。半导体对光和热很敏感,这两者强烈地影响它的导电率。因此,半导体被
4、广泛地用来制作自动计算传送带上的零件等。,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,5,Introduction to Scientific English,Semiconductors are a substance whose conductivity lies/comes/is between that of conductors and that of non-conductors.Common examples are silicon and germanium.Semiconductors are quite sensitive to heat and light,both of whic
5、h have a great effect on their conductivity.Therefore/Thus/So/As a result,semiconductors are widely used for automatically counting parts on conveying belts for many other purposes,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,6,Lesson Plans for the Course,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,7,Articles,Introduction to articles The classification
6、of articlesThe usage of Articles,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,8,Introduction to Articles,Articles,due to the lack of equivalent in Chinese,is a difficult grammatical point for English learners.In writing,it is easy for us to find the wrong use of articles,especially in Scientific English Writing.Therefore,a det
7、ailed explanation of its usage is given in this chapter.,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,9,Classification of Articles,Generally speaking,articles can be divided into three groups.,definite article“the”indefinite article“a/an”zero article,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,10,The Usage of Articles,1.Common cases where articles are u
8、sed before nouns,2.Common cases where articles are omitted before nouns,3.Specific rules for using articles,4.The special positions of some articles,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,11,1.Common cases where articles are used before nouns,(1)单数可数名词前一般要有冠词,泛指时多用不定冠词.e.g.A transmitter consists commonly of several parts
9、.发射机通常是由几部分构成的。A computer system consists of a computer and some peripherals.计算机系统是由计算机和一些外部设备构成的。注意:到底是用a还是an,这完全取决于不定冠词后紧跟的第一个音素(而不是第一个字母),若是元音,则一定要用an。e.g.这是一个n值的函数。This is an n-valued function.昨晚在天空中出现了一个不明飞行物。A UFO appeared in the sky last night.,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,12,1.Common cases where article
10、s are used before nouns,(2)对于前面已经提到的东西、心目中特指的东西、带有后置修饰语(包括短语或从句)的特指的东西前一般应使用定冠词。如:当电流流过导线时,它会遇到一些阻力。这种阻力就成为电阻。When an electric current flows through a wire,it meets some oppositions.The opposition is referred to as resistance.控制系统的设计在很大程度上取决于复变量理论的应用。The design of control systems depends greatly on
11、the application of complex-variable theory.,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,13,(1)泛指的物质名词及不可数名词前不加冠词;表示一类的复数名词前不加冠词。e.g.电广泛的应用于工农业之中。Electricity is widely used in industry and agriculture.铁是物质。Iron is a metal.空气是物质。Air is matter.机器靠电力运转。Machines are run by electricity.,2.Common cases where articles are omitted bef
12、ore nouns,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,14,(2)论文的标题、书籍名称等的冠词可以省去。如:图像处理的研究(The)Research on Image Processing热力学第一定律(The)First Law of Thermodynamics,2.Common cases where articles are omitted before nouns,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,15,(3)图示说明文字中一般可省略冠词如:图2-1 用旋转适量的垂直分量来产生正弦波Figure 2-1 Generation of sine wave by vertical comp
13、onent of rotating vector.(注意:generation前省略了the;sine wave前省略了a;vertical前省略了the;rotating前省略了a。另外,科技英语中不论图示的说明是否是一个句子,末尾均要加句号。)图2-5 安培表电阻对电路中电流的影响Figure 2-5(the)Effect of(the)ammeter resistance on(the)current in(a)circuit.,2.Common cases where articles are omitted before nouns,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,16,(4)可数
14、名词单数形式泛指时可省略冠词(特别是在between A and B,from A to B,the variation of A with B等表达中,A和B之前可以省略定冠词)。如:欧姆首先发现了电流、电压、电阻之间的关系。Ohm first discovered the relationship between current,voltage,and resistance.晶体管是由发射极、基极和集电极三部分构成的。A transistor consists of three parts:emitter,base and collector.,2.Common cases where a
15、rticles are omitted before nouns,2023/9/14,天津理工大学,17,(5)表示职位的名词或者表示独一无二的人之前一般不用冠词。表示职位马萨诸塞州伍斯特市的伍斯特工学院数学系主任塞缪尔兰金博士说。Said Dr.Samuel Rankin,head of the mathematical sciences department at Worchester Polytechnic Institute in Worchester,Mass.表示独一无二功率的单位是每秒1焦耳,这被称为1瓦特,以纪念蒸汽机的开发者詹姆斯瓦特。The unit of power is
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- 科技 英语 写作 第一 冠词
