1、,Chinese-English Translation&Culture,2.1 文化的定义,Culture is a term that has many different related meanings.(REFERENCES:p.15)In the twentieth century,culture emerged as a concept central to anthropology,encompassing all human phenomena that are not purely results of human genetics.However,“culture”is
2、most commonly used in three basic senses:,Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities,also known as high culture;,An integrated pattern of human knowledge,belief,and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning;The set of shared attitudes,values,goals,and
3、practices that characterizes an institution,organization,or group.,2.1 文化的定义,本教材将文化定义为:文化是人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。(现代汉语字典第一条定义),语言与文化密不可分,文化的差异可以通过语言反映出来。一、自然条件的差异 汉语文化中,“东风”即“春天的风”,英国预示春天气息的却是西风。东风在中国文学作品中频繁出现,如:“东风夜放花千树”、“等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春”等。而东风在英国呢?例如:,2.2 文化、语言与汉英翻译的关系,Biting east winds;a pie
4、rcing east wind;how many winter days have I seen him,standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind!刺骨的东风/冬风;刺骨的东风/冬风;许多冬日我都看见他哆嗦地/冻的发紫地站立在风雪中。可见东风在英国是刺骨的寒风。西风在英国为暖风,代表春天的来临。,再如,英国是一个岛国,渔业和航海业发达,看以下词语:,waste money like water 花钱如流水 fish in the air 水中捞月have other fish to fry 另有要事/另有企图drink like a fish
5、牛饮a cold fish 冷漠的人,All is fish that comes to ones net.凡能到手的都要You cant make a crab walk straight.江山易改,本性难移。She sailed through the hall.她自由自在地走过大厅。,Tip:只有具备相关背景知识,才能更好地理解文化词汇的含义,从而准确进行翻译。,二、习俗的差异 汉英习俗的差异是多方面的。如对狗的态度:狗在汉语文化中是一种卑微的动物,与狗相关得表达一般含有贬义,如:走狗 running dogs 狗腿子 pawn;henchman 狗仗人势 like a dog thre
6、atening people on the strength of its masters power-be a bully under the protection of a powerful person;A dog bites on the strength of his masters position,狗眼看人低 act like a snob 狼心狗肺 be as cruel as a wolf;cruel and unscrupulous;brutal and cold-blooded;completely without conscience 英语文化中人们则欣赏狗的勇敢和忠诚
7、,如“a lucky dog(幸运儿)”、“Love me,love my dog(爱屋及乌)”、“Every dog has his day(凡人皆有得意日)”等。,传统文化差异使一些动物带有鲜明的文化特征:凤凰在汉文化中用来比喻某物罕见、珍贵,象征着祥瑞。在我国的传说中,凤凰是百鸟之王,所以有百鸟朝凤之说,人们相信凤凰的出现预示着天下太平。凤凰不仅给人间带来吉祥,还是人的美德的象征。旧时,凤凰也用来比喻有圣德的人。但在英语中phoenix是古埃及神话传说中的一种“不死鸟”。据说在阿拉拍沙漠上生存五六百年,临死前为自己筑一个里面铺满香料的巢,唱完一支凄凉的挽歌后,用翅膀煽火,将自己烧为灰烬,
8、然后从灰烬中又诞生出一只新的phoenix。西方文化便取phoenix长生不死的神性,视凤凰为“死后再生”的象征。因些,英语中phoenix有“再生”“复活”的意思。,例如:Religion,like a phoenix,has been resurrected from the ashes of the war。(宗教就像传说中的凤凰一样,在战争的灰烬中又复活了)。又如:Out of the ashes of the Suffragette Movement,phoenix like,a new feminist militancy was being born。(在妇女参政之后,犹如传说中
9、的凤凰一样,产生了妇权运动的新的战斗精神),类似的动物还有龙(dragon)。龙(dragon)是中西方文化神话传说中的动物。中文里吉祥尊贵的“龙”与英文中邪恶、凶残的dragon形成了鲜明的对比。在中国古代传说中,龙是一种有鳞有须,能兴云降雨的神异动物。“龙”是中华民族的象征,中华民族是“龙”的传人。在封建时代,龙作为皇帝的象征。不少中国人连名字都带有龙字,如“贺龙、成龙、李小龙”等等。然而在英美文化中,dragon是一种巨大的蜥蜴,长着翅膀,身上有鳞,拖着一条长长的蛇尾,能够从嘴中喷火。“圣经”中撒旦被称为dragon。例如:She is a real dragon,youd better
10、 keep away from her.(她是凶狠的母夜叉,最好离她远点)。中英文化的差异使同一动物词有不同的内涵,给人带来的联想截然不同。人们若想用英语表达汉语中的“龙”这一概念,最好将其译成the Chinese dragon.如“亚洲四小龙”可译成“Four tigers”,而不是“Four dragons”。,但随着文化交流的深入,很多文化元素得到了融合,比如“马”,汉语中马有迅速、力量的意思。如成语“快马加鞭”、“马不停蹄”。西方人爱赌马,有赛马这项比赛,与马相关的短语也有很多:a willing horse 肯干的人to work like a horse 努力工作,在汉语里马也经
11、常比喻为吃苦耐劳的象征。a dark horse 实力难测的竞争者。我国常说的竞赛场中的“黑马“,就是一个外来词,与英语意义有所不同,但都有出其不意的意思。to change horse 调换领导,在这里,马是领头的意思,而中国有“执牛耳”与之相关。,再如颜色方面,著名翻译家David Hawkes不但把红楼梦翻译成The story of the Stone,还将全书的“红”字都译为“green”。In-classroom Discussion:“Red”in Chinese and western cultures.,2.2 中英思维方式对比,2.2.1 中国人注重伦理(Ethics);英
12、美人注重认知(Cognition)“以儒家为代表的先哲对世界的认识主要不是出于对自然奥秘的好奇,而是出于对现实政治和伦理道德的关注”。儒家思想“关心的是人道,而非天道,是人生之理,而非自然之性”。而海洋性地理环境中发展起来的英美文化促使英美人对天文地理的浓厚兴趣,使他们形成了探求自然的奥秘,向自然索取的认知传统。,实例:顺其自然 Let nature take its course in accordance with its natural tendency 听其自然 leave the matter as it is;take the world as it is 听天安命 accept
13、the situation 听天由命 be at the mercy of nature;be left to Gods mercy;let fate have its way;submit the will of Heaven;wait for ones fate,REFERENCES:p.19,2.2.2 中国人重整体(integrity)、重综合性(synthetic)思维;英美人重个体(individuality)、重分析性(analytic)思维 它收敛了它的花纹、图案,隐藏了它的粉墨、彩色,逸出了繁华的花丛、停止了它翱翔的姿态,变成了一张憔悴的,干枯了的,甚至不是枯黄的,而是枯槁的
14、,如同死灰颜色的枯叶。(徐迟-枯叶蝴蝶)When it gathers its wings full of exquisite patterns,it conceals its beautiful colors.When it flutters out from a cluster of blooming flowers and alights somewhere in the middle of its graceful flight,it turns into a dried leaf,not even of a withering yellow,but of a deathly grey
15、.,上联(The first line of a couplet):南通州,北通州,南北通州通南北South Tongzhou,North Tongzhou,North and South Tongzhou lead to the North and the South Note:Tongzhou is a district in southeast Beijing,China.下联(The second line of a couplet):春读书,秋读书,春秋读书读春秋古学者,今学者,古今学者学古今东当铺,西当铺,东西当铺当东西,2.2.3 中国人重直觉(intuition)、重形象思维(
16、figurative thinking);英美人重实证(evidence)、重逻辑思维(logical thinking)中国人的形象思维体现在用具体形象的词语比喻抽象的事物,以物表感、状物言志。如:明枪易躲,暗箭难防 It is easy to dodge a spear thrust in the open,but difficult to guard against an arrow shot from hiding.,再如:脚踩两只船 straddle two boats;have a foot in either camp 脚踏实地 have a down-to-earth mann
17、er 蒙在鼓里 be kept in the dark 胆小如鼠 be chicken-hearted/as timid as a mouse 另外,汉语的量词数量多,文化内涵丰富、生动,也是形象化的体现。如:一面镜子、一朵花、一把椅子、一张桌子、一位客人等。,2.3 汉英语言对比,2.3.1 汉英文字对比2.3.2 汉英语音对比2.3.3 汉英词义对比2.3.4 汉英句法对比2.3.5 汉英篇章对比,2.3.1 汉英文字对比,汉语属汉藏语系(Sino-Tibetan Family),英语属印欧语系(Indo-European Family)古汉字是表意文字(ideograpic script
18、)英语是拼音文字(alphabetic script),Means of Creating Chinese Characters,Chinese characters are logograms used in the writing of Chinese(where they may be called hanzi;“Han character”)and Japanese.Such characters are also used,less frequently,in Korean,and were formerly used in Vietnamese,as well as in a nu
19、mber of other languages.Chinese characters constitute the oldest continuously used system of writing in the world.By nature of widespread use in China and Japan,Chinese characters are among the most widely adopted writing systems in the world.Pictograph/Hieroglyph 象形字Ideograms 指事字Ideogrammic compoun
20、ds 会意字Phono-semantic compounds 形声字,Pictograph/Hieroglyph,Pictographs make up only a small portion of Chinese characters.While characters in this class derive from pictures,they have been standardized,simplified,and stylized to make them easier to write,and their derivation is therefore not always ob
21、vious.,象形字(pictograph/hieroglyph),它是有关自然现象,人或物的原始图形文字,是一种象形符号。涉及到象形字的翻译处理范例:老张进门看见他的儿子在床上睡成一个“大”字。Lao Zhang came in and saw his son lying spread-eagled on the bed.,IdeogramsAlso called simple indicatives or simple ideographs,these characters either modify existing pictographs iconically,or are direc
22、t iconic illustrations.指事字,它是以表达某种意思的抽象符号,或在形象符号中加上指事性符号构成,如:上,下。,Ideogrammic compoundsTranslated literally as logical aggregates or associative compounds,these characters symbolically combine pictograms or ideograms to create a third character.会意字,它是由两个或两个以上的指事性符号构成,其意义为该符号引起的联想意义,如:从,森,祭。,Phono-se
23、mantic compoundsBy far the most numerous characters are the phono-semantic compounds,also called semantic-phonetic compounds or pictophonetic compounds.These characters are composed of two parts:one of a limited set of characters called radicals,which are often graphically simplified and which sugge
24、sts the general meaning of the character,and an existing character pronounced approximately as the new target word.形声字是在象形字、指事字、会意字的基础上形成的,是由两个文或字复合成体。它由表意的形符和表声的音符组成,如:烤、钱、材、消等。,2.3.2 汉英语音对比,汉语是声调语言(tonal language)。声调不仅是汉语的重要语音表达手段,还能帮助辨义。汉语的单音节词只有一个重读音节(stressed syllable),双音节词可能两个音节都重读,也可能只有一个音节重读
25、。英语是语调语言(intonation language)。语调的单位一般是句群或小句,调核一般在语句的末尾。语调既有语法作用,能分开陈述句,疑问句或反意问句,也有独特的表意作用,具有很强的表情功能,不同的语调可以表示不同的态度,口气和思想感情。此外,语调还赋予英语一种旋律美,有的语音学家形象地将语调比做英语的灵魂。References:p25-26,2.3.3 汉英词义对比,词是具备形、音、义,可以独立运用的最小语言单位,也是最小的语法单位。词具有指称意义和蕴涵意义,因而难译。下面几例是“道”在红楼梦第三回的4种译法.“道”在早期言中,是“说”的意思。(宝玉初见黛玉,送她“颦颦”为别名,探春
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