1、第一课 认识彼此、认识这门课,2012-3-17 Sat.,关于我关于请假制度关于精读课关于学位英语考试关于你的北语生活,关于你,你们想知道,我们想知道,关于我,2001-2005,XHU,经贸英语学士2005-2008,BLCU,国际经济硕士2008-今,北京语言大学继续教育学院主楼北侧一层 148办公室Tel.82303130(office)Cel QQ.179465177,用爱生活,能让自己幸福,用爱工作,能让很多人幸福!,关于请假,病假,医院证明;公假,单位证明;私假,写书面申请;一周内 任课教师超过一周 班主任及任课教师来不及时,下次一定补假,取消考试资格,关于精读课,1、学什么?读
2、、语法、句型、表达;2、为什么要学?工作沟通;生活阅读;*学位英语考试*成绩:期中20%,平时30%,期末50%*怎么学?a,核心必考词汇;b,教材(语法、练习、课文精读)c,学位英语考试题,关于你的北语生活,我师、友;对学习的想法,对专业的建议,甚至生活、情感学办老师82303138、82303139主北144http:/,关于你?,名字年龄(如果你不介意)爱好工作你现在最关心的事,我们需要你的帮助,优秀学生、干部、毕业生活动的组织与参与,班长、学习委员,2ND class,WordsUnit 1 language structures,PART.1 WORDS,1、abandon:bndn
3、 vt.放弃,抛弃abandon oneself to+n 沉湎于,陷入 Dont abandon yrself to enjoyment.with abandon 放肆;放纵;尽情;任意 people shouted and jumped with abandon.强调完全、永远地遗弃;forsake/fseik/遗弃某人以前所爱的人或物,强调断绝情感上的依恋desert Vt.dezt 区别:dessert擅离(职守、工作岗位;)(当最危急时)舍弃(某人),(当最需要时)使(某人)失望;逃避责任、职责、舍弃义务等,WORDS,2、ability n.能力,智力,才能偿贷能力ability
4、to repay the loan+不定式:“哪方面”的“能力”3、able a.有能力的,能干的Most children are able to walk before they are able to talk.多数孩子在会说话前就会走路。4、above 介词 prep.1、(表示位置)在正上方,超过 2、(表示比较)优于,胜于;较更为;高出Because of her beauty,she has managed to marry above her.由于貌美,她得以嫁给一个地位比她高的人3、副词 adv.上述 As is stated above,this principle app
5、lies to all cases.如前文所讲,这一原则适合所有案例,WORDS,5、absence n.缺席,离开,不在场 She called in your absence.你不在时她来过电话。n.缺乏,不存在 A major problem is the absence of salt.主要的问题是缺盐。absent:a.缺席的,不在的 Phrase:be absent from He is often absent from class.他经常旷课。6、absolute adj.1.绝对的,完全的;全部的 The doctor will not perform the operati
6、on unless it is absolutely necessary.(真)医生不会轻易动手术,除非必要这么做。,WORDS,7、absorb bsrb(1)吸收(液体、气体等);吸收(热、光、能等);Dry earth absorbs water quickly(2)吸引的注意力,使全神贯注.be absorbed in He was totally absorbed in the film Avatar.We are so often absorbed in conversation that we lose sight of its true purpose and value.(真
7、)(3)支付 The company will absorb all the costs.(4)吞并,兼并,吸收They have disagreement on whether to absorb those small enterprises or not.在是否兼并小企业上,他们存在分歧。,WORDS,8、abuse n.1.滥用,妄用,虐待 Im afraid the position is open to abuse.恐怕这个职位容易使人滥用职权。He criticized the Spanish government for its abuse of power over peop
8、le.(真)2.恶习,不正之风 They decided to reform social abuses.他们决定改革社会陋习。3.恶言,辱骂 He burst into a storm of abuse.他破口大骂。vt.1.滥用 2.虐待,伤害 Stop abusing the child.,WORDS,9、academic kdemikadj.1、学院的、学术性的 They asked for academic freedom.2、纯理论的,不切实际的 That is merely an academic discussion./i/3、学究式的;形式主义的;卖弄学问的,迂腐墨守成规的n
9、.1.大学教师;专业学者 Her husband is a famous academic.2.学者,书生;学究,学究式人物;学术界人士 3.复数(院校的)学术活动,WORDS,10、accelerate/kselreit/(使)加快,(使)增速;增加vi.The car suddenly accelerated.汽车突然加速。vt.Our country should accelerate the economic growth.我国应加快经济增长。,WORDS,11、accent/k,snt/n.1、口音,腔调 He speaks in his broad accent.(in tende
10、r accent.)2、重音,重音符号 This is a secondary accent.这个是次重音。3、强调,重点 The accent of the report is on safety.报告的重点是安全问题。vt.1.重读 2.着重,强调,突出,WORDS,12、accept v.接受,领受 He has accepted our invitation.他已经接受了我们的邀请。承担责任;承兑 The firm accepted personal cheques.这家公司承兑私人支票。理解;领会,懂 How is this sentence to be accepted?这句话作何
11、理解?The teachers have now accepted the idea that the important thing is to make the children happy and interested.(真),WORDS,13、accident n.1.意外遭遇,事故 An awful accident has happened.2.机遇,命运,造化,意外,偶然的事 It was a lucky accident that we saw each other.你我邂逅相遇,幸运之至。by accident 偶然,碰巧He became a photographer mo
12、re by accident than by design.他能成为摄影师与其说是有意为之,不如说是纯属偶然.,WORDS,14、accomplish:kmpli vt.1.完成,实现,做成功 My grandmother has accomplished the age of 97 years of her life.我祖母已达97岁高龄。2.达到(目的);完成(任务、使命、事业等);实现(诺言等)This task is accomplished by great effort.这项任务是经过巨大努力才完成的。3.做到,做成功 She seems to accomplish nothing
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