1、教学模式改革与学生自主学习能力的培养,南京大学 王海啸,对教学中的“个性化”的认识,需求及条件分析学校的个性化专业的个性化教师的个性化学生的个性化,第二语言习得的需求,输入加输出语境丰富语言技能的综合运用多感官互动交际的真实性个性化,现代教育技术的特点,多媒体、可共享的资源真实的语言材料非线性的学习过程互动式的学习方式交际的真实性及时专家指导无时空限制,需求 条件,输入加输出语境丰富语言的综合运用多感官互动交际的真实性个性化,多媒体、可共享的资源真实的语言材料非线性的学习过程互动式的学习方式基于内容的交际及时专家指导无时空限制,以教师和教材为支撑的教学模式,教师,教材,教学活动,学生,语言知识
3、变,也是向以培养学生终身学习能力为导向的终身教育的转变。”,建构主义教育理论,A constructivist perspective views learners as actively engaged in making meaning,and teaching with that approach looks for what students can analyse,investigate,collaborate,share,build and generate based on what they already know,rather than what facts,skills,
4、and processes they can parrot.-Martin Dougiamas,1998,建构式学习理论,Learning as a student centered,active and constructive processLearning is interactiveLearning is multidimensionalLearning is situated in real contexts,语言学习过程的比喻拼图游戏,一个关于中介语的比喻,“新起点大学基础英语”读写教程,“新起点大学基础英语”读写教程教师用书,Divide the class into two g
5、roups.Students from each group volunteer in turn to spell out the following words orally Ask two students to give a summary of Text B,Unit Four orally.Write the following on the blackboard.Ask students to look at the sentence pattern exercise of Unit Four and make new sentences with the following pr
6、ompts.This can be done orally or in written form.,“新起点大学基础英语”读写教程教师用书,Ask students to answer the following questions Ask students to translate the following into English Ask students to express the following sentences in different ways but keep the original meaning Give students some verbs and ask t
7、hem to find nouns in the new word list that can serve as grammatical objects.If time allows,students can be asked to make a sentence with each combination.,“新起点大学基础英语”读写教程教师用书,Give the following descriptions and ask students to find appropriate adjectives,If time allows,students can be asked to make
8、 a sentence with each word.Students work in pairs,making a sentence with each pair of the following words and expressions Vocabulary Practice Translate the following into English Give noun forms of the following verbs or adjectives,“新起点大学基础英语”听说教程,以听为导入,以说为目标听读听写听说说,“新起点大学基础英语”学习方法与阅读,从“中学英语”到“大学英语”
10、,教学模式,人与技术的和谐共处课堂面授与在线学习的无缝衔接第一课堂与第二课堂的无缝衔接教学与学的无缝衔接学习与使用的无缝衔接,教学方法,从单一语言知识技能的灌输过渡到注重多种语言技能的培养从对语言技能的关注逐渐过渡到对交际能力的关注从对语言形式的关注逐渐过渡到对语言内容的关注课堂活动从教师到学生的单向活动逐渐趋向师生、生生乃至生师多向互动从强调教师的作用逐渐过渡到强调学生的作用To be continued.,教学方法,教师的作用从权威趋向多元对母语使用的态度由绝对趋向折中对学生的错误从禁止趋向理解与接受各种教学法趋向融合折中常俊跃(2006),教学方法,教学空间的重新界定教学手段的重新界定,
11、Why Output?,Output enhances fluency.Output promotes(gap)noticing(or consciousness raising),which may trigger new learning.(relating to accuracy)Producing output is one way of testing a hypothesis about comprehensibility or linguistic well-formedness.(relating to accuracy)Output serves a metalinguist
12、ic function.(relating to accuracy),Why Output?,In addition to speaking and writing,certain other competencies can only be acquired in interaction.Can help teachers to check students comprehension,and probably English learning in general.Help with motivation,setting the objective of learning as commu
13、nication,rather than passing examinations.,Why Output?,The need for the production of output may facilitate the translation of input into intake.,关于自主学习能力,自主学习能力不能等同于“自学”自主学习能力培养应成为英语教学内容,学生的变化,对语言学习的认识认识到个性化学习的必要性,明确学习目的培养自主学习的能力培养学习兴趣将语言学习与语言使用相结合,教师的变化,教师对语言能力及现代教育技术的认识使学生明确学习目的培养学生的自主学习的能力培养学生的学习兴趣将语言学习与语言使用相结合教学评估服务于教学,谢谢!,语言能力,组织能力语法能力:词汇、形态、句法、语音文字篇章能力:接应、修辞组织语用能力以言行事能力:概念功能、操纵功能、启发功能、想象功能语言文化能力:方言和语言变体、语域、自然性、文化参照和言语象征,Celce-Murcia et al.的“语言交际能力”,Discoursecompetence,Socioculturalcompetence,Linguisticcompetence,Actionalcompetence,Strategiccompetence,