1、2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,1,第四章 回归分析,多元回归方法:在众多的相关的变量中,根据问题的要求,考察其中一个或几个变量与其余变量的依赖关系。多元回归问题:如果只考察某一个变量(常称为响应变量,因变量,指标)与其余多个变量(自变量或因素)的相互依赖关系。多因变量的多元回归问题(多对多回归),2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,2,例如:若某公司管理人员要预测来年该公司的销售额y时,研究认为影响销售额的因素不只是广告宣传费x1,还有个人可支配收入x2,价格x3,研究与发展费用x4,各种投资x5,销售费用x6.,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,3,多元线性回归回归变量的
2、选择与逐步回归。可化为多元线性回归的问题,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,4,第一节 多元线性回归,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,5,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,6,一、多元线性回归模型的基本假定解释变量x1,x2,xm是确定性变量,不是随机变量,而且解释变量之间互不相关随机误差项具有零均值和同方差 随机误差项在不同样本点之间是相互独立的,不存在序列相关,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,7,随机误差项与解释变量之间不相关 随机误差项服从零均值,同方差的正态分布,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,8,二、建立回归方程设令 即,2023/9/10,应用统
4、023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,22,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,23,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,24,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,25,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,26,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,27,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,28,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,29,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,30,data d411;input x1-x4 y;cards;7 26 6 60 78.51 29 15 52 74.311 56 8 20 104.311 31 8 47 87.67 52
5、 6 33 95.911 55 9 22 109.23 71 17 6 102.71 31 22 44 72.52 54 18 22 93.121 47 4 26 115.91 40 23 34 83.811 66 9 12 113.310 68 8 12 109.4;proc reg data=d411;model y=x1-x4;run;quit;,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,31,data d411;input x1-x4 y;cards;7 26 6 60 78.51 29 15 52 74.311 56 8 20 104.311 31 8 47 87.67 52 6 33
6、 95.911 55 9 22 109.23 71 17 6 102.71 31 22 44 72.52 54 18 22 93.121 47 4 26 115.91 40 23 34 83.811 66 9 12 113.310 68 8 12 109.4;proc reg data=d411;model y=x1-x4/selection=stepwise sle=0.10 sls=0.10;run;quit;,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,32,The SAS System 13:43 Wednesday,March 10,2008 7 The REG Procedure Mo
7、del:MODEL1 Dependent Variable:y Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr F Model 4 2667.89944 666.97486 111.48|t|Intercept 1 62.40537 70.07096 0.89 0.3991 x1 1 1.55110 0.74477 2.08 0.0708 x2 1 0.51017 0.72379 0.70 0.5009 x3 1 0.10191 0.75471 0.14 0.8959 x4 1-0.14406 0.709
8、05-0.20 0.8441,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,33,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,34,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,35,data d411;input x1-x4 y;cards;7 26 6 60 78.51 29 15 52 74.311 56 8 20 104.311 31 8 47 87.67 52 6 33 95.911 55 9 22 109.23 71 17 6 102.71 31 22 44 72.52 54 18 22 93.121 47 4 26 115.91 40 23 34 83.811 66 9 12 113.310 6
9、8 8 12 109.4;proc reg data=d411;model y=x1 x2;run;quit;,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,36,The SAS System 13:43 Wednesday,March 10,2008 11 The REG Procedure Model:MODEL1 Dependent Variable:y Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr F Model 2 2657.85859 1328.92930 229.50|t|Intercept 1
10、 52.57735 2.28617 23.00.0001 x1 1 1.46831 0.12130 12.10.0001 x2 1 0.66225 0.04585 14.44.0001拟合的很好,x1,x2对y的影响显著,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,37,Analysis of Variance Sum of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr F Model 1 1831.89616 1831.89616 22.80 0.0006 Error 11 883.86692 80.35154 Corrected Total 12 2715.
11、76308 Parameter Standard Variable Estimate Error Type II SS F Value Pr F Intercept 117.56793 5.26221 40108 499.16 F Model 2 2641.00096 1320.50048 176.63.0001 Error 10 74.76211 7.47621 Corrected Total 12 2715.76308,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,38,Stepwise Selection:Step 3 Variable x2 Entered:R-Square=0.9823 a
12、nd C(p)=3.0182 Analysis of Variance Sum of MeanSource DF Squares Square F Value Pr FModel 3 2667.79035 889.26345 166.83.000Error 9 47.97273 5.33030Corrected Total 12 2715.76308,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,39,Stepwise Selection:Step 4 Variable x4 Removed:R-Square=0.9787 and C(p)=2.6782 Analysis of Variance S
13、um of Mean Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr F Model 2 2657.85859 1328.92930 229.50 F Intercept 52.57735 2.28617 3062.60416 528.91.0001 x1 1.46831 0.12130 848.43186 146.52.0001 x2 0.66225 0.04585 1207.78227 208.58.0001 Bounds on condition number:1.0551,4.2205,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,40,All variables l
14、eft in the model are significant at the 0.1000 level.No other variable met the 0.1000 significance level for entry into the model.Summary of Stepwise Selection Variable Variable Number Partial Model Step Entered Removed Vars In R-Square R-Square C(p)F Value Pr F 1 x4 1 0.6745 0.6745 138.731 22.80 0.
15、0006 2 x1 2 0.2979 0.9725 5.4959 108.22.0001 3 x2 3 0.0099 0.9823 3.0182 5.03 0.0517 4 x4 2 0.0037 0.9787 2.6782 1.86 0.2054,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,41,三.回归变量的选择与逐步回归(1)enter:强迫进入法(2)stepwise:逐步选择法(3)remove:强迫消除法(4)backward:向后剔除法(5)forward:向前引入法,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,42,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,43,2023/9/10,应用
16、统计方法第四章,44,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,45,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,46,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,47,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,48,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,49,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,50,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,51,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,52,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,53,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,54,data d411;input x1-x4 y;cards;7 26 6 60 78.51 29 15 52 74.3
17、11 56 8 20 104.311 31 8 47 87.67 52 6 33 95.911 55 9 22 109.23 71 17 6 102.71 31 22 44 72.52 54 18 22 93.121 47 4 26 115.91 40 23 34 83.811 66 9 12 113.310 68 8 12 109.4;proc reg data=d411;model y=x1-x4/selection=rsquare b adjrsq cp aic mse sbc;run;quit;,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,55,The REG Procedure Mode
18、l:MODEL1 Dependent Variable:y R-Square Selection Method Number in Adjusted Model R-Square R-Square C(p)AIC MSE SBC 1 0.6745 0.6450 138.7308 58.8516 80.35154 59.98154 1 0.6663 0.6359 142.4864 59.1780 82.39421 60.30789 1 0.5339 0.4916 202.5488 63.5195 115.06243 64.64937 1 0.2859 0.2210 315.1543 69.067
19、4 176.30913 70.19730-2 0.9787 0.9744 2.6782 25.4200 5.79045 27.11484 2 0.9725 0.9670 5.4959 28.7417 7.47621 30.43655 2 0.9353 0.9223 22.3731 39.8526 17.57380 41.54743 2 0.8470 0.8164 62.4377 51.0371 41.54427 52.73199 2 0.6801 0.6161 138.2259 60.6293 86.88801 62.32417 2 0.5482 0.4578 198.0947 65.1167
20、 122.70721 66.81153-3 0.9823 0.9764 3.0182 24.9739 5.33030 27.23368 3 0.9823 0.9764 3.0413 25.0112 5.34562 27.27099 3 0.9813 0.9750 3.4968 25.7276 5.64846 27.98735 3 0.9728 0.9638 7.3375 30.5759 8.20162 32.83568-4 0.9824 0.9736 5.0000 26.9443 5.98295 29.76903,2023/9/10,应用统计方法第四章,56,Number in-Paramet
21、er Estimates-Model R-Square Intercept x1 x2 x3 x4 1 0.6745 117.56793.-0.73816 1 0.6663 57.42368.0.78912.1 0.5339 81.47934 1.86875.1 0.2859 110.20266.-1.25578.-2 0.9787 52.57735 1.46831 0.66225.2 0.9725 103.09738 1.43996.-0.61395 2 0.9353 131.28241.-1.19985-0.72460 2 0.8470 72.07467.0.73133-1.00839.2
22、 0.6801 94.16007.0.31090.-0.45694 2 0.5482 72.34899 2.31247.0.49447.-3 0.9823 71.64831 1.45194 0.41611.-0.23654 3 0.9823 48.19363 1.69589 0.65691 0.25002.3 0.9813 111.68441 1.05185.-0.41004-0.64280 3 0.9728 203.64196.-0.92342-1.44797-1.55704-4 0.9824 62.40537 1.55110 0.51017 0.10191-0.14406,2023/9/1
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