1、同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,1,WELLCOME TOStrategy and Strategic Management,School of Economics and ManagementTongji University,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,2,-Arthur A.Thompson,Jr.A.Strickland(1998),Strategic Management:Concepts and Cases(12th edition),Mechanical Industry and McGraw-Hill-David A.Aaker(1998),Strategic Market
2、 Management(fifth edition),John Wiley&Sons,Inc.-Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes(1998),Exploring Corporate Strategy(third edition,in Chinese),Prentice Hall-Fred R.David(1998),Strategic Management(Six edition,in Chinese),Economics Science Press-Cliff Bowman(1997),STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT,Press of China Pe
3、oples University and Prentice Hall,Reference Books,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,3,Unit 1 Introduction,Objectsare an organizations performance targets the resultsand outcomes it wants to achieve.Strategic objectsRelate to outcomes that strengthen an organizations overall business position and competitive vitality
4、.,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,4,Strategy,Is a continuous,interactive process aimed at keeping an organization as a whole appropriately matched to its environment(Peter,1988)A companys strategy consists of the competitive efforts and business approaches that managers employ to please customers,compete successful
5、ly and achieving organizational objects(Thompson&Strickeland,2003),同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,5,Strategy is concerned with,the long term direction of an organizationThe scope of an organizations activitiesachieving advantage over competitionmatching activities to resources and capabilitiesthe value of power ho
6、ldersmajor resources implicationsinfluence over operation decisions(Johnson&Scholes,2002)And in China-,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,6,Levels of Strategies,Corporate HQ,SBU A,SBU B,SBU C,ManufacturingMarketingAccountingHR.,Corporate strategy,Competitive strategy,Functional strategies,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,7,Content of
7、strategy at different levels,corporate,SBU,Function,Portfolio and resource allocation,How to compete,Product,marketPlans,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,8,Formulating strategy,strategy,Market understanding,Major environment influences,Competitive analysis,Resource and capabilities,insights,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,9,Schools
8、 of Strategy Formation,-Planning School-Designing School-Political School-Culture School-Learning School-Fate School-.,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,10,Classical model of strategic planning,Strategy formulation,External appraisalIndustry attractivenessThreats&opportunitiesKey successful factorsSocial responsibili
9、ties,Internal analysisOrganizationalStrengths&weaknessesCore(distinctive)CompetenciesManagerial valuesPersonal ambitions.Mintzberg,1994),Strategy optionsevaluations,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,11,Strategy perceived and realized,Designed strategy,Realized strategy,Intended strategy,Emergentstrategy,Unrealized st
10、rategy,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,12,Who Performs,CEOVice presidentsMajor org.units,ProductionMarketingHuman resourceOther key department,Diversified companies:CEOBusiness unitsDepartment headsManagers of major operating unitsemployees,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,13,Unit 2 Vision and Mission,What is a strategic vision?Why
11、 have a vision or mission?Mission statement-how to define,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,14,What is a Strategic Vision,Managements views and conclusions about:-organizations future course-the customer focus-the market position it should try to occupy-business activitiesWhat kind of company we are trying to create?
12、,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,15,Why Have a Vision or Mission,A prerequisite of effective strategic leadership-forming a strategic vision is not an exercise to create a catchy sloganthinking strategically about org futureputting the company on a path that management is deeply committed to-Chart a company future,
13、同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,16,Mission Statement,The mission statement sets out the organizations ground rules to its approach to doing business.A good statement usually address the following:a statement of beliefs and valuesthe products or services that the firm will sellthe markets within which the firm will
14、tradehow those markets will be reachedthe technologies that the firm will useattitudes to growth and financing,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,17,Pepsi Cos Mission,“Is to increase the value of our share holders investment.We do this through sales growth,cost control,and wise investment resources.We believe our comm
15、ercial success depends upon offering quality and value to our consumers;providing products that are safe,wholesome,economicallyefficient and environmentaly sound;and providing a fair return to investors while adhering to the highest standards of integrity”.,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,18,Vision of Amersham PK,“
16、To build our position as a leading provider of products and technologies to enable the molecular medicine revolution,in which disease will be betterunderstood,diagnosed sooner and treated moreeffectively”.,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,19,Tongjis Vision,努力建设一所文理交融、医工结合,科技教育与人文教育协调发展的研究型、多功能的一流的现代化大学,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞
17、秀宝,20,Financial Objects vs Strategic Objects,Financial objectsGrowth in revenuesGrowth in earningsHigher dividendsWider profit marginsHigher returnsAttractive EVA performanceStrong bond and credit ratingBigger cash flowsA rising stock priceA more diversified revenue baseStable earning during recessi
18、on,Strategic objectsA big market shareQuicker design-to-market times than rivalsHigher product quality than rivalsLower costs relative to key competitorsBroader pr more attractive product line than rivalsA stronger reputation with customers than rivalsSuperior customer serviceWide geographic coverag
19、e than rivalsRecognition as a leader in technology and/or product innovation,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,21,Establishing Objects,Setting objects:convert the strategic vision and directional course into specific performance target.Objects:represent a managerial commitment to achieving specific performance target
20、s within a specific time frame.Experience:“companies whose managers set objects for each key result typically outperform companies whose managers exhibit good intentions,try hard,and hope for the best”.,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,22,Unit 2 Activity,为你选定的一家企业撰写一个企业愿景或使命。,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,23,Unit 3 Industry and c
21、ompetitive analysis,Managers are not prepared to decided on a long termdirection or a strategy until they have a keen understanding of the companys strategic situation the exact nature of The industry and competitive conditions it faces and how These conditions match up with its resources and capabi
22、lities.Thompson&Strickland(2003),同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,24,Sources of profit,Microeconomic context,Industry conditions,Firm resource capabilities,Industryattractiveness,Company performance,IndustryBased view,ResourceBased view,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,25,A companys Macro-environment,company,suppliers,Buyers,Newentr
23、ants,rivals,substitutes,Technology,The economy,Registration®ulations,Social and lifestyles,Populationdemographics,同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,26,PESTD Analysis,Political-political parties and alignment at local,national®ional trading-block level legislation,regulation,taxation,employment law Relations bet
24、ween government and the organization Government ownership of the industry and attitude to monopolies and to competitionEconomic resent and future Total GDP and GDP per head Inflation,Interest rates,Unemployment Disposable income and consumer expenditure Currency fluctuations&exchange rate Investment
25、(from state,private and foreign firms)Key material unit cost(energy,transport,telecommunication,)(Lynch,2003),同济大学经济与管理学院 俞秀宝,27,PESTD Analysis,Social and culture-shift in value and culture,changes in lifestyle-Attitudes to work and leisure,“green environment”issues Education and health Distribution
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