1、Unit Five Contracts 合同文书,合同(Contract)是指两个或两个以上的自然人或法人关于设定、变更或消灭某种民事权利和义务的协议,是合作各方权利和义务的凭证。面临全球经济一体化的趋势,我国与世界各国的经济合作日益增加,涉外合同的重要性也越来越明显。合同英语属于法律英语的范畴,由于合同与当事人的利益,尤其是经济利益直接相关,因而要求其语言准确,不能引起歧义,准确性是压倒一切的原则。合同是双方当事人意思表示一致的协议,但合同的成立要求合同的主要条款完备。一个完备的涉外合同通常应具备以下的条款:,1合同当事人的名称或者姓名、国籍、主营业所或住所;2合同签订的日期、地点;3合同的
2、类型和合同标的种类、范围;4,合同标的技术条件、质量、标准、规格、数量;5履行的期限、地点和方式;6价格条件、支付金额、支付方式和各种附带的费用;7违反合同的赔偿和其他责任;8.合同发生争议时的解决方法;9合同使用的文字及其效力。,以上所列举的条款是涉外合同一般性的条款,但并非是每一涉外合同必须应具备的条款。由于合同性质不同,不同的合同有不同的主要条款。以下几节将结合买卖合同、租赁合同、聘用合同、加工合同以及办学合同的实例,分别说明其主要条款及常用语言。,Section One Selling&Buying Contracts 买卖合同,买卖合同的结构和主要内容 货物买卖合同是指当事人之间就买
3、卖特定货物所达成的协议。卖方必须交付约定的货物,买方必须受领货物并支付货款。一个国际货物买卖合同,一般可分为约首、本文和约尾三个部分。合同的约首应说明签订合同或协议的双方名称、地址、合同的编号、签订合同的目的及签约的时间和地点。,合同的正文是合同的主体,具体规定了各种交易条款。这一部分也称为合同的权利和义务部分,这一部分是合同内容的核心,通常包括以下几个条款:1商品条款(Commodity Clause):也称标的物条款(Subject Clause),通常包括商品名称、规格(Specification)及数量、质量和包装。对某些商品,还要求说明商品的生产国别及制造厂商。2价格条款:包括商品的
4、单价和总价、货币单位以及价格条件,如CIF New York,FOB上海等。3运输条款:包括装运唛头、装运时间、装运通知、装运港、目的地港以及是否允许分批装运或转运。4保险条款:合同保险条款根据价格条款具体规定由哪方当事人承担运输的保险责任及应投保的险别及投保金额。,5支付条款:包括付款方式及议付时应提供的单据。6商检条款:规定商品检验的标准,以及检验机构、合法的检验证书,有效检验时间、检验费的支付问题等。7.不可抗力条款:说明如果列举的不可抗力发生导致当事人不能按约履行义务时,当事人的免责条件及处置方法。8索赔及争议解决条款:包括索赔的有效时间、所需单证及解决争议的仲裁条款。合同的约尾通常包
5、括合同使用的文字及其效力、附件名称及其效力、署名及签字、封印等项内容。除合同的上述三个部分外,合同的附件如果在合同的有关条款中有明确规定,则是合同不可分割的部分,与合同正文有同等的法律效力。,ContractContract No.:Place:Date:The Buyer:Tel:Fax:The Seller:Tel:Fax:This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-m
6、entioned goods subject to the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as follows:,5.Total Amount:6.Packing(seaworthy):Allowing 5%more or less.7.Time of Shipment:Within 45 days upon receipt of the Buyers Letter of Credit.8.Partial Shipment:9.Transshipment:10.Port of Loading:11.Port of Destination:
7、12.Country of Origin&Manufacture:13.Shipping Marks:14.Terms of Payment:By confirmed&irrevocable L/C for full invoice value to be available by sight draft.,15.Insurance:To be covered by the _ for 110%of the invoice value against_16.The Seller must offer the Buyer the accurate documents from A to F as
8、 follows:A.Clean Shipped on Board Bill of Lading in triplicate;B.Signed Commercial Invoice in quadruplicate;C.Packing List;D.Insurance Policy/Certificate in triplicate for 110%of the invoice value if the price is based on CIF terms;E.Certificate of Origin;F.Other Documents.,17.Quality Guaranty:The S
9、eller guarantees that the quality of goods will be in conformity with the quality of the samples.18.Shipping Advice:The Seller shall telex to the Buyer advising the loading conditions at least 14 days before the fixed loading time.The Buyer or his agent shall advise the Seller of the vessels estimat
10、ed time of arrival at the port of loading.19.Inspection:Inspection of quality,quantity and weight can be carried at the port of loading.20.Force Majeure:The Seller is not responsible for late or non-delivery in the event of force majeure or any contingencies beyond the Sellers control.,21.Claims:In
11、case of quality and quantity discrepancy,the Buyer should claim within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.22.Arbitration:All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution of the contract shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitrat
12、ion Commission,Shanghai Commission for arbitration._ _ The Buyer The Seller,合 同 合同号码:签约地点:签约日期:买方:电话:传真:卖方:电话:传真:本合同由买卖双方缔结,按照下述条款,买方同意购进,卖方同意出售下列货物:,5总值:6包装(适合海洋运输):允许5的溢短装7装运期限:收到买方信用证后45天内装运8分批装运9转船 10装运口岸:11目的地口岸:12生产国别及制造商:13装运唛头:14付款条件:全部发票金额以保兑、不可撤消信用证,凭卖方开出的即期汇票付款。15保险:由 方负责,按本合同总值110投 保险。16
14、与本合同执行有关之争执,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海委员会仲裁。买方 卖方,对于金额不大,批数较多的小土特产品或轻工产品,或者长期贸易往来的交易,通常使用较销售合同简单的销售确认书。它是一种简式合同,其中所包括的条款较上述销售合同要简单,是我国出口合同中使用较多的一种合同形式。x x Company Address:Tel.Fax.Sales ConfirmationMessrs:_Address:_ Date:_,Total Amount:_1.Port of Destination:2.Port of Loading:3.Payment:By confirmed,irrevocab
15、le Letter of Credit for full invoice value,available by draft at 60 days sight.4.Other Conditions:(1)Reasonable tolerance in quality,weight,measurement,designs and colors is allowed,for which no claims will be entertained,(2)The above confirmed goods are reserved only for 30 days from the date of th
16、is confirmation.If buyers fail to take delivery within the reservation period of time,sellers have the rights to cancel these reservations.(3)In case goods are to reserve more than 30 days,buyers must notify sellers beforehand to extend the period of reservation._ _ The Buyer The Seller,XXXX公司地址:电话:
17、传真:销售确认书尊户:_地址:_ 成交日期:_ 总值:_(大写),1目的地港:2装货港:3付款方式:全部发票以保兑、不可撤销信用证,凭卖方开出汇票后60天付款。4其他条歉:(1)质地、重量、尺寸、花型、颜色均允许合理差异。对合理范围内差异提出的索赔概不受理。(2)上列留货在30天内有效,如买方不能于有效期内出货,卖方有权取消该批留货。(3)如留货需超过30天者,买方应事先通知卖方予以延长期限。,Useful Expressions,This contract is made and entered into by and between _(hereinafter referred to as
18、 the“Seller)and _(hereinafter referred to as the“Buyer)本合同由_(以下简称“卖方”)和_(以下简称“买方”)签订。This contract is made out by and between the Buyer and the Seller whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter as
19、follows:本合同由买卖双方缔结,按照下述条款,买方同意购进,卖方 同意出售下列货物:,Payment shall be made by Cash within _ days after receipt of the invoice支付条件是收到发票后_天内以现金支付。Payment shall be made by DA 60 days after sight through Agriculture Bank of China Head OfficeAddress:_ 支付条件是承兑交单60天后通过中国农业银行中国总部付款。地址:_。The Buyer shall open throug
20、h the bank,within_ days before the specified time of shipment,an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller covering the total value of the shipment 在规定的装船期前_天内,买方按货物总值通过银行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤消的信用证。,In CartonsDrums suitable for long-distance transportation 以适应远途运输的纸箱或桶包装。Pack in wooden casesCases
21、must be nailed,battened and secured by overall metal strapping用木箱包装。木箱必须用钉子钉牢,钉上板条,并用整条金属条包扎。Packed in boxes of one dozen each,100 dozens to a carton lined with waterproof paper.一打装一纸盒,100打装入一个衬有防水纸的纸箱中。Time of shipment:On or before_,partial shipment,transshipment allowed/not allowed.装运期限:_年 _月 _日前,
22、允许/不允许分批装运,转运。,The Buyer shall give shipping instructions in time and provide necessary shipping space,otherwise,the Seller shall not be under the obligation to make the shipment within the stipulated time.买方必须及时提供装船通知和必须的舱位,否则,卖方没有义务(责任)按规定的时间装船。Insurance Policy/Certificate in triplicate for 110%of
23、 the invoice value if the price is based on CIF terms.保险单一式三份,在CIF价格条件下,按发票金额的110投保。US$0.94/KG,CIF Huangpu,China.至中国黄浦成本、保险、运费价每公斤094美金。,Claims,if any,concerning the goods shipped should be filed within 30 days after arrival at destination.凡对装运货物质量提出索赔者,必须在货到目的地港后30天内提出。Quality,quantity and weight c
24、ertified by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau are to be taken as final.品质、数量和重量,均以中国商品检验局所出的证明书为最后依据。Inspection:Inspection of quality,quantity and weight can be carried at the port of loading.检验:质量、数量和重量的检验可在装货港一次进行。Force Majeure:Sellers are not responsible for late or non-delivery in the event
25、of force majeure or any contingencies beyond Sellers control.不可抗力:人力不可抗拒的事故造成延期或无法交货者,卖方不负任何责任。,Claims,if any,must be laid within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination;otherwise,none will be considered.如果需要索赔,必须于货到月的地后30天内提出,否则不予考虑。Disputes,if any,in connection with the shipment
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