1、Ultrasonography on Gynecology and Obstetrics,Sangreal-uterus,THE DA,WINCI CODE,Pelvic CavityPosterior:Occupied by rectum,colon,and ileumAnterior:bladder,ureters,ovaries,fallopian tubes,uterus,and vagina,NORMAL ANATOMY,Pre-inspection:,Moderate bladder filling,Uterus,Hollow,pear-shaped organDivided in
2、to fundus,body,and cervixUsually anteflexed and antevertedCovered with peritoneum except anteriorly below the os where peritoneum is reflected onto bladderSupported by levator ani muscles and pelvic fasciaRound ligament keeps uterus in position,Uterine size,Prepubertal:3 cm long by 0.5 to 1.0 cm wid
3、eMenarcheal:8 cm long by 4 cm widePostmenopausal:3.5 to 5.5 cm long by 1 to 2 cm wideNormal size:23(thick)45(width)78 cm(length),Uterine longitudinal diameter,Uterine wide diameter,Uterus before and after the Trail,length 78cm,before and after the Trail 23cm,width 45cm,Uterine Position,Midline antev
4、ersion:most common;degree of anteversion is bladder distention dependentRight or left:normal variant in absence of pelvic massesRetroverted:entire organ displaced posteriorlyRetroflexed:body displaced with respect to cervix,Ultrasonography of normal uterus,Uterine serosa layer:Linear high-echo;clear
5、,smooth;Myometrium:Homogeneous middle-echo;Endometria:The middle line of high echo,around the weak echo.It is well known that the endometrium changes dynamically in response to cyclic hormonal flux.,Uterine serosa layer,Myometrium,Endometria,Normal uterustransabdominal ultrasonography,Transvaginal s
6、agittal view of the uterus.The rounded fundus is shown toward the left of the image with the endometrial stripe rumming through the middle of the uterine cavity.,Myometrium,Endometria,Uterine serosa layer,Fallopian Tube(输卵管),Infundibulum:funnel-shaped lateral tube that projects beyond the broad liga
7、ment to overlie the ovariesAmpulla:sidest part of the tube where fertilization occursIsthmus:hardest part;lies just lateral to the uterusLength:12 cm;supplied by ovarion arteries and veins,Ovary(卵 巢),Almond shapedAttached to back of the broad ligament by mesovarium;sometimes called suspensory ligame
8、nt of the ovaryLies in ovarian fossaFossa is bounded by external iliac vessels,ureter,and obturator nerveReceives blood from ovarian arteryBlood drained by ovarian vein into inferior vena cava on right;on left by ovarian vein into lert renal vein,Sonography of the normal ovary,An ovoid homogeneous e
9、chodensity;follicular cysts are often present.The best sonographic marker for the ovary is identification of a follicular cyst,which has the classic appearance of being thin walled and anechoic with through-transmission posteriorly.,Transabdominal sagittal image shows the left ovary posterior to the
10、 urinary bladder,Transvaginal sagittal image of the ovary,ovarian follicle,Follicular wall flow,Common Diseases of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Gynecology:Leiomyoma;Carcinoma;;Ovarian Tumors;Inflammatory mass;etc.Obstetrics:Natural pregnancy;Abnormal pregnancy;etc.,The uterus Leiomyoma/Hysteromyoma,Cha
11、racteristics of Leiomyomas,Most common pelvic tumorSmooth muscle cell compositionFibrosis occurs after atrophic of degenerative changesDegeneration occurs when fibroids outstrip their blood supply;calcificationMay be pedunculatedClinical:enlarged uterus,profuse and prolonged bleeding,pain,Uterine Lo
12、cations of leiomyomas,Submucosal Erode into endomertial cavity heavy bleeding;infertilityIntramuralMay enlarge to cause pressure on adjacent organs;infertilitySubserosalMay enlarge to cause pressure on adjacent organs,Subserous myoma,Broad ligamentmyoma,Cervical myoma,intramurous myoma,Submucous myo
13、ma,Ultrasonic performance,Two-dimensional:Increased uterine body or Form disorders;Spherical hypoechoic area in the uterine body,Rear echo attenuation;With calcification or Cystic change,etc;Signs of oppression;Color Doppler:Tumor around with the blood flow signal in the shape of ring or semi-circul
14、ar ring;Doppler spectrum:Medium resistance index,RI 0.60.1。,intramurous myoma,Subserous myoma,intramurous myoma,Subserous myoma,Cervical myoma,Abundant tumor blood flow,M,UT,RI 0.61,Submucous myoma with calcification,Teratoma Dermoid Tummors(卵巢良性囊性畸胎瘤/皮样囊肿),Pathology:derives from germ cell,the most
15、common ovarian neoplasm,constituting 20%of ovarian tumors.up to 20%are bilateral.About 80%occur in women of childbearing age.,Size ranges from small to 40 cmUnliateral,round to oval massContains faty,sebaceous material,hair,cartilage,bone,teethClinical:asymptomatic to abdominal pain,enlargement and
16、pressure;pedunculated,subject to torsionSonography:Cystic/complex/solid mass,echogenic components;acoustic shadowing,Special Ultrasound Findings:,1.A cystic mass:with an echogenic mural nodule2.A paste sign:particulate liptinite3.A fluff of hair sign4.A fat-fluid level sign:with fluid level in the c
17、yst,fat above,fluid below.5.A complex mass,cystic teratoma of ovary,A cystic mass,Paste sign,Fluff of hair sign,Paste sign,Fat-fluid level sign,A complex mass,A 8 years old girl,cutting off a three kilograms benign teratoma,The role of Ultrasound in Obstetrics,TRIMESTERS,First trimester=0 to 12 week
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