1、英语听力(四级),李 岩,欢迎大家提问题,英语的五项技能:,听、说、读、写、译,大学英语四级题型及时间分配,考试时间:四级每年考两次。考试时间为每年6月和12月的第三个周六的早晨-9点。时长两个半小时。即11:30交卷,满分:710分,分数分配:写作15%阅读35%听力35%词汇与结构10%翻译(中翻英)5%划线规则:及格线一般在425或426分(即满分710分的60%),这个成绩也是报考六级考试的前提。,试卷纸张:两张答题卡。各位考生在考试时一定要抓紧时间。因为这样的时间安排有时候是不够用的。而且选择题的数量比起旧题型有所减少。不能再靠蒙选择题侥幸过关了。,考 试 时 间 流 程 介 绍:,
2、8:50-9:00试音寻台时间 9:00-9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷 9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做)9:40-9:55做快速阅读 9:55-10:00收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读)9:55-10:00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试 10:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音 听力结束后完成剩余考项 11:30全部考试结束,大学英语四级考试概述,一、试卷构成和成绩报道:就所测试的语言能力而言,试点阶段的四级考试由以下四个部分构成:1)听力理解;2)阅读理解;3)完型填空;4)写作和翻译。注:并未按照考试顺序,听力理解部分分值比例
3、为35%;其中听力对话15%,听力短文20%。听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括选择题型的短文理解和复合式听写,即填写单词和句子。,阅读理解部分分值比例为35%;其中仔细阅读部分(Reading in Depth)25%,快速阅读部分(Skimming and Scanning)10%。仔细阅读部分分为:a)选择题型的篇章阅读理解;b)篇章层次的词汇理解(Banked Cloze)或短句问答(Short Answer Questions)。快速阅读理解部分测试的是浏览阅读和查读能力。,完型填空/改错部分分值比例为10%。完型填空部分采用多项选择题型,改错部分的要求是辨认
4、错误并改正。,写作和翻译部分分值比例为20%;其中写作部分(Writing)15%,翻译部分(Translation)5%。写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等;翻译部分测试的是句子、短语或常用表达层次上的中译英能力。,各部分具体分值比例及时间安排搭配如下:,写作-106 分快速阅读-71分听力-249分仔细阅读-178分完型填空-71分翻译-35分,应对策略:,8:50-9:00试音寻台时间 9:00-9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷 9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试 9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做)9:40-9:55做快速阅读 9:55-10:00收答题卡一(即
5、作文和快速阅读)9:55-10:00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听力考试 10:00开始听力考试,电台开始放音 听力结束后完成剩余考项 11:20全部考试结束,一、.同学们最担心的是听力选项的预览时间,从表中可以看出,在9:5510:00之间收答题卡一和最后试音时间时可以预览听力部分的选项,建议考生要充分利用这段时间扫描passage部分的选项,弄清三篇文章的主题,至于短对话第一题的四个选项在播音前6秒看还来得及。,二、注意听力测试三个section前没有指令,直接播放题目,这与旧四级听力完全不同,考生听时需要集中注意力,不要错过重要的信息点。,三、注意作文和快速阅读后要收答题卡一,然后才能开
7、对应的答案,我们大家都知道英语听力题(除了短文题)只说一遍。也就意味着,这些语言信号在我们的头脑中存留的时间很短。我们称其为瞬间记忆(短时记忆-short-term memory,你认为这种记忆能在人的头脑中存留多长的时间?;长时记忆-long-term memory)这就大大降低了我们做题的准确率。那么,如何能够提高我们做题的准确率呢?,也就是如何延长瞬时记忆在我们头脑中的时间呢?,最简单的一个办法:repeat(重复),重复分为两种:1.有声重复 2.无声重复 我们应该选择哪一种重复?为什么?(1分钟),我们选择:无声重复,这就要求我们在听力过程中,要对我们所接收到的声音信号进行无声重复。
8、同时,我们在进行阅读时,要进行无声阅读和限时阅读。,此外,在做题前一定要对题目进行预测:从四个选项中我们可以判断出这段对话可能涉及的主要内容:天气对航班的影响、说话者之间的关系等等。通过对题目预测,我们做题的准确性会大大提高的。,听力能力提高的4个有效途径 一、听力提高要有恒,有序,有量1、有恒:每天半30分钟听力(精听)2、有序:不要超前3、有量:做到60小时的精听,听力中的音变现象:1、连读1)相同辅音的连读bad dog注意:不可以把音节给吞掉,只是这个音节不发音 like candyripe pearsome money The report turned out to be tota
9、lly false.这份报告完全是一派胡言。,2)辅音元音Its easy.Wheres our car?Come on in.What time is it now?Figure it out.for example 考试中常常出现的连读词汇:of all agescrude oila couple of travel agencyyour ownour ownset in motion,3)元音元音be on time 注:元音后面再跟一个元音,两个元音间要加入一个“耶”的音stay upflow out注:元音后面再跟一个元音,两个元音间要加入一个“我”的音grow up She wor
10、ks day in and day out.,连读小结:相同辅音的连读辅音元音的连读元音元音的连读,2、失爆(吞读)两个爆破音连接在一起时出现失爆(吞读)什么是爆破音:p,b,k,g,t,d六个爆破音任何一个后面紧接着另一个爆破音或摩擦音或鼻音时,前一个爆破音将失去爆破。lap top great deal good time the Red Cross a fast train a big change at last,3、缩读 and-n:Do you know Nancy and David?Tom and Jerry are you-ya:Ya going to the movie t
11、onight?What ya doing here?,缩读的原则:1、绝对不会是重点音节,不可以重读2、只能出现在非正式场合,do you-dya:how dya feel now?How dya like the movie?did you-dja:how dja make it?becausecause:I dont like her cause shes mean.can-cn:I can be there in an hour.I can do a lot of things that other people can not do it.give me:Gimme that!goin
12、g to-gonna.Want to-Wanna got to-gotta:I gotta see him right now.Hes sort of a strange.-Hes sorta strange.It s kind of a tough.-Its kinda tough.probably-probly:Hell probly come for dinner.currently-currenlywhat if-wud if:What if we went to the movie?(what if 句型要掌握)what are you-wacha doin now?you-ya:C
13、atch ya later.See you later.,听力微技巧与Listening Comprehension,一、虚拟语气题考点:条件句过去考试的经验:答案往往表现为否定句形式,练习:A.I knew Mr.Smith wanted to sell his computer,but I didnt buy it.B.I didnt buy Mr.Smiths computer because I didnt know he was selling it.C.I bought the computer without knowing it was Mr.Smiths.D.Ill buy
14、the computer as soon as Mr.Smith wants to sell it.,Id have bought Mr.Smiths computer if I had known he was selling it.,2.A.He didnt know what would happen if he made the suggestion.B.He didnt feel nervous after he had put forward the suggestion.C.He realized that the committee members would not adop
15、t his suggestion.D.He considered it important to talk to the committee members first.,Had he realized the possible consequences,he wouldnt have made the suggestion at the committee meeting last week.,二、数字题型技巧:听到的数字通常不是正确答案。通常要了解时间、日期、价钱、号码、航班等数字的不同读法。,1 A.30 guests came.B.20 guests didnt receive the
16、ir invitation cards.C.40 guests came.D.More guests came than were expected.,About one-third of the sixty invited guests failed to show up at the dinner party.,2 A.We need to pay$25 per piece.B.We need to pay$50 per piece.C.We need to pay$75 per piece.D.We need to pay$125 per piece.,The Company quote
17、d a price of 100 dollars a piece for the summer dress.But after much bargain.We got an offer at 25%discount.,3 A.The plane left two hours before.B.The plane left at ten oclock in the morning.C.The plane left at two oclock in the afternoon.D.The plane left at four oclock in the afternoon.,The plane f
18、or Los Angeles was supposed to take off at noon,but due to a minor fault in one of the engines the flight was delayed of 2 hours.,常考的数字类型:a大额数字的听记方法。下面考大家四个数字:,thousand;million;billion;eg.35 thousand 358 hundred and 40 thousand 8401million5hundredthousand 15008billion15million3hundred25thousand 4 hu
19、ndred and 56:8 15 325 456,b小数的读法:小数点念”point”,小数点前的“零”有时可以省略不念,也可念为zero,nought,oh.小数点后的零读作oh eg.0.009:point o o nine 或 zero point o o nine下面考察一下大家下面几个数字:,百分数的读法:eg:54.6%fifty four point six out of a hundred0.2%two tenths of a percent3.5%three and a half percent 54.5 fifty four and a half percent,-ty
20、与 teen的区别-teen结尾的有两个重读音节,-ty只有一个重读音节eg.fifteen,fifty thirteen,thirty 19 90 18 80 17 70 16 60 15 50 14 40 13 30 12 20,货币单位dollar/buck 美元 eg.Six bucks 15 dollars 95 cents quarter 25美分dime 10美分 nickel 5美分penny 1美分 英国:pound 英镑1英镑100便士penny便士pence(便士的复数)20英镑50便士:twenty pounds fifty pence.Or twenty fifty,
21、时间单位机场,车站报时:使用的是小时 制,遇到不足点要补:onine thirty广播报时:Greenwich Mean Time(GMT)/Universal time 格林尼治时间22pm:22 hours GMT(BBC)22 hours universal timemidnight:twenty-four hours 确切时间,表示年份in the thirties of the twentieth century in the nineteen thirties,在二十世纪三十年代in the 1930s,in the year two fifty-three B.C.,公元前年,数
22、字用于货币表示正常价格:regular price,normal price.表示价格划算:It is an excellent price It is a good price/bargain.It is a good buy.,表示价格较贵:dear,expensive,steep,more expensive,表示价格便宜:bargain price 其它说法:cheap,inexpensive,less expensive.表示减价出售:on sale,Christmas sale,garage sale(现场旧货出售)4 sale(?),一些数字的词组on cloud nine 无比
23、幸福on cloud nine 无比幸福eg.I was on cloud nine after I won the game.Your room at sixes and sevensat sixes and sevens 乱七八糟on second thoughts 再三考虑by ones and twos 零零散散Two heads are better than one.两个臭皮匠抵个诸葛亮in the year one 早年I used to study in America in the year one 早年在美国读书ten to one很可能 Ten to one he has
24、 forgotten itthree score years and ten 一辈子Ill love you three score years and ten.,转折题型重点听but后面的部分练习:1 A.The Chairman didnt attend the Opening Ceremony at the last minute.B.The Chairman refused to attend the Opening Ceremony at the last minute.C.The Chairman never changed his mind to attend the Openi
25、ng Ceremony at the last minute.D.The Chairman made a last minute decision to attend the Opening Ceremony.,At first,the Chairman didnt intend to attend the opening ceremony,but the changed his mind at the last minute.,否定题型并不是你听到了not,就一定是否定,也不是你没有听到not,这个句子就不是否定。否定的三种情况1、完全否定2、部分否定3、双重否定,完全否定常用词:not a
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