1、2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 1,Rural Poverty Statistics in China:Based on Rural Household Surveys,TOT Course on Poverty AnalysisNovember 1-8,OctoberBeijingYan FangDepartment of Rural SurveyNational Bureau of Statistics,基于农村住户调查的农村贫困统计,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 2,改革开放后中国的扶贫开发Poverty
2、Alleviation in Post-reform China,4 periods:1978-19851986-19931994-20002001-2010,中国农村扶贫开发战略的历史演变(四个阶段),2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 3,1978-1985,贫困减少主要依靠整体经济增长和经济体制改革Economic growth and social transitions contributed the most in poverty alleviation during this period,2005 TOT Course on Poverty
3、Analysis 4,1986-1993,中国政府从1986年起开始直接针对贫困地区和贫困人口进行农村扶贫开发。Regional development approaches and self-development of rural households开发式扶贫项目,增强自我发展能力 Development-oriented anti-poverty activities,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 5,1994-2000,实施国家八七扶贫攻坚计划,扶贫开发进入攻坚阶段 8-7 plan力争用7年时间,基本解决全国农村8000万贫困人口的温饱问题
4、 Basically eliminate the absolute poverty in 7 years592个国定贫困县 592 designated“national poor counties”针对贫困人口 Aiming at the poor population,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 6,2001-2010,实施中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2001-2010)The Development Orientated Poverty Alleviation Program in Rural China(2001-2010)扶贫任务不仅是解决贫困人
5、口的温饱问题,也要帮助初步解决温饱、但还不巩固的贫困人口增加经济收入,改善生产生活条件,实现稳定解决温饱。Solve the subsistence problems of the remaining absolute poor and help the low-income group to improve their development capability多元贫困:强调综合开发、全面发展,不但要加强基础设施建设,也要重视科技、教育、卫生、文化事业的发展,改善社区环境,提高生活质量,促进贫困地区经济、社会的协调发展和全面进步 Multi-dimensionality of povert
6、y参与式扶贫 Participatory approaches for poverty reduction,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 7,贫困监测的发展Evolution of Poverty Monitoring,1986年开始使用贫困发生率的概念 Introduce poverty incidence in 19861995年开始用国际通行的方法测算贫困线 Determine poverty line using the internationally accepted method 1997年起在592个国定贫困县/扶贫重点县进行贫困监测 5
7、92 county poverty monitoring since 19972001年改进调查方案以反映多元贫困及进行扶贫活动的影响评估 Reform national poverty monitoring program in 2001 to better reflect the multi-dimensionality of poverty and to evaluate the impact of poverty reduction activities more objectively,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 8,贫困统计数据来源Dat
8、a Source of Poverty Statistics,全国农村住户抽样调查 National Rural Household Survey全国农村贫困监测抽样调查 National Rural Poverty Monitoring Survey专项贫困监测调查 Special Poverty Monitoring Survey 全国县乡村统计资料 Regional Statistics through Administrative Reports,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 9,1954年首次使用住户调查方法收集农村社会经济数据。国家统计局在
9、全国抽选了15,432个农村住户进行收入、支出和住房情况进行调查。RHS has been carried out to collect socio-economic data in rural China,with the first use in the year of 1954,when National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)selected 15,432 rural households for survey on income,expenditure,and housing,etc.,National Rural Household Survey全国农村
10、住户抽样调查,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 10,上世纪八十年代中期以后快速发展,快速发展的标志是专业化调查组织机构的建立。RHS got on fast development after the middle 1980s,which was marked by the establishment of professional Rural Survey Organizations.,National Rural Household Survey全国农村住户抽样调查,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 11,强大的
11、调查组织机构 Powerful survey organization一支高素质的调查队伍 Capable survey team 一个综合性、连续性住户调查方案 Comprehensive and consistent household survey questionnaire 组织大规模专项调查取得了丰富的经验 Rich experiences in organizing large-scale special surveys现代信息技术被广泛应用到调查当中 Updated high-tech has been applied in survey 数据质量受到国内外用户的一致好评 Dat
12、a quality is highly commended by users at home and abroad 调查结果成为了政府决策的重要依据 Survey results provide important basis for government decision making,全国农村住户抽样调查强大的住户调查系统 Powerful Household Survey System,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 12,全国农村住户抽样调查 Objectives 调查目的,全面反映农村居民收入增长、生活水平改善过程 Giving a compr
13、ehensive picture on the income growth and living standard improvement of rural residents 监测农村反贫进程 monitoring the poverty alleviation process in rural areas,and producing data for the compilation of Chinas national accounts为党和政府的宏观决策提供依据 Providing objective data for all levels of governments to make
14、policies and decisions on rural economic development 为国民经济综合平衡提供资料 producing data for the compilation of Chinas national accounts为农民家庭发展生产、科学理财提供帮助 Help rural households improve scientific financing,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 13,全国农村住户抽样调查 Function in poverty monitoring 在贫困监测方面的作用,用来测算贫困线、推
15、算全国和分省农村贫困人口数量、反映农村贫困特征For setting poverty line,estimating national and provincial poverty incidence and poor population,describing rural poverty status and features,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 14,国家统计局农村司负责,调查方案由国家统计局统一制订 Rural Survey Organization(RSO)of NBS 在每个省都有调查队,各省具体负责组织实施 Survey bran
16、ch in each province 在857个国家调查县成立调查队 857 sampled counties all over country 全国约有8000名专职调查员 More than 8,000 staffs nationwide 每村聘用一名辅助调查员,负责本村10个调查户的记账工作 An enumerator in each village,全国农村住户抽样调查 Survey Organization and Implementation 调查的组织与实施,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 15,全国农村住户抽样调查 Coverage 调
17、查范围,样本分布在全国31个省,对全国和分省贫困状况有代表性 All the provinces,representative at national and provincial level部分省扩充地方点,使得数据在县一级有代表性 Expanding the samples to meet the county level estimates,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 16,全国农村住户抽样调查 Sampling 样本抽选,样本抽选方法分层(分省)二相抽样(大样本,小样本)两阶段(省抽村、村抽户):随机起点、对称等距相结合Sampling me
18、thodstratification(by province),two phases(PSU,SSU)two stage(select villages and select households),randomly,systematic sampling method.,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 17,全国农村住户抽样调查 Sampling 样本抽选,编制抽样框:使用农业普查资料 Sampling frame:agricultural census.用样本单位的人均纯收入排队,根据累计人口指标建立抽样框 Ranking per capita ne
19、t income using the accumulated population as supplement.在95%的概率把握程度下要求抽样误差系数不得超过3%95%confidence,sampling error not exceed 3%,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 18,全国农村住户抽样调查 Sample size 样本量,857个调查县,7100个调查村,68,000农户68,000 households distributed in 857 sample counties(accounting for 1/3 of total num
20、ber of counties),7,100 sample villages,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 19,调查样本的轮换周期为5年 RHS rotation sampling scheme on a 5-year basis最近的两次样本轮换分别在2000年和2005年 Latest 2 rotations in 2000 and 2005,全国农村住户抽样调查 Sample Rotation 样本轮换,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 20,较长时间以来,中国农村住户调查一直有着较高的回答率,这主要归功于
21、农村住户与调查员之间的高度配合。RHS has a relatively high response rate in China,due to the rural residences inclining to cooperate with the interviewer.,全国农村住户抽样调查 Response rate 回答率,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 21,全国农村住户抽样调查Frequency 调查期及报告期,调查年度从上年12月1日起本年11月30日 Survey year:1 Dec.to 30 Nov.报告期分别为年报和季报 Year
22、ly+Quarterly季报包括农村居民现金收支和主要农产品出售情况 Quarterly:cash income/expenditure/investment,sale of agricultural products年报包括农村住户调查的全部报表 Yearly:all the indicators,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 22,全国农村住户抽样调查 Survey Content 调查内容,包括6个主题:收入与支出、人口与就业、住房、住户家庭基本情况、土地与农业生产、住户居住的社区环境Six subjects:income and expendi
23、ture,population and employment,housing,basic information of household,land and agricultural production,basic community information.,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 23,1.收入与支出 Income and Expenditure主要内容包括:住户总收入及收入来源、住户生活消费总支出及支出结构、食品消费、住户生产经营总支出及支出结构It includes total income and source of the inco
24、me,total living expenditure and detailed components,food consumption,expenditure for household business and detailed components.,全国农村住户抽样调查 Survey Content 调查内容,2005 TOT Course on Poverty Analysis 24,2.人口与就业 Population and Employment 主要内容包括:住户人口数量与特征,住户经济活动人口的素质、就业时间、主要从事的职业及社会保障,住户经济活动人口外出从业的地点、时间、从
25、事的职业、收入及消费情况,已外出从业的经济活动返回居住地的情况It mainly includes household size,household and individual characteristics,education attainment,time of employment,main job and social security coverage,address/time/job/income and expenditure of migrant labors.,全国农村住户抽样调查 Survey Content 调查内容,2005 TOT Course on Poverty
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- 基于 农村 住户 调查 贫困 统计
