1、New words,stall英音:st:l美音:stl名词 n.C(牲畜的)栏,厩,栅,棚货摊,摊位;书报亭(房间内的)隔间,小间【英】(剧场等的)正厅前座区the P;正厅前座座(教堂内的)牧师座位;牧师职位(发动机的)熄火;(汽车的)抛锚;(飞机的)失速例句:【英】(剧场等的)正厅前座区the P;正厅前座座位I managed to get two seats in the stalls.我设法弄到两张正厅的票。,Horses were poking their heads over their stall doors.马把头从马厩的门上伸了出来。On a fruit stall,sh
2、e spied some big bunches of asparagus.在一个水果摊上,她看到一些大捆的芦笋。I will try to stall off the reporters as long as possible.我会设法尽可能长时间地拖延那些记者。,欢迎您来北京吃小吃,品大碗儿茶。Welcome to Beijing to enjoy local delicacies and stall tea served in large bowls.How long has he had his stall?他担任牧师职位多久了?The plane went into a stall.
3、飞机失速了。,及物动词 vt.1.把.关入畜舍The cows were stalled in the barn for the night.牛被关在牲畜棚里过夜。2.使陷入泥潭;使动弹不得We were stalled in the mud.我们陷到了烂泥里。3.使熄火;使抛锚;使失速An inexperienced pilot can easily stall his,拖延,推迟(+off)The bad weather stalled our holiday plans.坏天气推迟了我们的度假计划。拖时间使等候,把.拖住(+off)The police are coming.Stall
4、him for a moment.警察就来了。把他拖住一会儿。Dont panic.I can stall him off.不要惊慌。我有办法拖住他。,不及物动词 vi.1.喘息,发出呼哧呼哧的喘息声 The old man managed to wheeze out a few words.老人勉强地喘息着说出了几句话。名词 n.喘息声2.He has a slight wheeze in his chest.他呼吸时胸部发出轻微的响声。,giddy英音:形容词 a.1.晕眩的,眼花的We were giddy from the summer heat.暑热使我们晕眩。2.令人晕眩的,使人眼
5、花的Ba giddy height 令人晕眩的高处 3.轻率的,轻浮的a giddy life of pleasure 寻欢作乐的放荡生活,proclaim:vt.1.宣告;公布;声明O2O9+(that)They proclaimed that he was a traitor.他们宣称他是叛徒。They proclaimed him King.他们称他为国王。The Government proclaimed a state of emergency.政府宣布了紧急状态。2.表明,显示O2O9+(that)There was a feather on the rock,proclaimin
6、g that a bird had been there.岩石上有一根羽毛,说明有鸟到过那儿。3.赞扬,称颂,mirage英音:mir:美音:mr名词 n.海市蜃楼;幻景 a mirage in the desert沙漠的海市蜃楼Perhaps we are all just chasing a mirage.也许我们都只是在追逐一个幻想。,dodge英音:dd美音:dd 不及物动词 vi.1.闪开,躲开He threw a bottle at me,but luckily I dodged.他对准我掷瓶子,幸好我躲开了。2.躲避,巧妙地回避及物动词 vt.1.闪避,闪身躲开The vice
7、president had to dodge flying tomatoes.副总统不得不闪躲飞来的番茄。,2.躲避,巧妙地回避He tried to dodge the reporters queries.他试图躲闪记者的询问。名词 n.C1.躲闪2.托词,(推托的)妙计Those were the dodges he used to escape taxation.那些是他用以逃税的诡计。Dodge名词 n.道奇(美国产轿车品牌名),distortion英音:dist:n美音:dstrn 名词 n.扭曲;变形;失真,歪曲 1.His report was attacked as a gro
8、ss distortion of the truth.他的报告受到攻击,被指为严重歪曲事实。2.Part of the output of an amplifier can be fed back to get rid of sound distortion.放大器的部分输出可以进行反馈以消除声音的失真。3.The wrong chemical balance can cause severe distortion of the photographic image.化学药水不合比例可引致摄影图像的严重失真。,austerity英音::steriti美音:strt n.1.严厉;严格;严酷UA
9、 peculiar austerity marked his judgments of modern life.他对现代生活的批评带着一种特殊的苛刻。2.朴素,朴实U3.苦行,禁欲生活Pearly Christian austerities 早期基督教徒的苦行 4.紧缩,严格的节制消费U,Feeble英音:fi:bl美音:fib!a.1.虚弱的,衰弱的;无力的She is feeble from sickness.她因为生病而变得虚弱。2.(智力,性格等)弱的,软弱的He is a man with a feeble personality.他是个个性软弱的人。3.拙劣无效的;站不住脚的Her
10、 argument was feeble.她的论点站不住脚。4.微弱的;薄弱的A feeble cry came from the next room.从隔壁房间里传来低弱的叫喊声,Trajectory英trdektri:美trdktrin.1.(射体在空中的)轨道,弹道,轨迹,流轨 missile trajectory导弹弹道return trajectory返回轨道entry trajectory进入轨道,spike英音:spaik美音:spak spike1名词 n.C1.墙头钉;尖铁a railing with long spikes on top 顶端有长长的尖铁的栏杆 2.大钉;道
11、钉3.鞋底钉4.(运动穿的)钉鞋P5.长而尖的东西;幼鹿的单枝鹿角6.(女子高跟鞋的)细高跟,vt.1.用大钉钉牢2.用尖物刺穿3.阻止;制止;使(计划等)受挫spike the rumor 制止住谣言 4.用钉鞋踩伤,5.将(排球)猛扣至对方场地6.把烈酒搀入(饮料,水果,酒)The boys spiked the drinks,so everyone at the party got drunk.男孩们把烈酒搀入饮料,所以宴会中的每个人都喝醉了。,curtail英音:k:teil美音:ktel及物动词 vt.1.缩减,削减;缩短,省略curtail a speech 缩短演讲稿 The g
12、overnment hopes to curtail public spending.政府希望缩减公共事业开支。,quell 英音:kwel美音:kwl 及物动词 vt.镇压;平息;压制 消除;减轻1.The police had been called in to quell a minor disturbance.警察奉命出动以平息一场小规模的骚乱。2.Troops were called in to quell the violence.部队被调来平息暴力事件。,roaring英音:r:ri美音:ror 名词 n.1.吼声;咆哮;怒号;轰鸣 While the train was pas
13、sing,a roaring sound greeted our ears.火车通过时,我们听到了轰隆声。Its a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children.只会靠向孩子吼叫来维持秩序的老师是无能的。,形容词 adj.1.怒吼的;咆哮的;轰鸣的 The roaring sea gradually calmed down.咆哮的大海逐渐平静下来。Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.我们的隆隆炮声使敌人胆战心惊。2.非常的 His
14、 films havent exactly been a roaring success,have they?他的那些电影并不是非常成功,是吧?,3.(火)旺的 a dark shed,lit only by the glow of roaring furnaces只见燃烧的炉火的黑暗工棚She threw more wood into the stove and soon the fire was roaring.她又在炉子里添了些柴,火很快就呼呼地烧起来。4.兴旺的;兴隆的5.生意兴隆 Toy shops do a roaring trade just before Christmas.圣
15、诞节前玩具商店生意火爆。,6.极大的成功;轰动 The musicians were such a roaring success that they have been asked to stay for an extra week.音乐家们的表演取得了巨大成功,并因此被挽留多呆一周。His films havent exactly been a roaring success,have they?他的那些电影并不是非常成功,是吧?,adv.1.非常;极其2.酩酊大醉;发酒疯 They came home roaring drunk again last night.昨天晚上他们回家时又喝得
16、酩酊大醉。,Resentment英音:rizentmnt美音:rzntmnt n.1.(因受虐待而)愤恨,不满,怨恨 Dont let your resentment build up.别让你的怨恨郁积起来。All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.她一股脑儿倾吐出所有的怨恨。A greater cause for resentment is the discrepancy in pay.导致愤怒的更主要原因是报酬上的差异。,Constituent英音:knstitjunt美音:knsttunt 形容词 a.B1.构成(全体)的,
17、组成的the constituent parts of an atom 原子的组成成分 2.选举的;任命的3.有宪法制定(或修改)权的;有组阁权的a constituent assembly 立宪会议,N.1.选民 The ministers constituents feel that he does not spend enough time dealing with their problems.选民认为那位部长并没有花上足够的时间去处理他们的问题。2.成分,构成部分,要素 Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of water.氢和氧是水的主
18、要成分。,Disaffection英音:,disfekn美音:,dsfkn n.1.不忠2.(政治上)不满 There is much disaffection among the ranks of the party.党员中存在着极强的不满情绪。,1.Disaffection broke out almost from the start.几乎一开头就爆发出不满情绪。2.Lack of food and supplies caused disaffection among the soldiers.食物和补给的不足造成士兵的不满。3.Will the disaffection of the
19、young bring down the regime?年轻人的不满会导致政府倒台吗?,Connive英音:knaiv美音:knav 不及物动词 vi.1.假装不见;默许;纵容2.共谋1.Connive at gambling 纵容赌博2.connive at an escape from prison 故意放纵逃狱3.We should not connive at terrorism.我们不应该纵容恐怖活动。4.indulge;connive at;let sb.have his way 放纵,8.Their purpose is to connive at wars of aggress
20、ion and to profit by them.这个政策的目的,在于纵容侵略战争,自己从中取利。9.Real firm the sincere hope cooperates with all personages of national boundaries in the world,connive development,create beautiful future.实固尔真诚的希望与全球各国界人士合作,共谋发展,创造美好未来。10.God cannot alter the past;that is why he is obliged to connive at the existe
21、nce of historian.神不能改变过去;惟其如是,他就不能不对历史家的存在一只眼开一只眼闭了。,poignant英音:pinnt美音:pnnt 形容词 a.1.(气味)浓烈的2.【古】辛辣的,酸辣的3.强烈的;深刻的4.辛酸的,惨痛的poignant memories of an unhappy childhood 对不幸的童年的辛酸回忆 5.尖刻的;切中要害的,1.poignant satire 尖刻的讽刺2.A poignant memory 动人的记忆3.a poignant question 苛刻的质问4.a poignant contrast 强烈的对比,8.his acc
22、ount had a poignant undertow of regret.一阵痛苦的回潮涌现出来。9.His most poignant moment was getting a college diploma.他最感动的时刻是接到大学文凭的时候。10.Along the way she tells a poignant,bittersweet story.在找寻过程中她讲述了一个辛酸,却又苦乐参半的故事。,excoriate英音:eksk:rieit美音:kskor,et vt.1.剥(皮);擦破.的皮肤2.痛责1.severely reprimand;excoriate 厉声斥责2.T
23、o assail with stinging criticism;excoriate.痛责以尖刻的批评攻击;严厉地批评3.Of the American cartoonists who excoriate President George Bush,it would be hard to find one who exceeds Ted Rall in venom.在批评布什总统的美国漫画家当中,很难找到比泰德拉尔更咬牙切齿的了。,Backlash英音:bkl美音:bk,l n.1.反冲,反撞2.强烈反应;强烈反对3.后座力1.Signs of a backlash abound.全球化的反作
24、用普遍存在。,3.there was a backlash of intolerance.这是一种不能忍受的有害反应。4.BLASTING DEMOLITION OF A BUILDING WITHOUT BACKLASH 不允许后坐的建筑物爆破拆除5.The Jews feared an anti-Semitic backlash.那些犹太人害怕反犹太的强烈反弹。,camaraderie英音:,kmr:dri美音:,kmrdr 同志之爱,友情1.The camaraderie among fellow employees made the tedious work just bearable
25、.同事之间的情谊使枯燥乏味的工作变得还能忍受。2.Everyone has just had such an outpouring of camaraderie with each other.每个人都流露出友谊的神情。,communique英音:kmju:nikei美音:k,mjunke 名词 n.1.公报Cissue a communique 发表公报 2.This is clear from our communique.公报已经表明了这一点。3.an authoritative communique;the authorized biography.有权威的公报;经授权的传记。,scr
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