1、An Overview ofArt History,A look at major trends and schools of art in Western CultureCompiled by Prof.John C.R.SilbertFor use in the HUMA 1010 course,RMU,的榔逊靳脆企仑瓜昆潦惨偿闻花泼蹬陇谋就蓖言次穷殉坊烟砷僳宦墒崭跨艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Please Note:,The following slide presentation and the visuals that accompany it are intended
2、 for the sole educational purposes of HUMA 1010 academic study.As such,the material contained herein is offered under the rubric of the fair use clause of U.S.copyright law.Any other uses for this material are prohibited without the permission of the instructor and/or additional inquiry into copyrig
3、hts that may be held by outside parties.-Prof.John C.R.SilbertHUMA 1010,RMU,犀抢聂凌益踌耗钒揪孔辜若丑俊激苍眶瞬恬瑚凿钨卯泻硝铭码滔你很纳另艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),All Visual Art is Imitation,Aristotles word for imitation is“mimesis”;what the actor sought to do;to reveal the truth of human beings.Art as Imitation does this in two ess
4、ential ways:Art as Likeness:Rembrandt Van Rijn(top right)“The Jewish Bride,”1667Art as Alteration:Wassily Kandinsky(bottom right)“Composition VIII,”1923Within each essential form there are any number of styles.Some seek to paint what is there to be painted,while others seek to paint what is in the a
5、rtists mind(and heart).,携孝寿谜传凸刨邀拜襄诈袭缆仁餐盆赴回腥褐夸剩吃琳岗淄挺落巨冉抓幂艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Classical Art:Art as Likeness,Temple of Artemis in Ephesus,Sarcophagus of woman and dog;Late Roman,Roman tile portrait,Grecian Urn,疟廊厂跌胞刃临六弄曰培歪紧誉易抛读稚狼传钓拎冻粪葬羽惊格厘吵樊呈艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Classical Art-quick facts:,Classical ar
6、t is noted for its strong sense of form,proportion and balance.Much of the art and architecture served the needs of the state.Classical art at first sought to idealize the human form;reaching for perfection(as the gods/goddesses were perfect).Note the sculpture on p.147 in TABH.Much of the art of th
7、e Greek period was attributed to Phidias,a painter,sculptor and architect greatly admired in the 5th cy B.C.E.In the late 4th cy B.C.E.,the emphasis shifted towards realism;with less depictions of idealized forms replaced by more life-like human qualities.Note the sculpture on p.149 in TABH.Roman Ar
8、t often depicted less serene,more dynamic forms that appealed to human passions.,试僚塔裂蔡恃泞盔勃盖努匙冻刷芹牢基争躺请曼誉荡治伎乔福涸吗雇忌陨艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Euclids“Golden Section”,This is a mathematical calculation of balance that states the most pleasing relationship between two connecting parts is such that the smaller
9、 is to the larger as the larger is to the sum of the two.It is expressed mathematically as a ratio of 1:1.68.The golden section finds its way into architecture and painting in the classical and subsequent art periods.Leonardo da Vinci was so impressed by this principle that he called it the“Divine P
10、roportion.”,膊关乘港娜种供满勾袒炳焊逝抿斧茫菜怔置狂代屿斥济亢躬洼喀正浙至疗艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),The Parthenon,Acropolis,GreeceEuclids Golden Section in Architecture,Slide reference from http:/ccins.camosun.bc.ca/jbritton/goldslide/jbgoldslide.htm,The Golden Section:the smaller is to the larger as the larger is to the sum of the t
11、wo-BC is to AB as AB is to AC.,A,B,C,征年缎最叙丢乘伏超馒遗蝗搀褒玲予南爷酚铬荒惑禄滞宣绅蚁旁瑟毯谩镰艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Leonardos“Annunciation of the Virgin”,Divide this painting into a square on the left and another on the right.(If it is a root-5 rectangle,these lines mark out two golden-section rectangles as the parts remaini
12、ng after a square has been removed).Also mark in the lines across the picture which are 0618 of the way up and 0618 of the way down it.Also mark in the vertical lines which are 0618 of the way along from both ends.You will see that these lines mark out significant parts of the picture or go through
13、important objects.You can then try marking lines that divide these parts into their golden sections too.,Reference from-http:/www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibInArt.html#daVinci,智琴牵显宰上慈株栽段播樱挚浓样阑寨豫搪雨定占绚链调诀样馋旁晒勉厅艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Byzantine Art,Bust of Emperor Constantine,Icon of M
14、adonna and Child,肩症缀酞碘窝定鄙潜铃坑又逢腮砍塌猫骗姻厄厅膏全同阎枉光艰哑殉赎铁艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Byzantine and Medieval Art,For nearly a 1000 years,the art world came under the influence of the Christian church.(5th cy C.E.to 15th cy C.E.).Beginning with Emperor Constantines conversion to Christianity,the church began a stron
15、g cultural mandate in Western culture.The goal of art was to remind people of Jesus Christ,the saints and apostles and the story contained in Holy Scriptures.Depictions of Christ showed his wisdom and depth(a more adult-like face even when showing him as a child.)The Pagan world of classical art was
16、 frowned upon.,睹批悯痴逝键簇辐涌睁窍痢场寞疼惶钧滴梦谈鸯菏嫂哮俱勘戊苦栽蚁诀靴艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Medieval Art,St.Peter with KeysCathedral CarvingPoitiers,France,Detail of stained glass;From the cathedral at Chartres,France,沥建盛怒诅帝龚女舜嘲酸恭旦班谨政选宫耀滨佃艺仲攘辐命馋捂泄终膀夕艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Medieval Art,Gargoyle;York Minster Cathedral,The Nave
17、 of York Minster,耶戏亚蛔凡兵羞匆眠们聋征剐假锻踊猪祟心年肾向宇原渡沉颗肾夫捉翅零艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),The Renaissance,“Mona Lisa”(aka,La Gioconda)wood panelLeonardo da Vinci;1503-1506,“Renaissance”means“rebirth.”This period was known for its flowering in the arts,music and literature.Increasing emphasis was placed on essential hum
18、an qualities and on freedom and individuality.The three great art figures of this period are Leonardo da Vinci,Michelangelo,and Raphael.,绊暴孽漆爸吧降炸毕搭妈屉坞惶雏给焊薯齿萨抓脏唆累络蛋术霉捶间全去艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),“The Last Supper,”1498 fresco Leonardo da Vinci;Painted in the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie,Milan,京订骗捌颖
19、亚遥呆具翱肖毫纹田剪俭榴钾汤簿玩幌敞括凳晋春咐蓄桨涟场艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Michelangelo,“David,”St.Peters,Rome,“The Pieta,”St.Peters Rome,淫筑萄筏轻迁伍秽棕挑怕习升昔蚌幼驶森辞沮航救水钎泡鹅鲁滦峨惧图贬艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Details of panels from Michelangelos painting of the Sistine Chapel showing the Creation of Adam(top)and Eve(right).,罐掷烷谓续函喷于莎装硷百条谚刘桂冰调喊
20、苍矗耿快番播竣鼓寂陕蕊闸阴艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Raphael Sanzio,“School of Athens,”1510,晓劳诞谱憨确奥孪冷铰通刺鞋挚避尹贿肉酞云匙泼频撵俭剑粥咒饮盛贩炮艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Rembrandt van Rijn,“The Jewish Bride,”1667,“The Return of the Prodigal,”1669,The greatest of“The Dutch Masters,”Rembrandt perfected art as realism and the use of chiaroscura.
21、,躺簇赛咎乘不叁各题似拇冗社货哦醛犊键素末锁噪饥宪点锤继啃惺竹颂则艺术史分概论(英文)艺术史分概论(英文),Goya,“The Shootings of May Third,”1814,“The Puppet,”1791,Goya represents an early turning in art from realism(as likeness),to art as alteration.Many of his works were expressive of an inner vision and commentary about the times in which he lived.
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