1、初中英语教学方法,一、英语教育中的主要问题,1、视野不宽:教书乏招;搬教参,教不活。2、底蕴不厚:创新乏力;无法面对互动生 成的课堂。3、修养不足:育人乏术;责任心似乎很强,艺术性却很差;自我感觉良好,反思能 力欠佳。,4、情趣不多:生活乏味;人未老心先衰;心灵缺乏阳光;难与学生交往沟通。5、学段纵向衔接不够:学生得不到系统发展6、学科横向交流不够:学科本位、学生发 展不均衡。,二、初中英语课堂教学中的主要问题,Too much encouragement of Ss loud voiceToo much praise or awardToo many meaningless activiti
2、esToo much teacher controlToo much adherence to the text book(e.g.),Little attention to Ss in the corner/backLittle concern for Ss real interests/needs 李成玉Little variety of tasks/activitiesLittle adoption of Ss life experienceLittle guidance in learning strategiesLittle consideration of teaching con
3、text(pings),1.How should Ts talk to Ss?2.Who should talk in class?3.How important is Ss motivation?4.How should Ts use their physical presence in class?,5.How should Ts use their voice?6.What are different S groupings?7.What should be in a lesson plan?8.What if the class is very big?,Humanism has a
4、number of messages for the language teachers:,Create a sense of belongingMake the subject relevant to the learnersInvolve the whole personEncourage a knowledge of self,Develop personal identityEncourage self-esteemInvolve the feelings and emotionsMinimize criticismEncourage creativityEncourage self-
5、initiationAllow for choicesEncourage self-evaluation,我的思考:,教材的主导权必须交给教师。应该让教材服从教师,而不是让教师服从教材。教材完全靠教师去理解、去执行,假如教师对教材没有深刻的理解,最好的教材也是没有用的。如果教师紧扣教材教的话,他就不会去思考教材以外的事:为什么要教这些内容?为什么要用这个顺序教?我该为学生提供什么样的学习机会?,在许多教师的课堂语言教学中,语言也 只是被看作一种技能,对学生在语言运 用中的心灵需要、情感、思维和知识内 涵并不关注。教学过程表现为:刻苦压 倒兴趣。学生天生具有的对知识的追求、好奇心和内动力被外部压
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- 初中英语 课堂教学 中的 方法
