1、信用证流程及业务操作,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,3,信用证业务简略流程,一、信用证的申请与开立,1、申请人申请开立信用证(1)选择开证银行(2)申请人填制申请书申请书是开证行与申请人之间的契约,其目的是约束开证行、受益人与申请人,使其按指示行事。信用证一旦开立,开证行与受益人按信用证行事,但开证行与申请人之间仍须受申请书约束,且二者是相互独立的。ISBP681(2):The applicant bears the risk of any ambiguity in its instructions to issue or amend a credit.Unless e
2、xpressly stated otherwise,a request to issue or amend a credit authorizes an issuing bank to supplement or develop the terms in a manner necessary or desirable to permit the use of the credit.,2、开证行开立信用证,(1)开证行审核申请人资信(2)开证行审核申请书(3)开证行按申请书开立信用证(参阅ISPB P.2)(4)信用证生效开证行应特别注意索偿及偿付条款:,二、信用证通知与保兑,(1)通知行承担什
3、么责任?(2)如何通知信用证?(3)保兑行责任与权利?(4)如何保兑,其对信用证的保兑能否自动扩展到对修改书的保兑?(5)保兑行如何付款?,Article 9 Advising of Credits and Amendmentsa.An advising bank that is not a confirming bank without any undertaking to honour or negotiate.b.the advising bank signifies that it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity
4、 of the credit or amendment and that the advice accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the credit or amendment received.c.the second advising bank signifies that it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the advice it has received and that the advice accurately reflects the
5、 terms and conditions of the credit or amendment received.,1、信用证通知,d.A bank utilizing the services of an advising bank or second advising bank to advise a credit must use the same bank to advise any amendment thereto.e.If a bank is requested to advise a credit or amendment but elects not to do so,it
6、 must so inform,without delay.f.If a bank cannot satisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity,it must so inform,without delay.If the advising bank or second advising bank elects nonetheless to advise the credit or amendment,it must inform the beneficiary or second advising bank that it has not bee
7、n able to satisfy itself as to the apparent authenticity.,(1)无承付或议付信用证款项责任;(2)通知行无必须通知信用证的义务;(3)如通知须证实信用证的表面真实性并如实通知信用证内容;(4)如不能确定信用证的表面真实性,应毫不延误地告知从其收到指示的银行,说明其不能确定信用证的真实性。如通知行仍决定通知该信用证,则必须告知受益人它不能核对信用证的真实性。,2、信用证的保兑,Article 2 Definitions Confirmation:means a definite undertaking of the confirming
8、bank,in addition to that of the issuing bank,to honour or negotiate a complying presentation.Confirming bank:means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing banks authorization or request.,Article 8 Confirming Bank Undertaking,a.Provided that the stipulated documents are prese
9、nted to the confirming bank or to any other nominated bank and that they constitute a complying presentation,the confirming bank must:i.honour,if the credit is available bya.sight payment,deferred payment or acceptance with the confirming bank;b.sight payment with another nominated bank and that nom
10、inated bank does not pay;,c.deferred payment with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not incur its deferred payment undertaking or,having incurred its deferred payment undertaking,does not pay at maturity;d.acceptance with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not acce
11、pt a draft drawn on it or,having accepted a draft drawn on it,does not pay at maturity;e.negotiation with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not negotiate.ii.negotiate,without recourse,if the credit is available by negotiation with the confirming bank.b.A confirming bank is irrevoca
12、bly bound to honour or negotiate as of the time it adds its confirmation to the credit.,c.A confirming bank undertakes to reimburse another nominated bank that has honoured or negotiated a complying presentation and forwarded the documents to the confirming bank.Reimbursement for the amount of a com
13、plying presentation under a credit available by acceptance or deferred payment is due at maturity,whether or not another nominated bank prepaid or purchased before maturity.A confirming banks undertaking to reimburse another nominated bank is independent of the confirming banks undertaking to the be
14、neficiary.d.If a bank is authorized or requested by the issuing bank to confirm a credit but is not prepared to do so,it must inform the issuing bank without delay and may advise the credit without confirmation.,(1)信用证加保必须基于开证行的授权或要求,否则为沉默保兑;(2)保兑行为是不可撤销的;(3)保兑行的付款或议付是无追索权的;(4)保兑行对指定行责任独立于对受益人的承付责任。
15、,三、受益人审核信用证,受益人收到信用证后,依据基础合同对信用证内容进行审核。审核要点:(1)信用证的有效性;(2)单据条款;(3)期限安排;(4)溢短装条件下的支款安排;(5)软条款;,The expression on or about or similar will be interpreted as a stipulation five calendar days before until five calendar days after the specified date,both start and end dates included.On or about May 10?Th
16、e words to,until,till,“from”and“between”when used to determine a period of shipment include the date or dates mentioned,and the words“before”and after“exclude the date mentioned.Shipment to be made before 12/31/07?Shipment to be made after 12/01/07?Shipment to be made until 12/31/07?The words“from”a
17、nd after when used to determine a maturity date exclude the date mentioned.,时间安排,Shipment:before 12/05/2007Expiry date:071230Presentation:within 15 days after shipment,信用证金额;,Article 30 Tolerance in Credit Amount,Quantity and Unit Pricesa.The words about or approximately used in connection with the
18、amount of the credit or the quantity or the unit price stated in the credit are to be construed as allowing a tolerance not to exceed 10%more or 10%less than the amount,the quantity or the unit price to which they refer.a.“约”或“大约”用于信用证金额或信用证规定的数量或单价时,应解释为允许有关金额或数量或单价有不超过10%的增减幅度。,b.A tolerance not t
19、o exceed 5%more or 5%less than the quantity of the goods is allowed,provided packing units or individual items and the total amount of the drawings does not exceed the amount of the credit.在信用证未以包装单位件数或货物自身件数的方式规定货物数量时,货物数量允许有5%的增减幅度,只要总支取金额不超过信用证金额。c.Even when partial shipments are not allowed,a to
20、lerance not to exceed 5%less than the amount of the credit is allowed,provided that the quantity of the goods is shipped in full and a unit price,if stated in the credit,is not reduced or that sub-article 30(b)is not applicable.如果信用证规定了货物数量,而该数量已全部发运,及如果信用证规定了单价,而该单价又未降低,或当第三十条b 款不适用时,则即使不允许部分装运,也允许
21、支取的金额有5%的减幅。若信用证规定有特定的增减幅度或使用第三十条a 款提到的用语限定数量,则该减幅不适用。,1)证中有“about”或“approximately”字样,对应货物数量或金额可增减10%;2)非以包装单位或货物自身件数计量的,可有5%增减幅度,但支款不超过信用证金额;3)信用证只规定货物数量,未规定单价,且货物全部装运,可短支5%;4)信用证只规定单价,且未降低,未规定货物数量,且货物全部装运,可短支5%;5)当信用证既规定了单价且未降低,同时又规定了货物数量,且全部装运,可短支5%。,案1,Amount:USD 3003000.00Description of goods:5
22、6000m/t(10 percent more or less allowed)at USD 48.75 per m/tPartial shipment:Not allowed 受益人交单:USD 48.75 per m/t,56814m/t,USD 2769682.50,案2,Amount:USD 500000.00Description of goods:500m/t,0.1m/t to a bag,5000bags,USD100 per bag.Partial shipment:Not allowed 受益人交单:4800bags,Amount USD 480000.,关于信用证中的“软
23、条款”,信用证中的“软条款”是指在信用证加列一些以改变开证行确定性承诺责任的条件或条款。据此,申请人或开证行具有单方面随时解除付款责任的主动权,或受益人很难做到相符交单,即买方完全控制整笔交易的条件与要求。带有此种条款的信用证极易造成单证不符而遭开证行拒付,甚至买方凭借信用证软条款还可以骗取卖方的保证金、质押金、履约金等。,案例,某证要求”the applicant can take the documents subject to the trust receipt and we will make the payment effect under this credit subject t
24、o the certificate supplied by the applicant”,受益人交单时,开证行拒付,理由是申请人提货后经检验与合同不符,而未向银行提交检验合格证书,从而导致受益人遭受损失。,常见的“软条款”,(1)生效条款:在规定条件满足时方可生产的条款。“this credit will be operative only when and if the applicant received the necessary import license from our authority”(2)1/3或全套正本提单直寄进口商FULL(1/3)SET OF CLEAN ON BO
25、ARD OCEAN BILL OF LADING CONSIGNED TO APPLICANT Full set of B/L(s)made out to order of applicant(3)须提交由申请人、开证行或其指定人签发或会签的单据APPLICANTS SIGNED AND STAMPED CERTIFICATE(SENT TO BENEFICIARY BY FAX)CERTIFYING,四、修改信用证,信用证,相符,制单结汇,不符,修改信用证,合同,信用证其他条款包括打字与拼写错误,1、在什么条件下才可修改与撤销信用证?Art10(a).除第三十八条别有规定者外,未经开证行、保
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- 关 键 词:
- 信用证 流程 业务 操作
