1、第二章 作物需水量和灌溉用水量(Crop Water Requirement and Irrigation Water Use),第一节 作物需水量,第二节 灌溉制度,第三节 灌溉用水量,第四节 灌水率,第一节 作物需水量,一、基本概念,二、研究作物需水量的意义,三、作物需水量的推求方法,一、基本概念,1、作物需水量,2、田间耗水量,1、作物需水量(Crop water requirement),植株蒸腾Traspiration,株间蒸发Evaporation,The evapotranspiration of a crop is the total amount of soil water
2、used for transpiration by the plants and evaporation from the surrounding soil surface.,The evapotranspiration is commonly expressed in millimetres of water used per day(mm/day),作物需水量=植株蒸腾+株间蒸发=腾发量Evapotranspiration(ET),作物根系从土壤中吸入体内,通过叶片的气孔扩散到大气中去的水分refers to themovement of water from the soil intoa
3、 plant,up the plant body,and out the plants leaves into the atmosphere.,蒸腾(Transpiration),蒸腾(Transpiration),Transpiration takes place so quickly,that in a rainforest,water that is in the soil in the morning travels into,up,and out of a tree in time to become rain in the afternoon.,(This has prompted
4、 biologists to say that“rainforests make their own rain.”),蒸腾(Transpiration),植株间土壤或田面蒸发的水分refers to themovement of water from the soil surface or water surface in paddy field into the atmosphere,evaporation from the soil surface is at most equal but usually considerably less than evaporation from an
5、 open water surface,蒸发(Evaporation),2、田间耗水量(Consumptive Use of Water),稻田耗水量,=,作物需水量,+,田间渗漏,水稻田的渗漏 Percolation in paddy field,Percolation,旱地耗水量,=,作物需水量,影响作物需水量的因素Factors Affecting Crop Water Requirement,气象因素(Climatic factors),Radiation:supplies energy to evaporate water from liquid to vaporAir temper
6、ature:determines how much water air can holdHumidity:how much water is in the airWind:how easily a molecule moves into the atmosphere,Design new irrigation systems,二、研究作物需水量的意义,schedule(operate)existing ones,Direct measurement(Lysimeters),三、作物需水量的确定Determining Evapotranspiration,Calculated(equations
7、),1、作物需水量的观测Measurement of Evapotranspiration,Lysimeter,Measuring Crop ET,2、作物需水量的计算Calculation of ET,直接计算需水量通过计算参照作物需水量来计算实际作物需水量,直接计算作物需水量的方法,以水面蒸发为参数的需水系数法),以产量为参数的需水系数法,从影响作物需水量的主要因子(水面蒸发、气温、湿度、日照、辐射等)中选择单因子或多因子,通过实测数据的相关分析,建立经验公式,直接计算作物需水量的方法,以水面蒸发为参数的需水系数法,Pan Evaporation Method,某时段内的作物需水量(mm)
8、,与ET同时段的水面蒸发量,国内外都有较多应用,我国尤其在水稻地区应用较多,Etp=Epan*Pan factor(0.8)*Crop factor Epan=Class A pan evaporation.This data is interpolated for each location based on data from major regional centres.Pan factor=Evaporation of water from a pan is affected by the pans dimensions,wind speed,humidity and the type
9、 of crop within the upwind fetch.The pan factor is typically 0.8 but may range from 0.45 to 0.85.Crop Factor=Empirical ratios of crop to pan evaporation.Its value is indicative of the green leaf area of the vegetation.,直接计算作物需水量的方法,以产量为参数的需水系数法,作物全生育期内总需水量(m3/亩),需水系数,作物单位面积产量(kg/亩),我国过去旱作地区应用较多,目前仍有
10、少量应用,阶段作物需水量,某一生育阶段的作物需水量,模比系数,通过计算参照作物需水量来计算实际作物需水量,参照作物需水量Reference Evapotranspiration ET0,土壤水分充足、地面完全覆盖、生长正常、高矮整齐的开阔(地块的长度和宽度都大于200m)矮草地(草高8-15cm)上的腾发量ETo is the rate of evapotranspiration from a large area,covered by green grass,8 to 15 cm tall,which grows actively,completely shades the ground a
11、nd which is not short of water,计算参照作物需水量的方法有很多,最著名的、应用最广泛的是Penman公式,通过计算参照作物需水量来计算实际作物需水量,Penman公式最早于1948年提出后来经过了不断的修改和完善目前应用最多的是Penman-Monteith 公式,通过计算参照作物需水量来计算实际作物需水量,Penman公式的基本原理 能量平衡,到达地表的净辐射Rn=到达地表的净短波辐射Rns-地表向外发出的净长波辐射Rls,能量收入:,能量支出:,显热消耗C潜热消耗E土壤增温G,SW,LW,Extraterrestrial Radiation Ra,Rns Ne
12、t shortwave,Reflected SW=aRs,Rnl net longwave,Rs global radiation=(0.25+0.5.(n/N).Ra,Net radiation driving Et=Rn=(Rns-Rnl),通过计算参照作物需水量来计算实际作物需水量,Energy balance equations,Net Radiation,Soil Heating,Air Heating,Latent Heat Evap,Transfer of moisture away from leaf:Rate of transfer=potential/resistance,
13、Rn=net radiation MJ m-2 d-1Rns=net shortwave radiation MJ m-2 d-1,Radiation Term,When radiation data are not available,the net radiation Rn can be estimated as follows:,Rnl=net longwave radiation MJ m-2 d-1Ra=extraterrestrial radiation MJ m-2 d-1,N=relative sunshine fraction Tkx=maximum temperature
14、KTkn=minimum temperature Ked=actual vapour pressure kPa,where:Ra=extraterrestrial radiation ML m-2 d-1dr=relative distance Earth-Sundr=solar declination rad=latitude rads=sunset hour angle rad,Extraterrestrial Radiation(Ra),Extraterrestrial radiation is a function of the latitude and time of the yea
15、r.Ra values can be obtained from tables(Table AI)or calculated as follows:,J=Julian day in the year For daily values,J can be determined by:If M 2,then J=J,The soil heat flux(G)is estimated for a daily periods(effective soil depth 0.18m)as follows:For monthly periods(effective soil depth 2.0 m)the s
16、oil heat flux(G)can be estimated as:Since the magnitude of daily soil heat flux over 10-30 day periods is relatively small,it normally can be neglected and thus G=0,Slope Vapour Pressure Curve(D)D=slope vapour pressure curve kPa oC-1T=air temperature oC ea=saturation vapour pressure at temperature T
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- 作物 需水量 灌溉 用水量
