1、管理哲学专题4 管理学中的定性研究,Reference:,Berger,P.L.and Luckman,T.,(1966).The Social Construction of Reality,Allen Lane The Penguin Press.Easterby-Smith,M.,Thorpe,R.and Lowe,A.,(2002).Management Research:An Introduction.2nd ed.London:Sage Publications.Kvale,Steinar,(1996).Interviews:An Introduction to Qualitati
2、ve Research Interviewing,Sage Publications.McNamara,Carter,(1999).PhD.General Guidelines for Conducting Interviews,Minnesota.G.McKenzie,J.Powell and R.Usher,(Eds.),Understanding Social Research:Perspectives on Methodology and Practice,The Falmer PressYin,R.K.(1984),Case study research methods:design
3、 and methods.Newbury park.ca:sage publications,2932.,Methodology&Method,方法论:如何实施按逻辑拟定的研究计划,程序,对知识进行探究的理论。它包括对与某个特定学科或者领域的研究普遍过程、哲学概念和理论的描述。它还涉及具体研究或方法论背后的原则和哲学假设。研究方法:指在所拟定的研究计划和程序指导下的具体实施,进行具体性的研究操作,比如怎样收集资料,怎样调查,如何统计等等。,方法论/研究方法在社会科学研究过程中的位置,What is qualitative research?,scientific research consis
4、ts of an investigation that:Seeks answers to a questionSystematically uses a predefined set of procedures to answer the questionCollective evidenceProduces findings that were not determined in advanceProduces findings that are applicable beyond the immediate boundaries of the study,What is qualitati
5、ve research?,定性研究的涵义 广义:以研究者本人作为研究工具,在自然情境下采用多种资料收集方法,对社会现象进行整体性探究,主要使用归纳法分析资料和形成理论,通过与研究对象互动,对其行为和意义建构获得解释性理解的一种活动.狭义:定性研究是一种探索性的研究,它通过一些方法获得人们的想法、感受等方面较为深层反应的信息,主要用于了解目标人群,有关态度、信念、动机、定位等有关问题。,Research Questions,Quantitative:-About measuring-eg.How much/how many/what proportionQualitative:-About cl
6、assifying and explain-eg.Why,How,What can we learn from qualitative research?,1.The strength of qualitative research is its ability to provide complex textual descriptions of how people experience a given research issue.2.It provides information about the“human”side of an issue.3.Qualitative methods
7、 are also effective in identifying intangible factors.4.When used along with quantitative methods,qualitative research can help us to interpret and better understand the complex reality of a given situation and the implications of quantitative data.,Philosophical background of research design,Differ
8、ent epistemologies provide different versions of how things can be known,and in this sense epistemologies are intimately associated with different disciplines having different ways of knowing the world.Disciplines are located within one(or more than one)paradigm,which delineates their research area
9、and methods.,the importance of the philosophical underpinnings of a research,Usher(1997:4)puts,there is no means of carrying out research which is neutral and self-validating,any method in the final analysis being dependent on its location in disciplinary paradigms and research traditions and on an
10、epistemological-ontological rationale and position.Easterby-Smith et al.(2002),failure to think through philosophical tradition,while not necessarily fatal,can seriously weaken the quality of management research,and it is central to the notion of research design.,The subjective-objective dimension a
11、bout the nature of social science,定性和定量分析的哲学基础,实证主义Positivism,The key idea of positivism is that the social world exists externally,and that its properties should be measured through objective methods,rather than being inferred subjectively through sensation,reflection or intuition.实证主义有两个假设前提:An on
12、tological assumption,that reality is external and objective;An epistemological assumption,that knowledge is only of significance if it is based on observation of this external reality.,实证主义的研究观点,Independence;Value-freedom;Causality;Hypothesis and deduction;Reductionism;Generalization;Cross-sectional
13、 analysis.,Social Constructionism,The key idea of social constructionism is that reality is determined by people rather than by objective and external factors.Hence the task of social scientist should not be to gather facts and measure how often certain patterns occur,but to appreciate the differenc
14、e constructions and meanings that people place upon their experience.,Contrasting implication of positivism and social constructionism,Qualitative research methods,Participant observation(参与者观察)document analysis(实物分析)In-depth interviews(深度访谈)Focus groups(焦点小组)收集定性研究的数据的形式:现场记录(field notes),audio and
15、 sometimes video(音频或视频),recording(录音),transcripts(笔录)。,Comparing Quantitative and Qualitative Research,What are the basic differences between quantitative and qualitative research methods?their analytical objectivesthe types of questions they posethe types of data collection instruments they usethe
16、forms of data they produce the degree of flexibility built into study design,定性和定量研究最主要的差别,定性和定量分析的最重要的差别就是两者的灵活性(flexibility).通常,定量分析是不灵活的。按照定量分析的方法,比如调查或者问卷,研究者会按照一致的顺序来问所有的被调查者设计好的问题。而定性研究是比较灵活的,也就说它容许研究者和被试之间存在更多的自发性和适应性。研究者和被试之间的关系在定性研究较为非正式。参与者有机会更完整地,更深入地回答问题,同时研究者可以根据参与者的回答来调整后面的问题。需要注意的是,定性
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