1、Monograph in Pharmacopoeia,药典中的各论,Chapter 6,中药(2165)药材及饮片 植物油脂和提取物 成方制剂和单味制剂,化学药品 化学药品 抗生素 生化药品 放射性药品 药用辅料,生物制品,2010版药典,Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma 人 参,人参赞三桠五叶,背阳向阴;欲来求我,椴树相寻。,Ginseng is the dried root and rhizoma of Panax ginseng C.A.Mey.(Fam.Araliaceae).The drug derived from the cultivated form is kn
2、own as“Yuanshen”(garden ginseng)and the drug derived from the wild origin is known as“Linxia Shanshen”(Zihai).The drug is collected in autumn and washed clean.,本品为五加科植物人参Panaxginseng C.A.Mey.的干燥根和根茎。多于秋季采挖,洗净经晒干或烘干。栽培的俗称“园参”;播种在山林野生状态下自然生长的称“林下山参”,习称“籽海”。,Origin,植(动)物来源的药材的来源部分的一般译法为:药材英文名称 is the 药
3、用部位(名词单数)of 植(动)物拉丁学名属名和种(变种)加词为斜体字(科名).例:It is the dried root of Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch)Bge.var.mongholicus(Bge.)Hsiao or Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.)Bge.,family Leguminosae.,本品为豆科植物蒙古黄芪Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch)Bge.var.mongholicus(Bge.)Hsiao或膜荚黄芪Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.)Bge.的干燥
4、根。,药材的采收与产地加工部分的一般译法为:用The drug作主语,单数。用被动语态,不用主动语态。,“采收”用“to be collected”(不用“to be picked”,“to be dug up”等)。“除去杂质”等(名词单数)用“removed from foreign matter”,“洗净”用“washed clean”,“干燥”用“dried”,“晒干”为“dried in the sun”,“阴干”为“dried in the shade”,“低温干燥”为“dried at a lower temperature”。“栽培变种”为“cultivar”。“泥砂”为“so
5、il”。“须根.细根”:“fibrous root”用于单子叶植物、根茎上的不定根,“rootlet”用于双子叶植物主根上的细小侧根、支根。,例1 The drug is collected in autumn,removed from foreign matter,washed clean,and dried in the sun.例2 The drug is collected at flowering to fruiting stage,removed from thick stem,cut into section,and dried.(注:中国药典2005年版一部英文版药用部位采用名
6、词单数,如stem,leaf,fibrous root,rootlet等).,Description,性 状,sparse 稀疏的 shallow 浅的interrupted 间断的 coarse 粗糙的 slender 细长的inconspicuous 不显著的minute 微小的tubercle 疣状粒adventitious 不定的,starchy 粉性的cambium 形成层bark 皮部 resin canal 树脂道slender 细长的inconspicuous 不显著的annulation 环,环纹wart 疣reclinate 下垂的,fusiform 纺锤形 cylindr
7、ical 圆柱形Rhomboid 菱形,芦(根茎),艼(不定根),身(主根),腿(较粗的支根),须(较细的支根),疣状突起(珍珠疙瘩),Main roots fusiform or cylindrical,3-15 cm long,1-2 cm in diameter;externally the upper part the lower part Rhizomes Texture fracture cambium ring bark Odour taste,性状描述是按照一定的顺序进行的,与植物形态、性状、组织有关的术语,性状常用词汇:(1)根root须根 fibrous roots侧根 r
8、ootlets根头 root stock根冠 root cap根毛 root hairs主根 main root,principal root支根 branch root气生根 aerial root水生根 water root寄生根 parasitic root圆锥状 conical圆柱状 cylindrical纺锤状 fusiform块状 tuberous残基 remains of,根茎 rhizome鳞茎 bulbs球茎 corms块茎 tubers走茎 runner,stolon去皮的 peeled未去皮的 unpeeled完整的 whole块片状的 sliced茎痕 stem sca
9、rs根痕 root scars,(2)茎stem芽 buds木 wood心材 heartwood边材 sapwood年轮 annual rings假年轮 false annual rings纹理(木材)striation(s),line(s)辐射状排列 showing a radiate arrangement髓 medulla枝条 ramulus,与植物性状有关的术语,(3)切面观 in section折断面 fracture横切面 transverse section纵切面 longitudinal section表面观 surface view质坚硬 texture hard质松脆 la
10、x and fragile,short不平坦 uneven易折断的 easily broken易弯曲的 flexible角质样的 horny粉质的 mealy,starchy粘性的 viscous星点 star spots,(4)外表external(ly+adj.)包围,围绕 surrounded with基部连生 accreted at base无柄或具短柄 sessile or short petioled絮状毛茸 flocky hairs脂肪光泽 fatty luster微有光泽 somewhat lustrous半透明的 translucent裂缝 cracks皱缩 wrinkles
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