1、,The Hippocastanaceae is a small family of trees(rarely shrubs).A feature of the family is the palmate compound leaves,opposite.乔木,稀灌木,掌状复叶对生,花杂性同株,顶生圆锥花序,蒴果3裂,种子大。2属约30种,中国1属约10种。,七叶树 Hippocastanaceae,七叶树属 Aesculus,Aesculus are woody plants from 4 to 36m tall,and have stout shoots;opposite,palmatel
2、y divided leaves;and showy insect-pollinated flowers,with four or five petals fused into a lobed corolla tube.The fruit is a rich glossy brown to blackish-brown nut 25 cm diameter,usually globose with one nut in a green or brown husk,but sometimes two nuts together in one husk;the point of attachmen
3、t of the nut in the husk shows as a large circular whitish scar.The husk has spines in some species,spineless in others,and splits into three sections to release the nut.落叶乔木,稀灌木,掌状复叶具长柄,小叶59,有锯齿,圆锥花序直立而多花,花萼钟状或管状,花瓣具爪。,七叶树 A.chinensis 落叶乔木,小枝粗壮,小叶具柄517mm,花瓣 4,花小,蒴果光滑,种子形如板栗,仅秦岭有野生,黄河流域及冬部各省有栽培。欧洲七叶
4、树 A.hippocastanum 小叶57,无柄。蒴果褐色,近球形,果皮有刺,原产希腊北部和阿尔巴山尼亚山区,上海,青岛,北京有栽培。日本七叶树 A.turbinate 小叶57,无柄,蒴果近洋梨形,果深棕色,有疣状突起,原产日本。,Flower of the Red Horse-chestnut(Aesculus carnea),Flower of the Red Horse-chestnut(Aesculus carnea),Aesculus hippocastanum,Aesculus glabra,Aesculus glabra,Aesculus hippocastanum,无患子科
5、 Sapindaceae,Plants of this family have a variety of habits,from trees to herbaceous plants or lianas.Their leaves usually spirally alternate.They are most often pinnately compound,with a petiole lacking stipules.Flowers are small and unisexul,or functionally unisexual,though plants may be either di
6、oecious or monoecious.They are usually grouped in cymes grouped in panicles.They most often have four or five petals and sepals花萼.The stamens range from eight to ten.The most frequent number is eight,in two rings of four.The gynoecium 雌蕊contains two or three carpelsThe fruits are fleshy or dry,.They
7、 may be nuts,berries,drupes,capsules,or samaras.,无患子科 Sapindaceae,乔灌木,稀草本,羽状复叶互生,花单性或杂性,雄蕊810,子房上位,多三室。蒴果、核果、坚、浆果、翅。约150属2000,产热带,亚热带,中国产25属56种。,栾树属 Koelreuteria,They are medium-sized deciduous trees growing to 10-20 m tall,with alternately arranged pinnate or bipinnate leaves.The flowers are small
8、and yellow,produced in large branched panicles 20-50 cm long.The fruit is a three-lobed inflated papery capsule 3-6 cm long,containing several hard nut-like seeds 5-10 mm diameter.落叶乔木;奇数羽状复叶或二回羽状复叶,小叶有粗锯齿或缺裂;花黄色,不整齐,大型顶生圆锥花序,花瓣上有爪,花瓣基部有2个附属物;蒴果,气球状,3瓣开裂。,全缘栾树 K.integrifolia 2回羽状复叶,711,小叶全缘或偶有齿,花黄色顶
9、生圆锥花序,89月,蒴果,10-11,淡红色灯笼状果实挂满枝头。栾树 K.paniculata 落叶乔木,树冠近圆球形,1回奇数羽状叶,或因部分小叶深裂而成不完全的2回羽状复叶,顶生大型疏散的圆锥花序。果成熟时红褐色或橘红色,花期67月,果期910月成熟。,全缘叶栾树,文冠果属 Xanthoceras,本属仅一种,中国特产。文冠果 X.sirbifolia Xanthoceras sorbifolium(Yellowhorn),the sole species in the genus Xanthoceras,is a flowering plant in the family Sapinda
10、ceae,native to northern China.It is a large shrub or small tree growing to 8 m tall.The leaves are arranged alternately,and are pinnate,with 917 leaflets with a sharply serrated margin.The flowers are five white petals,and are produced in erect panicles in mid spring.The fruit is an oval leathery ca
11、psule 56 cm diameter,which splits into three sections at maturity to release the 618 seeds;the seeds are black.,文冠果属 Xanthoceras,本属仅一种,中国特产。文冠果 X.sirbifolia落叶小乔木或灌木,奇数羽状复叶,互生,小叶919,对生或近对生,花杂性,整齐,茎约2cm,萼片,花瓣5,白色。基部有黄变红的斑晕,花盘5裂,裂片背面各有一橙黄色角状附属物。硕果椭球形,46cm,具木质壁,室皆3瓣裂,花期45月。,文冠果,无患子属sapindus,The genus in
12、cludes both deciduous and evergreen shrubs and small trees.The leaves are alternate,15-40 cm long,pinnate,with 14-30 leaflets,the terminal leaflet often absent.The flowers form in large panicles,each flower small,creamy white.The fruit,called a soap nut,is a small leathery-skinned drupe 1-2 cm diame
13、ter,yellow ripening blackish,containing one to three seeds.乔木,灌木。偶数羽状复叶,互生,小叶全缘,花萼花瓣45,核果,球形,中果皮肉质,内果皮革质。,无患子 S.mukurossi落叶,半常绿乔木,树皮灰色,光滑不裂,小枝皮孔多而明显,偶数羽状复叶,叶互生。小叶814互生或近对生,全缘,叶基歪斜,花小黄白色,顶生圆锥花序,核果肉质,球形。,其它,葡萄科 vitaceae,Vitaceae may be recognised by their caducously(早落的)stipulate leaves with palmately
14、 compound,-lobed or-veined blades and often rather coarse teeth,cymose(聚伞花序)inflorescences,and smallish flowers with valvate petals.The stamens are equal in number to and opposite the petals,the usually 4-ovulate,bicarpellate gynoecium has more or less sessile stigmas柱头,and the berry often has rumin
15、ate反刍seeds.The stems are often strongly lenticellate(皮孔),with the bark ultimately flaking,and the leaf blades are very brittle when dry,the fine details of the venation being obscure.Leaf-opposed tendrils or inflorescences are common in the family.,葡萄科 vitaceae,藤本,常具有与叶对生的卷曲,单叶或复叶,有托叶。花小,成聚伞,伞房或圆锥花序
16、,浆果。共12属约700种,分布于热带至温带,中国产7属约100种,南北均有分布。,葡萄属 Vitis,葡萄 V.vinifera落叶藤本,长达30cm,茎皮红褐色,茎皮红褐色,老时条状剥落,卷须间歇性与叶对生,叶互生,近圆形。3-5掌状裂,基部心性,花小黄绿色或紫红色,有白粉,花期56月,果期89成熟。在园林中是很好的棚架植物,即可观赏,遮荫,又可结合果实生产,庭院,公园,疗养院,居民区均可栽培。,woody vine,in the grape family(Vitaceae),that climbs by means of disk-tipped tendrils.It is common
17、ly found in eastern North America and is often grown as a covering vine for walls,fences,and trunks of large trees.Its fall colour ranges from yellow to red-purple.Several cultivated varieties,with smaller leaves and shorter tendrils,have been developed to provide.,爬山虎属(地锦属)Parthenocissus,爬山虎属(地锦属)P
18、arthenocissus,藤本,卷须顶端常扩大成吸盘,叶互生,掌状复叶互生,单叶而有裂,花瓣基数5,浆果。爬山虎 P.tricudpodata单叶常3裂或深裂成3小叶。美国地锦 P.quinquefolia掌状复叶,小叶5。二者都耐荫,秋季叶都变红,前者攀缘能力强,但都可做建筑物的墙壁,围墙,假山,老树干材的绿化材料,见效快。,Parthenocissus tricuspidata Veitchii,P.quinquefolia,椴树科 Tiliaceae,椴树属 TiliaTilia species are large deciduous trees.The leaves of all t
19、he lindens are one-sided,always heart-shaped,and the tiny fruit,looking like peas,always hangs attached to a curious,ribbon-like,greenish yellow bract,whose use seems to be to launch the ripened seed-clusters just a little beyond the parent tree.,这个属许多种是作行道树,为著名的行道树。落叶乔木,单叶互生,叶柄长,叶基不对称,聚伞花序下垂,总梗长度一半
20、与舌状苞片合生,花小,花白色。状核果或浆果状。,椴树属 Tilia,糠 椴,糠椴 T.mandshurica喜光,相当耐荫,耐寒性强,深根性,不耐烟尘,树冠整齐,枝叶茂密,是优良的庭荫树及巷道树。蒙椴(小叶椴)T.monogolica叶三裂具粗锯齿,树形较小,宜在公园,庭院及风景区载植。,扁担杆属 Grewia,扁担杆 G.bilobaA decidious shrub growing to 3m.It is in flower from July to August.The flowers are hermaphrodite 落叶灌木,小枝有星状毛,单叶互生,狭菱状卵形。长3-9cm,缘有不
21、规则锯齿,基部3主脉。叶柄端膨大呈关节状。花淡黄绿色,径不及1cm,核果橙红色,2裂。变种(孩儿拳头)扁担木,果实橙红光亮,且宿存枝头很久。是良好的观果树种。并可作瓶插材料。,Grewia occidentalis,锦葵科Malvaceae,约50属1000种,广布于温带至热带各地。中国约有10属50余种。木槿属 Hibiscus 多为灌木,单叶对生,掌状脉,花大,雄蕊多数,花丝合生柱状,花萼宿存,副萼较小,蒴果5裂,种子无毛。,The genus includes both annual and perennial herbaceous plants,and woody shrubs and
22、 small trees.The leaves are alternate,simple,ovate to lanceolate,often with a toothed or lobed margin.The flowers are large,conspicuous,trumpet-shaped,with five or more petals,ranging from white to pink,red,purple or yellow,and from 4-15 cm broad.The fruit is a dry five-lobed capsule,containing seve
23、ral seeds in each lobe,which are released when the capsule splits open at maturity.,木槿 H.syriacus叶菱状卵形,端部常3裂,花单生叶腋,有白,粉红,紫红色等7-9月开放,花期长,可供观赏,常植为绿篱.及基础种植,也可丛植于草坪,路边,林缘.扶桑 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis又叫朱槿,灌木,叶卵形,缘有粗齿,三主脉,花冠通常鲜红色,雄蕊柱甚长,超出花冠外,花梗长而无毛,夏秋开花,原产于我国南部,喜温暖湿润气候,常做美丽的温室花木,在华南露地栽培.,木芙蓉(芙蓉花)Hibisucus mu
24、tabilis 叶卵状心形,掌状3-5(7)裂.密被星状毛和短柔毛.花大,单生枝端叶腋,清晨初开时白色,或浅粉红色,傍晚变成紫红色,副萼线形,9-10月开花,不耐寒.变种:木芙蓉秋季开花,花大而美,其花色,花型随品种不同有丰实变化,由于性喜近水,故常植于水边,还引种在庭院,坡地,路边,林缘,建筑前,或栽作花篱.,木芙蓉,扶桑,梧桐科Sterculiaceae,梧桐(青桐)Firmiana simplexUpright form with an umbrella-like canopy-Simple leaf,palmate with 3-5 lobes,alternate,deciduous
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