1、pandectChapter 1 Taxonomy and Classification of Landscape trees(2 periods)Methods of Classification:Natural classificationArtificial classification,Taxonomy(分类学):the classification of organisms in an ordered hierarchical system that indicates natural and evolutionary relationships between them.-natu
2、ral classificationClassification(分类):according to the function of woody landscape plants in urban greening.-artificial classification,As we know,there are about 8000 woody landscape plants in our country.Of these,3000 species have been cultivated.We also introduced more than 1000 cultivars from fore
3、ign country.More than 2000 species in Xishuangbanna botanical garden are collected,but only several hundreds species are applied to urban area.In order to grow more woody species in landscape architecture,we should know the names,characteristics of woody plants first.Correct plant is very important
4、for application.It is worse and more dangerous to people for using wrong plants as food.,For example,木本香料并做调料品的八角和莽草都是同科(八角科)、同属(八角属)、的常绿乔木。形态很相似(八角的聚合 果8,先端钝尖或短尖;莽草聚合 果10-13,先端是细长弯曲的尖头)。如不能正确区别,误食莽草可置人于死地。所以需正确鉴定,进行分类。,We will review the principles of systematic classification,the plant nomenclatur
5、e,and keys first,then learn how to construct and use dichotomous key(分支式检索表).分类学(taxonomy)可以定义为研究和描述有机体的变异、探讨这种变异的因果关系、并运用所掌握的资料去建立某个分类系统的学科。分类学和系统学(systematic)这两个术语现在常被不严格地作为同义词并用,如果要说两个术语有些什么不同的含义,那么分类学常用来指分类理论和实践(包括它的基础、原理、步骤和规则)而不是它的最终产物(分类系统);系统学是有机体的种类和多样性以及它们间全部亲缘关系的研究(simpson 1961),比分类学含义多少宽
6、广些。,The principles of systematic classification(系统分类的基本原则)Systematics(系统分类学):the study of relationships of organisms and evolutionary processes.The taxonomic organization of species is hierarchical.Each species(Prunus persica桃,for example)belongs to a genus(Prunus桃属,李属,樱属,梅属),each genus belongs to a
7、 family(Rosaceae蔷薇科),each family belongs to an order(Rosales蔷薇目),each order belongs to a class(Dicotyledoneae双子叶植物纲),each class belongs to a phylum(Spermatophyta种子植物门),and each phylum belongs to a kingdom(Plantae植物界).,Concept of species物种的概念:大家所接受的概念是:种是自然界中客观存在的一种类群,这个类群中的所有个体都有着极其相似的形态特征和生理、生态特性,个
8、体之间可以自然交配产生正常的后代而使种族延续,它们在自然界中占有一定的分布区域。人们就以这种客观存在的类群称为种,也是作为分类的基本单位。Home workhttp:/sorrel.humboldt.edu/kll1/speciesdef.html,Important Plant Classification TerminologyGenus:Weakly defined as a group of plants containing one or more species.The species have more characteristics in common with each ot
9、her than they do with species of other genera in the same family.Similarity of flowers and fruits is the most widely used feature of comparison.A genus may contain a single species(e.g.,Ginkgo biloba)or more than 100(e.g.,Rosa spp.).The plural of the singular genus is genera,Species:A group of indiv
10、idual plants that are fundamentally the same,separated from other closely related species by distinct morphological differences.All individuals in a given species are not identical,but can express variation in certain traits.Species is abbreviated sp.(singular)or spp.(plural).,Variety:A population o
11、f plants within a species that display clear differences,differences that occur in natural populations.A variety name is written in lower case,italicized or underlined,and preceded by the abbreviation var.For example,Honeylocust is Gleditsia triacanthos whereas the Thornless Honeylocust is Gleditsia
12、 triacanthos var.inermis(Latin for lacking thorns).Subspecies(abbreviated ssp.)is for practical purposes equivalent to variety.,Forma:Describes sporadic variations,such as an occasional white flowered plant in a population of a normally red-flowered species.For example,Quercusglauca Thung.(青岗栎)is us
13、ually big leaves in nature,but small leaves plants occur naturally,being referred to as Quercus glauca Thung.f.gracilis Rehd.et.Wils(小叶青岗栎).,Cultivar:A term coined by Liberty Hyde Bailey and derived from the term cultivated variety.It is defined as an assemblage of cultivated plants,which are clearl
14、y distinguished by one or more characters,and which when reproduced(sexually or asexually)retains its distinguishing characteristics.A yellow stem form of Redosier Dogwood is Cornus sericea Flaviramea(金枝梾木).The cultivar name is not italicized or underlined and has single quotes on either side of the
15、 name.Cultivar is abbreviated cv.so the plant could also be named with the single quotes deleted,such as,Cornus sericea cv.Flaviramea.,Hybrid:This is a plant that has originated from a cross(or hybridization)between two species within a genera(Interspecific Hybrid),or two different genera(Intergener
16、ic Hybrid).The small multiplication sign x used between genus and specific epithet names simply indicates that the plant is an interspecific hybrid origin(Example:Abelia x grandiflora).An intergeneric hybrid is written with a large multiplication sign X before the genus name(Example:X Cupressocypari
17、s leylandii.),1.种的学名如:银杏 Ginkgo biloba L.多为名词 多为形容词 命名人缩写2.变种的学名:在种名之后加上Var.(varietas)符号再加上变种词 如:樟子松是欧洲松的变种 Pinus sylvestris Linn.var.mongolica Litr.欧洲松 变种符号 变种加词常写为 Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica 3.变型的学名:f.(forma)小叶青岗栎 Quercus glauca Thung.f.gracilis Rehd.et.Wils.符号 变型加词,Patents and Trademarks:Pate
18、nts give exclusive rights and protection to an inventor to make,use,and sell an invention.For 20 years after the date indicated on a plant patent,only the patent holder may commercially raise or sell a patented plant.Others may do so through license or royalty agreements with the patent holder.Trade
19、marks provide another form of protection.The plant name can be trademarked and such names cannot be used as a name for any other similar plant.,Trademarked plant names are indicated by use of a trademark(),such as Betula nigra Heritage,whereas patented plants are designated with a registered tradema
20、rk().Confusing to some is the fact that patented cultivars must be given,in addition to the registered trademark name,an official cultivar name registered according to the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants(ICNCP国际栽培植物命名法规).In the case of Betula nigra Heritage,the actual cultiv
21、ar name approved by the International Cultivar Registration Authorities(ICRAs国际品种登录权威)is actually Cully.,Plant Recognition Learning to recognize different kinds of plants in the nursery and landscape is an important skill that requires close observation and knowledge of plant parts.Landscape ornamen
22、tals vary greatly in overall shape and habit,ranging from sprawling groundcovers to mounding shrubs,to columnar to weeping trees.,Even when the general shape is similar,landscape plants can differ in numerous other traits,including the shape,color,and size of leaves,flowers,and fruits,and the color
23、and texture of bark and twigs.Notwithstanding,knowledge of these characteristics alone may not be enough to clearly separate one type of plant from another,especially when environmental or cultural factors like pruning have altered the plants natural form and growth,or the plant is very young or old
24、.,For these reasons,additional morphological features often need to be examined for accurate plant identification,like leaf arrangement and type,and leaf shape,and leaf apices,leaf bases,leaf margins,type of leaf venation,shape of leaf scars and vascular bundles,terminal and lateral bud shape,size,a
25、nd color,and flower and inflorescence morphology.,3分类系统上的等级(以桃为例)界-植物界 门-种子植物门 亚门-被子植物亚门 纲-双子叶植物纲 亚纲-离瓣花亚纲 目-蔷薇目 亚目-蔷薇科 亚科-李亚科 属-梅属 亚属-桃亚属 种-桃,Biological system of Linnaeus(Taxonomic System)In the formal nomenclature of any species,living or fossil,taxonomists follow the biological system of Linnaeu
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