1、Chapter 4 The basic knowledge of plant community and culture community in landscape1 Definition of plant community The collection of all organisms that live together on a relatively uniform area of land.A plant community would refer to the vegetative portion of the whole community.Cultivated communi
2、ty is depend on human beings activities.Its formation and development are totally controlled by human being and their management level.,2 Component and nomenclature of natural communityComponent of natural community自然群落的组成:Every community are composed of certain plants and have their physiognomy:com
3、position of community 群落的组成成分:Community is compose of different species and the number of every species is unequal.A dominant species occupies most area in the community It controls the most characteristic of an ecological community and usually determines the presence,abundance,and type of other spe
4、cies.,community physiognomy(appearance)群落的外貌:群落的外貌主要表现在以下几个方面:A The life form of dominant species优势种的生活型:Life forms of plants are an adaptation to complex environmental factors,therefore different habitats would have different plant structures and physiognomy.Plant life forms are grouped into arbor,
5、shrub and grass in a simple way.The appearance of community is depend on the life form of dominant species.,B Density 密度:is the number of plants per area in the community.The density of plant in community is closely correlation with the appearance of community.如稀疏的松林与浓郁的松林有着不同的形貌。C number of species
6、 种类的多寡:the number of species has a big influence on the appearance of community.例如单纯一种树木的林丛常形成高度一致的线条,而若多种树木生长在一起,则无论在群落立面上或平面上的轮廓、线条都可有不同的变化。,D hue of color 色相:is the color of various plants in the community.例如针叶树林常呈蓝绿色;柳树林呈浅绿色;银白杨树林则呈碧绿与银光闪烁的色相。E seasonal aspect季相:is the different appearance of th
7、e same community in same region with different seasons.例如,春季在岸边到处可见的堇菜、二月兰等蓝堇色的花朵,不久则是蒲公英黄色的花朵布满各处。入夏则羊胡子草的新穗形成一片褐黄色,浮于绿色的叶丝上。暮秋则银白杨的白茅迎风飞舞。即在一年四季之中表现为不同的形色。,F Stratification of the community群落的分层现象:Communities usually have a noticeable vertical structure This vertical distribution has an effect on
8、the amount of light that penetrates to lower layers.The gradient of light affects the vertical distribution of plants Layers or strata,e.g.trees form the canopy,smaller trees form the understory,shrubs layer,herb layer,forest floor,and subterranean layer.,There are different vertical stratifications
9、 in various community.层次少的如荒漠地区的植物常只有一层,层次多的如热带雨林中常达六、七层以上。这种层次的形成是依据植物种的高矮及不同的生态需求形成的。,2.Nomenclature of community(2种)Stratified record 分层记载法:Communities are often named after the every layers dominant species,using“+”connect every layers dominant species and using“-”connect the dominant species wi
10、thin same layer.:coniferous,deciduous,etc.例如樟子松(Pinus)-越桔-藓群落。对在第一层中有两个优势种的樟子松与云杉的混交林,则可写为樟子松+云杉-越桔-藓群落。Simple record简要记载法:only choose two dominant species to record this community.例如:云杉-蕨类群落。,二、Component and nomenclature of culture community栽培群落的组成及命名Component of cultivated community栽培群落的组成:Cultiva
11、ted community is created by people.It may consist of only one species,or two species in mixture plantation or many species mixed together.However,the appearance of culture community also depends on the component,dominant species,dense and manner of community.2.Nomenclature of culture community栽培群落命名
12、:The name of culture community usually add a structure and usage term of landscape before dominant species.如单纯树种的栽培群落可称为“自然风景式油松纯林”;混交种植的栽培群落有:“林荫道式油松、槭树混交群落”等等。,3 The development and succession of community 群落的生长发育和演替一、The development of community 群落的发育 Community has several stages from formation t
13、o wane and are replaced by another community.1.Initial phase of community发育初期:建立这个群落的主要树种还不稳定,群落组成不清楚,个体变化不知道,群体的季相、密度、外貌看不出,群落环境没确定。2.culminating stage发育盛期:随着植物的生长,过了一段时间,主要优势种表现出来,群落的季相、密度、外貌、高度形成,群落环境也确定了。3.Senescence phase发育末期:群落植物开始衰老,树冠缩小(向心生长),郁闭度缩小,阳光照射进来,风大,温度、湿度改变,环境发生变化,下层灌木、草本不适应而死亡,适合这种
14、环境的树种和新来树种开始生长,这种变化孕育着演替。,CLIMAX COMMUNITY 顶级群落-A relatively stable and undisturbed plant community that has evolved through stages and adapted to its environment.CLIMAX FOREST-Plant community dominated by trees representing the culminating stage of natural succession for that specific locality and
15、environment.CLIMAX SPECIES-Plant species that will remain essentially unchanged in terms of species composition for as long as the siteremains undisturbed.,二、Succession群落演替 Succession:The gradual supplanting 取代of one community of plants by another,the sequence of communities being termed a sere 演替系列
16、and each seral stage.NOTE:(1)A sere whose first stage is open water is termed a hydrosere,one whose first stage is dry ground,a xerosere.(2)Succession is primary(by pioneers)on sites that have not previously borne vegetation,secondary after the whole or part of the original vegetation has been suppl
17、anted代替;allogenic异源 when the causes of succession are external to and independent of the community(e.g.,accretion of soil by wind or water,or a change of climate);and autogenic自源 when the developing vegetation is itself the cause.,.群落演替的原因有内部矛盾和外部矛盾,但最根本的原因在于森林群落内部矛盾的发展。群落内部矛盾中最主要矛盾是群落优势种与群落生境之间的矛盾。
18、其中,起决定作用的,即矛盾的主要方面是优势种的生物学、生态学特性。事实上,任何群落发生发展过程,都是从具有与群落生境相适应的植物种类完成起迁移、定居过程而开始的。所有外因,如火灾、采伐、开垦、病虫害、风灾,冰川侵移、大气候的变迁等等,都是通过其内部矛盾而起作用的,即引起群落的组成种类或群落生境发生变化,使原来的生境与群落组成种类之间失去了相对统一,导致植物种类发生改变,从而产生了群落演替。,Chapter 6 Survey and planning of urban Landscape trees 1 Importance of survey on urban Landscape trees树
19、种调查与规划的意义 回顾我国园林发展史,特别是建国以来,在城市园林树种选择方面有许多值得思考的教训。如:上海市飞机场-市区(延安西路),这段路上的行道树是悬铃木1962年改为重阳木(秋季红叶,但有许多吉丁虫)1965年改为枫杨(生长快,树形不正,落叶时间长,扫地困难)1968年换成悬铃木(树荫大,耐城市污染,耐移栽,耐修剪,特别是耐上海气候)。随着生态园林的提出,城市绿化的质量要求提高,植物种类需要丰富,但目前几乎所有城市都存在树木种类贫乏。为解决上述问题,首先做好当地的树种调查工作,摸清家底,总结出各种树种在生长、管理及绿化应用方面的成功经验和失败教训。然后,根据本地各种不同类型园林绿地对树
20、种的要求订出规划。,survey on urban Landscape trees园林树种的调查一、survey on urban natural condition 城市自然条件的调查 Survey on the ecological factors which affect tree growth and the development Direct factors直接因子:climate气候、soil土壤、vegetation植被、industrial pollution 工业污染 etc.Favorable condition for trees:年平均温度、光照、降雨量等土壤类型、p
21、H值、地下水位等植被Unfavorable condition or circumstance.:台风、旱风等,E.g.the survey of Chongqing bureau of parks and woods重庆园林局调查情况(1980年)Advantage condition有利条件:1 annual average temperature 18.4;2 short winter,not very cold,only 80 days;3 Extreme lowest temperature-2.5,short for frost period4 pH neutralacid soi
22、l;5 Rainfall over 1000mm,Unfavorable condition or circumstance不利条件:mountain city,barren,rocky soildry city,evaporationrainfall,longer and serious dry season“Furnaces”city,five months summer from April to September,maximum temperature44Fog City,fog days for 120 days/year,soot排烟尘230吨/公顷.月,超过国家排放标准29倍。
23、当选择树种时,必须考虑到这些不利因素,树种必须能适应这些不利因素。如:臭椿、泡桐、楝树、夹竹桃、构树等。,二、Survey on urban greening 城市绿化情况的调查(摸清家底,做到心中有数)E.g.XianSurvey on natural vegetation in suburb郊区自然植被的调查 Try to find good species from mountains around city.临潼骊山54种,华山有146种树种,南五台山有94种,其中猬实、翅刺峨眉蔷薇等当时西安市还没有应用,把有观赏价值的树种引下来。,2.Survey of landscape tree
24、s on various urban green space 城市各类绿地树种的调查 sample:抽查景点树种丰富,具体调查各树种,分门别类记载。record:树种名称、类别(落叶树、常绿树、落叶针叶树、落叶灌木、常绿灌木)、树形、园林用途(行道树、庭荫树等)、生态环境、适应性(耐旱力、耐寒力、耐荫性等)、抗有毒气体能力。proportion 比例:常绿树与落叶树比例,阔叶树与针叶树比例,乔木与灌木比例,ancient and famous 古树名木:古树名木是有生命的古物,上千年的古树很多。古树的标准不同,一般200300年的树木都应该建立档案,快长树寿命短200年已是古树,慢长树300年
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- 园林树木学西农-吉文丽 园林 树木 学西农 吉文丽 第四
