1、 Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Unit 2Using the System,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Unit Objectives,After completing this unit,you should be able to:Log in and out of the systemState the structure of AIX commandsExecute basic AIX commandsUse AIX commands to communicate with other users,Copyright I
2、BM Corporation 2008,Logging In and Out,To Log in:To Log out:,login:team01team01s Password:(the password does not appear)$,$(or)$exit(or)$logoutlogin:,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Passwords,Creating or Changing:,$passwdChanging password for team01team01s Old password:team01s New password:Enter the
3、new password again:$,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Command Format,AIX commands have the following format:$command option(s)argument(s),$ls$ls l$ls/dev$ls l/dev,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS!,Command Format Examples,WRONG:1.Separation:$mail-f newmail$who-u2.Order:$mail newmail-
4、f$team01 mail$-u who3.Multiple Options:$who-m-u$who-m u4.Multiple Arguments:$mail team01team02,RIGHT:1.Separation:$mail-f newmail$who-u2.Order:$mail-f newmail$mail team01$who-u3.Multiple Options:$who-m-u$who-mu4.Multiple Arguments:$mail team01 team02,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,The date and cal C
5、ommands,Checking the date:Looking at a month:Looking at a year:,$dateWed Nov 14 10:15:00GMT 2007$,$cal 1 2003 January 2003Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31,$cal 2007,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,The clear,echo,and banner
6、 Commands,clear:Clears the terminal screenecho:Writes what follows to the screenbanner:Writes character strings in large letters to the screen,$clear,$echo Lunch is at 12:00Lunch is at 12:00$,$banner Hello,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Activity:Questions and Answers,Whats wrong with the following c
7、ommands?$du-s k_$df-k_$du-a-k_Which command.changes your password?_.clears the screen?_.prints out the current system date?_.exits the current shell?_,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,The who and finger Commands,Finding who is on the system:Finding who you are:Displaying information about the users cu
8、rrently logged on:,$whorootlft0 Sept 4 14:29team01pts/0Sept 4 17:21,$who am iteam01pts/0Sept 4 17:21$whoamiteam01,$finger team02Login name:team02Directory:/home/team02Shell:/usr/bin/kshOn since Mar 04 16:17:10 on tty3No Plan.,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Sending Mail,$mail team01Subject:MeetingThe
9、re will be a brief announcement meeting todayin room 602 at noon.Cc:$,$mail team20sys2Subject:Dont Forget!Dont forget about the meeting today!Cc:$,Copyright IBM Corporation 2008,Receiving Mail,YOU HAVE NEW MAIL$mailMail 5.2 UCB AIX5.X Type?for help/var/spool/mail/team01:2 messages 1 new U 1 team05 T
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- aix系统应用基础 aix 系统 应用 基础 02 usingthesystem
