1、Unit 9 payment,Points for attention:Letters regarding payment often fall into the following types:discussing mode of payment,urging establishment of L/C,amending L/C or asking for extension of L/C.,Objectives,商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,To learn different modes of payment.To learn useful terms and expr
2、essions about payment.To practice writing letters about payment.,商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,Chinese Version of the Text,介绍 国际贸易中货款的支付十分复杂和困难,来往信函磋商和交货必然要花费大量的时间。出口方也许要等候很久,货款才能收回;进口方也可能在付款后几个月才能收到货物。另外,如果进口方不付款,出口方可能就会采取诉讼等法律行为,并可能会为此支付昂贵的费用,损失惨重。因此,为了更好地保护进出口双方的利益,交易双方应在下订单时就每笔交易的货款支付达成协议。国际贸易中常用的支付方
3、式有三种:汇付(包括信汇,电汇和票汇),托收(包括付款交单和承兑交单)以及信用证。,Three often used ways of payment,商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,Useful Information,商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,Ways of Payment Remittance,Remittance means that the importer(the buyer)sends a certain sum of money to the exporter(the seller)through a bank.This way of p
4、ayment is often used for down payment(分期付款中的)头期款,payment of commission and for sample,settlement of claim理赔,or as performance bond履约保证书,etc.,Useful Information,汇入行,汇出行,汇款人,收款人,电/信汇业务程序图,买卖合同规定以电/信汇付款,1 电/信 汇申请书、交款、付费,4 收 据,5 付 款*,3汇 款 通 知,2 电/信汇委托通知*,6 收回垫款或付讫借记通知,(Telegraphic Transfer,T/T),(Mail Tr
5、ansfer,M/T),商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,Ways of Payment Collection,Collection means that the exporter draws a bill of exchange and gives it to his bank,who in turn sends it to the importer through a collecting bank in the importers country.A bill of exchange is a written order to a bank or a customer t
6、o pay someone on demand or at a fixed time in the future a certain sum of money.是出口人在货物装运后,开具以进口方为付款人的汇票(随附或不随付货运单据),委托出口地银行通过它在进口地的分行或代理行代出口人收取货款一种结算方式。,Useful Information,商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,Ways of Payment Collection,Clean collection means the seller only draws a bill of exchange on the buye
7、r without giving any shipping documents to him.Documentary collection means shipping documents will be given together with the bill of exchange.,Useful Information,付款人(进口人),委托人(出口人),代收行,合同规定付款交单方式,2.寄交托收指示书、汇票货运单据,1 装货,填写托收委托书,开立汇票,跟单交付,托收行,3 按委托书指示向买方提示汇票和单据,4 审单无误后付款,5 付款后代收行交单,6.办理转帐并通知款已收妥,7 交款,
8、付款交单(document against payment,D/P),即期付款交单(D/P at sight),远期付款交单(D/P after sight),付款人(进口人),委托人(出口人),代收行,合同规定承兑交单方式,2.寄交托收指示书、汇票、货运单据,1 装货,填写托收委托书,开立汇票,跟单交付,托收行,3按委托书指示向买方提示汇票和单据,进口人承兑汇票,银行交单,4 到期日付款,5.办理转帐并通知款已收妥,6 交款,承兑交单(document against acceptance,D/A),Definition of L/C:开证银行应申请人的要求并按其指示向第三方开立的载有一定金
9、额的,在一定的期限内凭符合规定的单据付款的书面保证文件。,Guaranty of payment付款保证书。,Issued by Bank,Conditioned,At the request of the Buyer,,the doctrine of strict compliance单证相符,单单一致,Letter of Credit,L/C 信用证,Parties involved in L/C1、Applicant开证申请人,或开证人(Opener)2、Opening Bank,Issuing Bank开证银行3、Advising Bank,Notifying Bank通知银行通知行只
10、负责鉴别L/C的真实性,不承担其他义务。4、Beneficiary受益人5、Negotiating Bank议付银行、押汇银行或贴现银行6、Paying Bank付款银行7、Confirming Bank保兑银行保兑银行具有与开证银行相同的责任和地位。,受益人,信用证业务的一般结算程序:,开证申请人,通知行 议付行,付款行 开证行,1 合同,采用信用证支付方式,2 申 请 开 证,3 开立信用证,寄交通知行,4 通 知 信 用 证,船公司,5 装运,6 B/L,7 交 单 议 付,8 垫 付 货 款,9 寄单索汇,10 偿付,11 提 示 付 款,12 付 款,13 交 单,14 B/L,15
11、 提货,商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,Words,Phrases and Grammatical Points,pay for:支付的款项e.g.We have paid the freight for the goods under Order No.100 as requested.in the case of:在的情况下e.g.In the case of Force Majeure,the Seller should not be blamed for his failure to supply the goods.reach an agreement:达成协议,取
12、得一致意见e.g.After several rounds of negotiations,they finally reached an agreement on payment.,商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,cause sb sth:给某人造成,给某人带来e.g.We hope this will not cause you any inconvenience.hand over:移交,递交e.g.You are requested to hand over all the information needed to us to facilitate our sett
13、lement of the incident.as contracted:按合同规定e.g.All the goods must be supplied as contracted.supply sth from stock:供应现货,有现货可供e.g.If you can supply the goods from stock,we will order immediately.,Words,Phrases and Grammatical Points,商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,Chinese Version of the Text,写作规则,要求以某种支付方式付款的
14、信函以及对这类信函的回复是国际贸易中的日常工作。大多数贸易商对多种支付方式都很熟悉,但有时进出口双方对采用何种方式支付有不同需求,在这种情况下,就需要写一封说明情况的信函。从某种程度上说,这类信实际上是一封劝说信。因此写信时应采用对方本位的观点,即出口方应充分考虑到进口方的利益或困难,提出实际可行的解决办法,以鼓励进口方更好地合作。,商务英语写作Unit Seven Payment,Chinese Version of the Text,Sample 1,敬启者:兹谈及你方九月十八日来信,信中以每打上海交货价14.4美元报给我方一千打男裤。除支付条款外,我们对其他条款均无异议。鉴于本次交易的金
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