1、Chapter 3 Morphology,Morphology,as a sub-branch of linguistics,refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.Generally speaking,morphology can further divided into two broad categories,namely,inflectional(屈折)morphology and derivational mophology,which
2、 are both concerned with the smallest unit at the grammatical level.,1.Word,Word:a unit of expression that has universal intuitive recognition by native-speakers,whether spoken or written1.1 Three senses of“word”:1)A physically definable unit:Word may be seen as a cluster of sound segments or letter
3、s between tow pauses or blanks.2)Word both as a general term and as a specific term:boy,boys check,checks,checked,checking,3)A grammatical unit:sentence clause phraseword morpheme,1.2 Identification of words,1)Stability:the constituent parts of a complex word cannot be rearranged chairmanmanchair Th
4、e chairman looked at the audience.The audience looked at the chairman.2)Relative uninterruptibility:New elements cannot be inserted into a word even when there are several parts in a word.disappointment dis+appoint+ment Paul,(Jane)and Rebecca are my classmates.,3)A minimum free form:the smallest uni
5、t that can constitute a complete utterance by itself,e.g.-Is Jane coming tonight?-Possibly.Hi.Wonderful.,1.3 Classification of words,1)Variable vs.invariable words:Variable words:One could find ordered and regular series of grammatically different word forms;on the other hand,part of the word remain
6、s constant follow,follows,following,followed;mat,mats Invariable words:those words such as since,when,seldom,through,hello.They do not have inflective endings.,2)Grammatical words vs.lexical words:Grammatical words:express grammatical meanings,such as conjunctions,prepositions,articles,pronouns Lexi
7、cal words:have lexical meanings,those which refer to substance,action and quality,such as nouns,verbs,adjectives,and adverbs.The lexical words carry the main content of a language(content words)and the grammatical words serve to link the different parts of a sentence together(function words).,3)Clos
8、ed-class words vs.open-class words:Closed-class:a word whose membership is fixed or limited.New members are not regularly added.Pronouns,prepositions,conjunctions,articles,etc.Open-class:A word whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited.Nouns,verbs,adjectives,adverbsNote:The distinction
9、is not quite as clear-cut as it seems.Prepositions:regarding,throughout,out of,according to,with regard to,in spite of,be means of;Auxiliary verbs,4)Word class:It is close to the notion of Parts of Speech in traditional grammar.Ten word classes are established:noun,pronoun,adjective,verb,adverb,prep
10、osition,conjunction,numeral,interjection,article.,Some new categories:A.Particles(小品词):the infinite marker(to),the negative marker(not),the subordinate units in phrasal verbs(get by,do up,look back,turn in,etc.)B.Auxiliaries(助动词):used to be regarded as verbs,linguists tend to define them as a separa
11、te word class rather than verbs,such as do,does,did,will,shall,have,has,had,etc.,C.Pro-form(替代形式):refers to the closed sets of items which can be used to substitute for a nominal group(名词词组)or a single noun.Pro-adjective:Your pen is red.So is mine.Pro-verb:He knows English better than he did.Pro-adv
12、erb:He hopes hell win and I hope so too.Pro-locative(代处所词):James hiding there,behind the door.,D.Determiners(限定词):words which are used before the noun acting as head of a noun phrase,and determine the kind of reference the noun phrase has,e.g.the,a(n),some,all There are three subclasses of determine
13、rs:1)Predeterminers:all,both,half,double,twice,three times,one-third,one-fifth 2)Central determiners:a,an,the,this,that,these,those,every,each,some,any,no,either,neither,my,our,your,his,her,its,their,3)Postdeterminers:cardinal numerals(基数词),ordinal numerals(序数词),general ordinals(一般顺序词):next,last,pas
14、t,(an)other,additional and other quantifiers like many,a few,several,much,little,a lot of,plenty of,a great deal of,a great number ofWhen different sub-classes of determiners occur together,they follow the order of predeterminers+central determiners+postdeterminers.,Within each subclass,the members
15、are usually exclusive of each other.*their all trouble all their trouble*five the all boys all the five boys*all this boy all these boys*all both girlsBut ordinal numerals and general ordinals may occur before cardinal numerals.the first two days another three weeks,The formation of word,Morphemes:T
16、echnically,a morpheme is defined as a minimal meaningful unit in the grammatical system of a language.The components of a word are known as morphemes.They themselves cannot be further analyzed:chairman:chair,man townhall:town,hall boys:boy,-s checking:check,-ing disappointment:dis-,appoint,-ment,Mor
17、pheme-the minimal unit of meaning,-Words are composed of morphemes.Words may consist of one morpheme or more morphemes,e.g.1)morpheme boy,desire2)morpheme boy+ish,desir(e)+ble3)morpheme boy+ish+ness,desir(e)+bl(e)+ity4)morpheme gentle+man+li+ness,un+desir(e)+abl(e)+ity5)morpheme un+gentle+man+li+nes
18、s6)morpheme dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism7)morpheme anti+dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism,Sememe vs.Morpheme,and Phoneme vs.Morpheme,1)Sememe vs.morpheme Sememe(义素)is the smallest component of meaning.e.g.The morpheme s has only one sememe:PLURALITY,meaning more than one.The relationship between sememe
19、 and morpheme,five mapping and non-mapping occasions:i.One morpheme vs.one sememe One morpheme has only one sememe.e.g.less,meaning WITHOUT fearless,careless,ceaseless,countless,doubtless,shameless,faceless,speechless,ii.One morpheme vs.more than one sememeOne morpheme may have two or more than two.
20、a-five sememes 1)away,apart“分离,离开”,2)aboard,aside“朝,向”3)asleep,awash,ablush“在,处于,的”4)atypical,asymmetry,abnormal“不,无,非”5)arise,await,arouse,ashamed 表示加强的意思,iii.One sememe vs.more than one morphemeOne sememe is expressed with two or more than two morphemes.表示no和non意义的语素除了a-之外,还有其他的语素,例如e-,dis-,il-,in
21、-,im-,ir-,ne-,un-,non-等。amoral,disagree,erostrate(无喙的),illiterate,impolite,neither,untidy,irregular,nonsmoker,iv.Morphemes that have no specific sememe There are also morphemes that have no specific sememe,but may help change grammatical and semantic categories.e.g.en-enjoy,v.Function changes in bot
22、h sememe and morpheme without morpheme changeThere may also be no morpheme change in a word,but both the grammatical and the semantic categories would change according to the context it occurs.e.g.run run a company,in a short run,Lexeme(词位),Lexeme:the abstract unit underlying the smallest unit in th
23、e lexical system of a language,which appears in different grammatical contextsWrite-write,writes,wrote,writing,writtenFat-fat,fatter,fattest,Allomorph,Some morphemes have a single form in all contexts,such as“dog,bark,cat”,etc.In other instances,there may be some variation,that is,a morpheme may hav
24、e alternate shapes or phonetic forms.They are said to be the allomorphs of the morpheme,the plural morpheme may be represented by:map-maps s dog-dogs z watch-watches iz country-countries iz mouse-mice ai ox-oxen n tooth-teeth sheep-sheep phenomenon-phenomenaEach of the underlined part is called an a
25、llomorph of plural morpheme.,Like phoneme,morpheme is an abstract unit.Morphemes are put between braces like.Some morphemic forms represent different morphemes and thus have sememes.,2)Morpheme vs.PhonemePhoneme:the smallest meaningful unit of soundMorpheme:the smallest meaningful unit in grammarThe
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