1、Homework,1、David Ogilvy,founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy&Mather,made this point clear to his newly appointed office heads by sending each a Russian nesting doll with five progressively smaller figures inside.奥美广告公司的创始人大卫 奥格威给新任命的部门负责人 每人赠送了一套5个装的俄罗斯套娃,套娃里面的五个娃娃 一个比一个小,以此向他们阐明了这一点。2、例如,中国最大的汽车配
2、件生产商万象集团起家时只是通 用汽车的合作伙伴,向通用汽车供应地方生产的汽车配 件,这样就可以使通用汽车符合政府的要求,即在中国市 场出售的汽车必须融入一定的地方内容。For example,Wanxiang Group,Chinas largest producer of automobile parts,was initially a partner of General Motors.It supplied GM with locally produced automobile parts to help GM to meet the local governments requirem
3、ent that automobiles sold on the Chinese market must incorporate certain local content.,3、中国现已被全世界公认为全球经济发展最快的国家,并在不久的将来成为世界经济大国,所以这么多国家和地区来参加这个重要的洽谈会,而且成交情况一年比一年好,这绝非偶然。China has been recognized as the country with the globally fastest growing economy/economic development and will become a world ec
4、onomic power in the near future.Therefore,it is no coincidence that so many countries and regions have come to participate in this important talk and closed more and more deals with China year by year.,作业参考答案,1、There wont be any profit unless those kids enable you to make all the deliveries on time.
5、2、Otto Wagner,the most successful architect in the-turn of the-century Vienna,gained lasting importance as an organizer of large-scale projects.3、Time magazine of June 17,1996 devoted a good deal of its issue to discussing people who are the most influential in the country in their opinion.1、除非孩子们帮你
6、及时把货送出去,否则你甭想赚到钱。2、奥托.瓦格纳是世纪之交维也纳最伟大的建筑师。作为大型 建筑项目的设计师,他将青史留名。3、1996年6月17日的时代杂志花了大量版面讨论美国人 心目中国内最有影响的人物。,4、中国足协副主席谢先生和美国耐克公司北京 代表处首席代表王先生等一同出席了活动。5、展望未来,本公司将坚定多元化经营战略格局,在产 业规模化、经营国际化、管理现代化、队伍职业化的 目标指引下,努力成为一家综合性国际金融投资企业.4、Present at the event were Mr.Xie,Vice Chairman of Chinas Football Association
7、and Mr.Wang,chief representative of Nike Sports,Co.Ltd,at the Beijing Office.5、Looking ahead,we will continue to pursue our strategy of diversified operation and strive to become a comprehensive international investment company with scale business,internationalized operation modernized management an
8、d a professionalized team,英汉语态差异与翻译中的语态转换,一、英汉语态差异以及根源二、英语的被动语态转译为汉语的主动语态三、汉语的主动语态转译为英语的被动语态,英汉语态差异根源,根源:英语的客观视角 Objective Perspective 汉语的主观视角 Subjective perspective(视角)西方传统思维以自然为认知对象,明确区分主体与客体,内心世界与外部世界,强调思维的客观性。中国传统思维把主体作为宇宙的中心,把自然人性化或人自然化,讲究“天人合一”。因此中国的传统思维带有浓厚的主体意向,使主体融入客体。,英汉差异,物做主语的句子非常多,在描述主体
9、与客体关系时往往从客体着手;形式主语句、there be 句型和被动句相对较多。汉语:往往以人作为句子的出发点,描述客观事物时往往从人的视角入手。被动句相对较少。汉语:少被动句英语:多被动句,形式主语句,there be 句型,英语被动语态:作用以及使用场合,作用:客观、翔实、公正、正式,避免主 观臆断、啰嗦冗长的感觉。使用场合:1强调动作承受者,而动作发出者并不重要2、不需要说出施事者,或施事者隐含其中3、不愿说出施事者、甚至为了表达某种微妙的感情 4、为了上下文的连贯,例:At the tea party only tea and cake were served.茶会上只供应茶和点心。例
10、:The happy man cannot be harried.吉人自有天相。例:The murderer was caught yesterday,and it is said that he will be hanged.凶手已于昨日被捕,据说他将被绞死。例:Some things have been said tonight that ought not to have been said.今晚有人说了不该说的话。例:Energy is needed for the reaction and it is supplied by the light of the sun.这种反应需要能量
11、,该能量由太阳光提供。,翻译中的语态转换 英译汉:1)将英语的被动句转换成汉语的被动句。即保留原来的语序。译为带被动标记或不带被动标记的被动 句。2)译成系表结构的判断句 3)英语被动句译成汉语的主动句。即将原文中主语变成宾语,而将动作的发出者变成主语。4)添加表泛指的主语“我们”,、“有人”、“大家”5)译成汉语无主句或话题评述句 汉语的被动句大体可以分为两类:1)不带表示被动标记。2)带有表示被动标记。被、被”、“由”、“给”、“把”、“让”、“受”、“遭”、“所”、“获”、“使”、“加 以”、“予以”、“蒙,例:Some kinds of plastics can be forced t
12、hrough machines which separate them into long,thin strings,called“fibers”,and these fibers can be made into cloth.某些塑料可以压入机器分割成细长条,称为纤维,这种纤维可以织成布。例:The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated.他青年时期形成的自卑感从未完全消除。(不带被动标记)Eg:And as each and all of them were w
13、armed without by the sun,so each had a private little sun for her soul to bask in-她们大家,不仅个个身上都给太阳晒得暖烘烘的,而且人人心里都有一个小太阳,温暖着各自的心灵-(带被动标记“给”),1、英语被动句翻译成汉语不带或者带被动标记的被动句,例:Of the total 131 rooms,71 will be completely refurnished,enlarged and merged.例:Also the entire F&B area with the lounge and the half b
14、oard restautant will be rectructured and refurnished.131间客房中的71间将重新装修、扩建与合并。除此之外,整个F&B区域(含休息室)以及半膳餐馆也将进行改建和重新装修。以上句子都译成了不带被动标记的被动句,但原文的主谓顺序没有改变。若译成为带“被”的汉语句子,就会显得拗口,不太符合汉语的语感。,2、将英语被动句译成汉语带系表结构的判断句 保留原来的语序,但译成汉语后变为“是的”这种系表结构。例:The bridge is named after an engineer 这座桥是以一名工程师的名字命名的。例:Poets are born,b
15、ut orators are made.诗人是天生的,演说家是后天造就的。,例:What measures have been or are being adopted by the local government to reduce aie pollution?当地政府已经采取或正在采取何种措施以减少空气污染?例:For basic education,over two-thirds was contributed by Canada,Japan,the Netherlands,the United Kingdom and the United States.就基础教育而言,加拿大、日本、
16、荷兰、英国和美国捐助了三分之二以上。(就基础教育而言,三分之二以上是由加拿大、日本、荷兰、英国和美国捐助。),3、将英语的被动变主动:将原句主、宾语位置互换,例:He has been pursued,day by day,and year by year,by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness.一天天,一年年,幸运总是伴随着他,令人惊讶不已。(一天天,一年年,他始终吉星高照,令人惊讶不已。),4、“泛指主语+动词”的结构原句中没有具体的施事者,但根据上下文可以推断其施事者是泛指的人。英译汉时可以用“人们”、“有人”、“大家”或“我们”等泛
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