1、,简明当代英语语音,2,为什么要学习音标?,3,1.发音准确,说地道的英语,2.拼读法记忆单词,3.提高自主学习性,增加词汇量 4.整体语感提高,4,最新国际音标简介,第一单元,1,学习英语首先是掌握英语音标,记录英语音素的符号叫作音标。音标通常放在两条斜线(/)内.2,英语语言在其发展的历史进程中产生了繁多的音标种类。而我们要学习的,同时也是教科书中所采用的最新“国际音标”。,5,第一节 国际音标简介,3,最新“国际音标”共有48个音素,由发音时气流是否受阻可分辅音和元音两大类。在发音过程中由气流通过口腔或鼻腔不受阻碍而发出的音叫元音;在发音过程中由气流通过口腔或鼻腔受阻碍而发出的音叫辅音.
2、4,英语辅音和元音在英语语言中的作用,就相当于汉语中的声母和韵母。,6,7,第二节 发音器官,要想掌握好英语音标,我们要了解发音器官和发音部位,并学会运用舌,唇,软颚,硬颚等位置和形状的变化正确发出各种不同的音。为了更好的理解 各小结的发音要领描述,从而以正确的方式调动所需的发音器官,我们必须仔细学习下面的发音器官图。,8,发音器官图及说明,9,第三节 元音分类,最新“国际音标”中元音音素共有20个,分为单元音和双元音两种。单元音即为发音时,舌位、唇形、开口度等始终不变的元音。双元音是由两个单元音组成,发音时由一个元音向另一个元音滑动,口型有变化的元音。根据元音发音时舌位(即舌的最高点的前后位
3、置)变化可以把单元音分为前元音,中元音,后元音。舌位在口腔前部的时候发出的元音叫做前元音。舌位在口腔中部的时候发出的元音叫做中元音。舌位在口腔后部的时候发出的元音叫做后元音。,10,第四节 辅音分类,最新“国际音标”中辅音音素共有28个.按发音时是否振动声带可分为浊辅音和清辅音两大类。英语辅音中有许多音素是清辅成对的,即发音时,两个音素的发音器官位置相同,只有声带振动与否的区别。,11,单元音第二单元,12,第一节前元音,1,/i:/例词:be meat sleepbelieve weak发音要领:发音时,嘴角向两边张开,口型扁平,舌尖轻抵下齿,前舌部向上颚抬起,流露出微笑表情,发音时间持续较
4、长。,13,2./i/例词 big,fifty,city发音要领:发音时舌尖抵下齿,嘴唇微微张开,舌前部抬高,口型扁平,发音时间短促。,14,3./e/例词:fed best fresh Wedding发音要领:发音时,张口程度比/i/大,上下齿之间可容纳一个食指尖,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。,15,4./例词:at have flat stand Saturday发音要领:发音时,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角尽量拉向两边,上下齿容纳两个指尖,16,发音练习:A:Beef or chicken?B:Let me see.Chicken for me,please.A:Tea or coffee?B:Tea
5、 for Lee and coffee for me,please.A:Im pleased to meet you.A:Is it chicken?B:No,its cheeseA:Is it ready to eat?B:Yes,you neednt heat it before you eat.,17,1.Jim gives Lily a big kiss2.His little sister is sitting in the middle3.It is still winter not spring yet.Chant:Two little kittens are sitting o
6、n the hill,one is Bill,one is Jill.Run away Bill,run away Jill.Come back Bill,come back Jill.,18,DialogueA:Who is this fellow?B:He is TedA:Who is Ted?B:Hes my best pen-friend.A:How did you get to know him?B:You make a guess before I tell you.,19,A:Hi!Hows your back?B:Its getting btter,thanksA:Well,I
7、m glad to hear that.A:Whats the matter,Mary?B:I had a bad day yesterday.A:What happened?B:I went shopping and lost my bag.A:I heard you got a pet,didnt you?B:Yes,I got a cat from AnnA:What does it look like?B:Oh,its black and white,20,第二节后元音,5,/a:/例词:art fast march party father发音要领:发音时,舌身放低,后缩,舌后部拢起
8、:口型张大,全开:声带振动,发音延续较长。,21,6./:/,例词:saw born course talk morning发音要领:发音时,舌身尽量降低并收缩,舌后部抬起;双唇收圆收小,并稍向前突,发音延续较长。,22,7,/,例词:hot boss lost doctor want发音要领:发音时,舌身尽量降低,并后缩,舌后部抬起:口型稍收圆,但不向前突出,发音短促。,23,8,/u:/,例词:do you tooth choose rule发音要领:发音时,舌身后缩,舌后部尽量抬起:口型较小,较圆,更突出。发音延长。,24,9,/u/,例词:book good put wood push
9、发音要领:发音时,舌身后缩,舌后部抬起;口型收圆,稍微突出,比/u:/的口型稍放松,发音短促。,25,Dialogue:A:Where do you live,Mark?B:I live in the Fifth Street near the National Park.A:The National Park?Is it a large park?B:Oh,yes.Its the largest park in the Canada.A:By the way,is there a supermarket near your place?B:Oh,yes.Theres a very large
10、 supermarket near my home.Its also the largest in Canada.1.The farm is far from the park.2.Please park the car in the car park.3.Its very hard to start the car.4.It will do a lot of harm to the heart.,26,Dialogues:A:Can we have a dinner before you leave for the north?B:Thanks.But we have more things
11、 to do before leavingA:What if you run into a storm in the sea?B:Well wait till the storm is over.A:Have you ever been in a storm before?B:Yes.We ran into a storm last fall.1.I was bored to death by the boring job in the shop2.When the storm was coming,the ship had to call at a port3.The general man
12、agers office is on the fourth floor at the end of the corridor.,27,Dialogues:A:Shall we go swimming,Mary?B:Im not in the moodA:Whats the matter?B:My daughter is trying to stay away from school.A:Thats why you are singing the blues.B:Anyway,Ill have to work things out and put her back to school.1.The
13、 news is too good to be true.2.This is a once in blue moon chance3.You must pull out the decayed tooth.4.He bought some fruit for the group.,28,Dialogues:A:May I have a look at the book?B:Which book?A:The book Jack gave you last week.B:You mean the book on woodcarving?A:Yes.I think its a very nice b
14、ook.B:But what do you want it for?A:Not me.My husband wants it.He s big on woodcarving.,29,第三节 中元音,10,/例词:up but dose just rough发音要领:舌身后缩至口腔中部,舌后部稍抬起:双唇较扁,开口较大,发音短促。,30,/:/,11,/:/,例词:sir her third worth early发音要领:发音时,舌位抬高,舌身放平,口型微张,双唇扁平,双唇肌肉较紧张,发音时间较长。,31,12,/,例词:about again teacher paper river发音要领:
15、发音时,舌身放平,舌中部稍抬起;口型微开,双唇扁平,双唇肌肉较放松。/在词首或词中发的较模糊,在词尾时应适当延长。,32,Dialogue:A:Look at this guy.He seems to have too strong lust for bucks.B:But you cant go without money.A:And one cant have bucks and love at the same time.B:But few girls would love a man without bucks.A:And few girls would love a man who
16、only has bucks.B:wellerA:Trust me.Love built on money is not true love.,33,Dialogues:A:Who are these two girls,Mark?B:I dont know.But one seems to be older than the other.A:Sure.The one on the right is certainly older than the one on the left.B:What is the girl on the left wearing?A:She s wearing a
17、mini-skirtB:Where are they?A:They are in the church.,34,DialogueA:Whats the name of this magazine?B:Its the famous Time magazine.A:The Time magazine?What is it called in Chinese?B:Its 时代周刊 in Chinese.A:Can people in China have access to the magazine?B:Yes,they can.,35,36,第三单元 双元音,13./ei/例词:eight day
18、 face gate pay发音要领:发音由/e/向/i/自然滑动,滑动过程中,口型由半开到半合,舌位随之抬高。,37,A:Hey,Rachel.Did you take the test?B:No,I couldnt make it.A:How come you couldnt make it?B:I went to see a Broadway Play.A:What a shame!When will you take the makeup test?B:Maybe in April or MayA:Mrs.Taylor is a good dressmaker,isnt she?B:Y
19、es.The new dress she made is great.A:Maybe I need her to make one for me.B:Wait a minute,Jane.Its time to bake the bread.,38,14./u/例词:old so show note cold发音要领:发音时,由/向/u/自然滑动,滑动过程中,口型逐渐由半开到小而圆,舌位由半低到高。,39,A:Im going to the grocery store.Would you like to go with me?B:Sorry.I have to write a letter.A
20、:Anything I can do for you?B:Can you get some tomatoes for me?A:OK.How many do you want?B:One kilo.Thanks.,40,15./ai/例词:eye tie ride knife arrive发音要领:发音时,由/a/向/i/自然滑动,滑动过程中,口型从开到合,发此音时,注意将音发足。,41,All day long the sun shines bright,The moon and stars come out at night.From twilight time they line the
21、 skies.And watch the world with quiet eyes.,42,16./au/例词:out how about cloud shout发音要领:发音时,由/a/向/u/自然滑动,滑动过程中,双唇收拢收圆:口型由大到小,舌位由低到高,注意声音发足。,43,A:I need someone to help me with the houseworkB:What do you want him to do?A:Well.Milk the cow,kill the mouse,wash the towel and clean the house.B:How could y
22、ou find the one that could do these things well?A:Thats what I am worried about.,44,17./i/例词:boy joy join enjoy spoil发音要领:发音时,由/向/i/自然滑动,但不到/i/时,舌位就停止。滑动的过程中,双唇逐渐由圆变扁,口型由大变小。,45,A:I want to buy a toy for Roy.B:For Roy?You want to buy him another toy?A:Why not?He enjoys playing with toys.B:He enjoys
23、destroying toys,too.Youd better not spoil him.A:We are going out tomorrow.Will you and your friends join us?B:Thats a good idea,but I have an appointment.A:I guess you are going to a joint adventure for a job interview.B:Thats right.I dont think I will miss the chance.,46,18./i/例词:ear fear here clea
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