1、Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,A.Put the following ChineseUNIT 1 expressions into English.,生母 _收养某人 _签署最终的领养文件 _无意间进入演艺界 _凭好奇心与直觉 _实际用途 _,biological mother,adopt somebody,sign the final adoption papers,stumble into acting,follow ones curiosity and intuition,practical applicatio
2、n,上海交通大学出版社,1.At first she threatened to dismiss us all,but later she.2.If you cant have children of your own,why not consider?3.She sensed something wrong by.4.She went to Cambridge on a scholarship but out a year later.,Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,B.Complete the following
3、sentences with appropriate words or phrases in the box.,上海交通大学出版社,relented,adoption,intuition,dropped,5.I fail to see what women find so about him.6.We would be delighted as well as if you could come and join us.7.We must a plan for cutting down the expenses.8.We may have a slim of making a bridge b
4、etween them in the next two or three weeks.9.The Smiths the orphan as their own son.10.I am going to my job and take a long vacation.,Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,上海交通大学出版社,fascinating,work out,honored,hope,adopted,quit,1.I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months
5、,but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit.2.My biological mother was a young,unwed college graduate student,and she decided to put me up for adoption.,Focus1translation,7.Practice:translation,A.Put the following sentences in the text into Chinese.Pay speci
6、al attention to the italicized expressions.,我在里德学院读了6个月就退学了,但是作为旁听生又在那里待了18个月左右,然后才真正离开学校。,我的生母是个年轻未婚的研究生,因此她决定把我送给别人收养。,上海交通大学出版社,3.It was pretty scary at the time,but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made.4.And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuitio
7、n turned out to be priceless later on.5.None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life.,Focus1translation,7.Practice:translation,这在当时看来非常可怕,但现在回头看看,那是我做过的最棒的决定之一。,我依照好奇心和直觉做事,大多事后证明是非常值得的。,这一切在我的生活中是否实用,我不抱希望。,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,A.Fin
8、d the words(16)in the text that fit the items(af).,上海交通大学出版社,()1.generatea.the genetic code on DNA()2.acquireb.a motor coach into a mobile home()3.decipherc.electricity()4.locate d.the US on the map()5.transform e.fluency in English()6.uncover f.the murder,c,e,d,a,b,f,1.The problem had been to brief
9、ly in earlier discussions.2.The government is considering an for drivers to replace old,polluting vehicles with new ones.3.Sara is in that her son,of whom the whole family was so proud for being a Canadian Border officer,faces six charges including gunrunning.4.The grim news continues to in about th
10、e German economy as the data is being released.,Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,B.Complete the following sentences with appropriate words in the box.,上海交通大学出版社,alluded,incentive,disbelief,roll,Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,上海交通大学出版社,5.With an estimated med
11、ian household income of$172,945,this Dallas suburb is the most neighborhood in the country,mostly due to real estate growth.6.We must build on our reputation to the business.7.The friendly relationship between the two countries back to the last century.8.I saw a light come from the deserted house.9.
12、His experience in other parts of Asia helped him to overcome cultural barriers.10.The microscope the object two hundred times.,affluent,expand,traces,mysterious,extensive,magnified,1.However,if that werent a popular notion,millions of dollars wouldnt roll in every time there was a lottery somewhere.
13、2.It took him five years to diligently create a business and generate that large sum of money.,Focus1translation,7.Practice:translation,A.Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese.Pay special attention to the italicized expressions.,然而,这种想法非常普遍,否则每次彩票抽奖也就不会有数以百万计的美元滚滚而来。,他花了5年时间,努力工作,并开
14、办了一家公司,终于赚足了这么一大笔钱。,上海交通大学出版社,这些文字是:凡历此功成者,必脱胎换骨,身心俱新,无坚不摧,无所不能。,3.With great disbelief,he stared at his investment of valuable gems,now turned to stones,and wondered what it all meant.4.The inscription read,“If one achieves this quest,they will have transformed their mind by the use of their faith
15、and will from then on have the power to overcome in all things and nothing will be impossible to them.”,Focus1translation,7.Practice:translation,约翰眼睁睁地看着自己投资买来的宝石变成了石头,他难以置信,百思不得其解。,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,A.Complete the table.The missing words can be found in
16、the text.,上海交通大学出版社,delighted,animated,moonlit,romance,bitterness,modest,eagerness,1.Dennis is a well-behaved boy and he is always of his parents opinions.2.Dont to contact me if you need any more information.3.He took a glance in the mirror to himself that his tie wasnt crooked(歪的).,Focus1words&phr
17、ases,4.Working with words and phrases,B.Complete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases in the box.,上海交通大学出版社,respectful,hesitate,reassure,4.The detective studied the fingerprints in the detail.5.We must make full use of every minute because old age _ up on us before we realize it
18、.6.The butter has been warmed for so long that it has already _ liquid.7.These tracks were last year,but now they are in need of repair.8.He has called on the leaders not to that distort trade and push up prices.9.If we allow these morning hours of life to,we shall never be able to make up for the l
19、ost time.10.Coloured cloth often when it is washed.,Focus1words&phrases,4.Working with words and phrases,上海交通大学出版社,minutest,creeps,melted into,laid down,take steps,slip away,fades,1.But to this day I do not know what strange impulse made me take George to see her and to tell her,before I had confide
20、d in another living soul,of our engagement.,Focus1translation,7.Practice:translation,A.Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese.Pay special attention to the italicized expressions.,但是,直到现在我也说不清,是什么驱使我带着乔治去见姑奶,并告诉她我们订婚的事,而之前我从没向任何人透露过这个消息。,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1translation,7.Practice:translat
21、ion,但我没有料到的是,我一提起乔治想在我们结婚前回趟英国,然后很快就回来,姑奶竟然会如此冲动。,上海交通大学出版社,2.But I was quite unprepared for her outburst when I mentioned that George thought of paying a lightning visit to England before we were married.,然后,她似乎理清了自己的思绪。“你肯定在纳闷,”她说,“为什么我一想到乔治要离开你回英国会如此不安。”,3.Then she seemed to give herself,mentally
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