1、词缀法练习,like cover comparable direct movable proper appear color understand guide use write view,unlike uncover incomparable indirect immovable improper disappear discolor misunderstand misguide misuse rewrite review,词缀法练习,describe create pronounce compete examine meaning nation part change,descriptio
2、n creation pronunciation competition examination meaningful/less national partial changeable,后缀为-ion的名词,复合法练习,on home post key living no text inter some down under well friend out in,card room body line board stairs land net stand book known thing ship door side,online homework postcard keyboard liv
3、ing-room nothing/nobody textbook internet somebody/something downstairs understand well-known friendship outdoor inside,选择适当的词用正确形式填空.(转化词),Could you _me the position of the station on the map?A lot of ancient things are on _in the museum.Flowers should be _every day.Its important for our human bein
4、gs to save _._in the countryside is very comfortable.The old man often have a _after supper.She studies _than any other students in her class.The problem was too _ for us to work it out.What is the _news today?She came to school _ this morning.Her parents were on a _to Xinjiang.The Great Wall is _by
5、 millions of people every year.There was a big smile on the teachers _.The little girl was crying because she was _a tiger.We _in on one of our friends last Saturday.A _of ink fell onto his clothes.,water,drop,hard,show,face,walk,visit,late,show,show,watered,water,Walking,walk,harder,hard,latest,lat
6、e,visit,visited,face,facing,dropped,drop,第三单元 其他构词方法,给出下列缩略词的汉语意思.,ID PLACPCWBAIFAFBIRMB,HKSARWHOIASAUFOCEOCIAVOA,身份证中国人民解放军中国共产党女子篮球协会国际足联联邦调查局人民币,香港特别行政区世界卫生组织美国航空航天局不明飞行物首席执行官中情局美国之音,IAEADIYBBCDJEECGDPSOHO,IMFIQEQOPECVASAPDINK,国际原子能机构自己动手英国国际广播迪斯科欧共体国民生产总值小型家庭办公,国际货币组织智商情商石油输出国组织胜利尽可能快地丁克,缩略法Abbr
7、eviation/Shortening,缩略法就是把词的音节省略或简化而产生新词的构词方法。这种构词法产生的新词结构简单,释义清楚,使用方便,已成为现代英语重要的构词方法之一。英语中缩略词形式繁多,(方式)主要有四种类型:截短词,首字母缩略词,首字母拼音词和拼缀词。,I.截短词,截短词是通过截除原词的某一(或某些)音节或“截头去尾”的方法产生新词的构词方法。有鲜明的文体色彩,只适用于口语或非正式场合。1.截除词尾(apocope):截除词尾,保留词首代表原词e.g autoautomobile 汽车 dormdormitory 宿舍 examexamination 考试(有?)2.截除词首(a
8、phaeresis):截除词首,保留词尾代表原词e.g burgerhamburger 汉堡包 copterhelicopter 直升飞机 phonetelephone 电话,3.截除首尾(front and back cilpping)综合e.g fluinfluenza 流行性感冒 fridgerefrigerator 冰箱 有个别词保留不在首尾的重读音节,如 Asstassistant deptdepartment4.截除词腰(syncope):有些词音节多,其中包含读音相仿的音节,就可以截除一个音节,不常见。e.g pacifistpacificist 和平主义者 symbologys
9、ymbolology 象征学缩约形式(contractions)也算这一类。如:cantcannot(符号)govtgovernment。另外,词组与一些短句也可以截短,如:Weeklyweekly paper 周报,finalsfinal examination。DIYdo it youself.IOU I own u,etc,II.首字母缩略法,首字母缩略法是将社团名称,特殊名词或专业术语的第一个字母组合在一起的构词方法。利用一个词的首字母代表一个词组的缩略词,就叫做首字母缩略词。如,BCBefore(the birth of)Christ 公元前 CEOChief Executive O
10、fficer 执行总裁从结构来看,首字母缩略词可以用字母来代表整个词。如,BBCBritish Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司 ATMAutomatic Teller Machine 自动取款机,1.在计算机和网络词汇中的应用如,CPUCentral Processing Unit 计算机中央处理器 AIArtificial Intelligence 人工智能 ASAPAs Soon As Possible 尽快 BTWBy The Way 顺便说一下.etc2.在通讯工具中的应用如,GPSGlobal Positioning System 全球定位系统 GPR
11、SGeneral Packet Radio Service 通用无线分组业务(?),由于现代科学技术的迅猛发展,首字母缩略法在各个领域都相当活跃。,3.在外贸英语中的应用如,B/LBill of Lading 提单 EMSExpress Mail Special 邮政特快专递 L/C CFR CIF D/P D/A4.科学技术有关的方方面面是首字母缩略词应用最广泛的领域。如,CTcomputerized tomography 计算机X线断层照相术 DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸 HIVhuman immunodeficiency virus 艾滋病毒.etc 在
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