英语教学与测试Language Testing.ppt
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1、Language Testing,Wei Beibei,Language Testing,Introduction to language testingStages of test constructionTesting language skills and elementsCommon testing techniquesInterpreting test scoresAchieving beneficial backwash,I.Introduction,Definition of terms:test,measurement,evaluationApproaches to langu
2、age testingTest purposesTypes of testsCriteria of tests,1.Definition of terms,Test,Measurement,Evaluation,Test-1,Carroll(1968)provides the following definition of a test:a psychological or educational test is a procedure designed to elicit certain behavior from which one can make inferences about ce
3、rtain characteristics of an individual.,测试是用来获取某些行为的方式、方法,其目的是从这些行为中推断个人具有的某些特征。,Test-2,Anastasi(1962):“测试实质上是对行为样本所做的客观的标准化的测量。”三要素:行为样本 客观的测量 标准化的测量(刘润清:P4),Test-3,Bachman(1999):Measurement in the social science is the process of quantifying the characteristics of persons according to explicit pro
4、cedures and rules.,Measurement1,测量是根据明确的程序和规则量化研究对象特征的过程。Three distinguishing features:quantification characteristics explicit rules and procedures,Measurement2,Stevens(1951):“测量就是根据法则赋予事物数量。”(按照一定的规则给事物的属性指派数字或符号的过程)三要素:事物及其属性 指派数字或符号 法则(刘:P2),Measurement3,Weiss(1972):Evaluation can be defined as t
5、he systematic gathering of information for the purpose of making decisions.,Evaluation1,“评价指为做出某种决策而收集资料,并对资料进行分析,作出解释的系统过程。”与测量、测试相比其含义更广,综合性更强。,Evaluation2,Relationships among the three:,(刘:P5),An example of evaluation that does not involve either tests or measures(area 1)is the use of qualitative
6、 descriptions of student performance for diagnosing learning problems.An example of a non-test measure for evaluation(area 2)is a teacher ranking used for assigning grades,while an example of a test used for purposes of evaluation(area 3)is the use of an achievement test to determine student progres
7、s.The most common non-evaluative uses of tests and measures are for research purposes.,An example of tests that are not used for evaluation(area 4)is the use of a proficiency test as a criterion in second language acquisition research.Finally,assigning code numbers to subjects in second language res
8、earch according to native language is an example of a non-test measure that is not used for evaluation(area 5).In summary,then,not all measures are tests,not all tests are evaluative,and not all evaluation involves either measurement or tests.,Bachman:Neither measures nor tests are in and of themsel
9、ves evaluative,and evaluation need not involve measurement or testing.并非所有的测量都是测试,并非所有的测试都属于评价,而且并非所有的评价活动都涉及到测试或测量。,三者关系,2.Approaches to language testing,the essay-translation approach 写作翻译法the structuralist approach 结构主义法the integrative approach 综合法the communicative approach 交际法,(1):,The essay-tra
10、nslation approach,This approach is commonly referred to as the pre-scientific stage of language testing.No special skill or expertise in testing is required:the subjective judgment of the teacher is considered to be of paramount importance.Tests usually consist of essay writing,translation,and gramm
11、atical analysis.The tests also have a heavy literary and cultural bias.,写作翻译法的特点,对测试技能或专长没有专门要求,主要依靠老师的主观判断力;试卷主要包括写作、翻译、语法分析等项目;试卷内容有较浓厚的文学和文化色彩;试题需要书面回答形式,需要人工阅卷。,The structuralist approach,This approach is characterized by the view that language learning is chiefly concerned with the systematic a
12、cquisition of a set of habits.It draws on the work of structural linguistics,in particular the importance of contrastive analysis and the need to identify and measure the learners mastery of the separate elements of the target language:phonology,vocabulary and grammar.,结构主义法的特点,强调分别测试不同的语言成分,如语音、词汇和
13、语法,脱离上下文单独测试,听说读写等语言技能也可分开测试;采用了心理测量方法(psychometric approach),强调测试的可靠性和客观性,其典型的表现形式是多项选择题,一个题目测试一个成分;便于进行考后的统计。,The integrative approach,This approach involves the testing of language in context and is thus concerned primarily with meaning and the total communicative effect of discourse.They are oft
14、en designed to assess the learners ability to use two or more skills simultaneously.Integrative tests are best characterized by the use of cloze testing and of dictation.Oral interview,translation and essay writing are also included in many integrative tests.,综合法的特点,强调语言测试要在上下文中进行;不在测试中刻意追求区别各个单项语言技
15、能,而是强调两项或以上语言技能的综合评估,题型包括填空、听写、翻译、写作等,从整体上对学生的语言能力进行测量。,The communicative approach,This approach to language testing is sometimes linked to the integrative approach.However,although both approaches emphasize the importance of the meaning or utterances rather than their form and structure,there are n
16、evertheless fundamental differences between the two approaches.Communicative tests are concerned primarily with how language is used in communication.Language use is often emphasized to the exclusion of language usage.,交际法的特点,与综合法不同,交际法更加强调的是语言在交际过程中的使用(use)而非用法(usage:语言的形式和结构);某些交际测试不排除包含有关语言用法的内容;
17、交际语言测试建立在对学生需求的分析上,强调其真实性。(如BEC),科学前语言测试(第一代体系)pre-scientific testing 心理测量学-结构主义语言学测试(第二代)psychometric-structualist testing 交际语言测试(第三代)communicative language testing 或 心理语言学-社会语言学测试 psycholinguistic-sociolinguistic testing,(2)刘润清语言测试的理论模式(P19),(3)Canale 和 Swain模式(1980),交际能力由四个部分组成:(1)语法能力包括语音、词汇、语法等
18、语言知识,这些是理解和表达语言的字面意思所必需的知识;(2)社会语言能力包括在不同的社会环境中,理解和表达形式与意思都恰如其分的语言能力;(3)语篇能力包括把语言形式和内容结合的能力;(4)交际策略能力包括在交际时如何开始、如何继续、如何调整和转换话题,以及如何结束谈话等能力。该模式的缺陷是没有明确指出四种能力之间的关系如何,另外,把策略能力仅仅当作一种语言补偿能力似乎忽视了正常语言交际活动中的语言使用策略能力。,The framework of CLA includes three components:language competence,strategic competence,and
19、 psycho-physiological mechanisms.语言交际能力由语言能力、策略能力和心理生理机制三个部分组成。(刘:P23),(4)Bachman(1990):Communicative Language Ability,Bachman的语言交际能力的各个组成部分,情景评估,目标用特定的功能、形式和内容理解或表达言语,语言能力语言组织能力语用能力,心理生理机制,制定计划过程从语言知识库中取材料,计划组织材料,以期导向交际目标,实施神经的和生理的过程,话语表达或理解语言,(Bachman的语言使用模式),3.Test purposes,刘润清:,Purposes of diagn
20、osis and backwashPurposes of comparison and selectionPurposes of placementPurposes of research or survey(P6),Arthur Hughes:,to measure language proficiency regardless of any language courses that candidates may have followedto discover how far students have achieved the objectives of a course of stu
21、dyto diagnose students strengths and weaknesses,to identify what they know and what they do not knowto assist placement of students by identifying the stage or part of a teaching program most appropriate to their ability,4.Types of tests,(Heaton:171-173),Placement test 编班测试Classroom test 随堂测试Mid-ter
22、m test 期中测试End-of-term test 期末测试,(1)According to different learning periods按照学习阶段,(刘:P8-16),Progress test 进步测试Proficiency test 水平测试Achievement/Attainment test 成绩测试Aptitude test 潜能测试Diagnostic test 诊断测试,(2)According to test purposes 按照测试目的(用途),Discrete-point test分离式测试Integrative test综合性测试,(3)Accordin
23、g to test methods 按照测试方法,Norm-referenced test 常模参照性测试Criterion-referenced test 标准参照性测试,(4)According to interpretationsof test scores 按照对考试分数的解释,Subjective test 主观性测试Objective test 客观性测试,(5)According to scoringmethods按照试卷的评阅方式,Communicative testing 交际性测试Pragmatic test 语用测试,(6)Other types of test,5.Cr
24、iteria of tests,Validity 效度Reliability 信度Power/Difficulty 难度Discrimination 区分度Practicality 实用性Backwash effects 后效作用,Criteria of tests,Validity,The validity of a test is the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measureand nothing else.效度是指一套测试所考的是否就是设计人想要考的内容,或者说,在多大程度上考了想要考的。,Discuss o
25、n the following items:,“Is photography an art or a science?”Discuss.“The mind is in its own place,and itself can make a Heaven of Hell,a Hell of a Heaven.”(Milton)Discuss.,Use the following words in sentences:courageous,choosy,acceptable,complicated,etc.A.John is a very courageous boy.B.John,the cap
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