1、listening skills听力技巧,Learning aims and demands,一、Knowledge Objects(知识目标)1、熟练掌握必知必会单词和短语的拼写 2、能听懂有关材料的观点和看法。二、Moral Objects(情感态度)耐心细致,克服烦躁,挑战自我,树立自信心。三、Learning Aims(学习目标)1、听懂课文内容,提高英语听力水平 2、了解相关听力技巧,并运用于实践中,五、Learning Methods(学习方法)Listening,Taking notes,Dictation(听,做笔记,听写)六、Learning Procedures(教学步骤)
2、step 1:熟悉语篇中的生词。step 2:泛听,理解语篇大意,了解语篇结构。step 3:精听,了解细节,能够复述语篇。Step 4:回味反思,总结问题。,大家在听力过程中遇到过什么样头疼的问题?,Whats your headache?,Q1:情绪不稳听力过程中遇到没听清楚的单词就容易烦躁,产生畏惧心理,影响听力效果。Q2:缺少预测缺少依据生活经验和上下文的推测,或注意力不集中,不能对对话内容做到心中有数。Q3:遗漏主题没有抓住关键性的主题句子,不能很快理解听力材料的主要内容,一片茫然。Q4:忽略首尾没有做好准备或是急于做题,忽略材料开头的引导和结尾的总结作用。,Tip 1:做好听前准备
3、,遇到没听清的单词不要停下,一定沉着冷静、充满自信、集中精力。Tip 2:掌握5个“W”,根据日常经验及预习中捕捉到的材料信息预测故事发生的时间、地点、人物等,做到心中有数。Tip 3:抓住材料的关键性词语来理解整段文章的内容,在听的过程中注意以下常见的信息词:表转折but,yet,though,although 表顺序 first,second,then,next,last,before等,还有像 because,as,for,in fact,Tip 4:开头是信息内容的引导句,结尾一般是归纳总结、突出主题。Tip 5:注意讲话者语调的变化,这种变化往往表明其态度和转折。Tip 6:不要刻意
4、去听每一个词。,提升听力Follow Me,.,听力与词汇量听读相关性听力与记忆听力与语言能力听力与情绪,How To Improve Our Listening Ability,学习方法与策略,在阅读过程中、从书本例句中、从对话中看、听到地道、标准、典型、或优美的句子摘抄下来。将每一个摘抄的句子分别记在不同卡片或纸条上随身携带。随时取出尽量做到大声、快速、清晰地读几遍。.经常回忆所记的句子。,suggestions,Listen to yourself(听自己).如果你不能听出你自己的发音问题,就很难去改正它。试着把你的朗读或演说录下来,并与以英语为母语的外国人士做个比较。Slowdown(
5、慢下来).很多英语学习者说话都求快,其实快不见得就说得好,说得越快毛病越不容易改掉。每天练习一点点,从声调到单词再到句子,慢慢来,急不得。Pictureit(画图).闭上眼睛,在说话之前想想如何发这个音,想想嘴巴和脸的定位。Copy the experts(模仿专家).英语为母语的人士是最好的老师。所以,注意听英语广播或英语电影、电视节目,听他们的发音,还要注意看他们的口形。不要看字幕,模仿你听到的声音,即使你不确定他们在说什么。,Practice(练习).发音有问题是难免的,因此很多人会害怕说错而不开口。没关系,多练习就好了,不要害羞。Find a partner(找伙伴).从别人那里得到反
6、馈是很重要的。找个也对提高英语水平感兴趣的伙伴,互相鼓励,互相比赛,多对话。Be poetic(充满诗意).大声地念诗、演讲,专注在字的重音和音调。因为,诗歌通常都是琅琅上口,有节奏感的,多多练习有助于提高英语水平。发音准了,语调对了,语感慢慢出来了,这对记忆单词和交流都有好处。Sing a song(唱歌).听热门英文歌曲并跟唱。唱歌可以以轻松的心情学习和使用单词,也可以帮助你学习节奏和语调,是寓教于乐的好方法。,Culture shock中英文化差异,在英语文化中“You and I are equal”(你我平等),在汉语文化中“自卑而尊人,贬已而尊人”。一位中国教师邀请美国教师说:I
7、just got married,and my wife and I would like you to come to our house for dinner.美国教师答:Thats wonderful!Congratulations!Thank you,Id love to,Im looking forward to meeting your wife.”中国教师听了美国教师的回答立即解释道:She is not beautiful,and she cant cook very well,but I hope youll come.美国教师听了很不愉快,心想为什么他要向另一位女性抱怨他的
10、泛听当精听。战胜“细节完美主义”的办法是重大意而非细节,重内容而非语言,重正在听的内容而非听过的内容。“拳不离手,曲不离口”,泛听要形成“磨耳朵”的习惯,充分利用排队、等车等边角时间,泛听之后还要复述大意,检测听力效果。帕累托原则:任何一组东西中,重要与次要的比例是20%:80%,精听与泛听的比例也可遵循这一原则,设定为1:4。,Tip 1:If you dont understand something right away,dont give up.Keep listening.The speaker might say something later that will help you
11、 understand the main idea.Tip 2:Listen for key words.Key words are stressed.They are louder,longer,and higher pitched than other words.These are the words that the speaker thinks are most important in a sentence.For example,notice the stress and intonation in this dialogue:A:I went to the store.B:Wh
12、ich store?,Tip 3:Think about the situation and ask yourself these questions:Who is speaking?What is the relationship between the speakers?What are they talking about?Where are they?How do they feel?Tip 4:Pay attention to body language,gestures,and facial expressions.This may give you a better idea a
13、bout what someone is saying.Tip 5:Listen with a specific purpose in mind.Ask yourself what you are listening for.Are you listening for general understanding of the whole lecture or conversation?Or are you listening for specific information?,Tip 6:Think about the speakers attitudes or feelings.Is the
14、 speaker certain,uncertain,angry,happy,serious,joking?The tone of voice can help you understand someones feelings on a topic.Tip 7:Check your understanding by asking the speaker questions.For example,use expressions like Could you repeat that?and Im sorry,I didnt catch that when you want the speaker
15、 to repeat something.Tip 8:Write down new words and phrases you hear.Dont worry about spelling.Then look the new words up in a dictionary or ask a native speaker to explain what they mean.,Tip 9:Notice how spoken English is sometimes different from written English.Many words and expressions,such as
16、phrasal verbs and idioms,are more common in spoken than written English.Tip 10:Dont worry about hearing every word.Often,English words are linked together or shortened so you cannot hear every word clearly.For example,speakers often use contractions(cant instead of cannot)and reductions(wanna instea
17、d of want to).Try to focus on the most important words and you will understand the main idea.,Tip 11:Listen to how speakers voices go up and down.This is called intonation.What kinds of questions are they asking you?What kinds of responses do they expect from you?Listening to the rise and fall of th
18、eir voices can help you understand more clearly.Tip 12:Listen for new thoughts.When speakers finish one thought and start a new one,their voices fall to a slightly lower pitch and they may pause between the two thoughts.Also,the words within one thought are often linked together and sound like one b
19、ig long word.,培养语感,了解英语特点 泛听很重要!真正听懂每一个语篇 精听是必须的!,听力巩固提高篇,一、增强听力自信心 1.1 循序渐进,由易到难,分类要求 1.2 有效激励,促进提高二、优化教学环境 2.1 尽量听英语授课 2.2 大胆听和说三、方法和技巧 3.1 兴趣形成法 3.2 任务训练法 3.3 培养语感,反复跟读与听写,听力网站,VOA learning English Randalls ESL Cyber Listening Lab 普特英语听力听力特快VOA 慢速英语网英语学习频道在线英语听力室 英美剧老友记绯闻女孩吸血鬼日记绝望主妇生活大爆炸等优酷:http:
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