1、翻译的条件,掌握必要的翻译理论和技巧 加强两种语言的修养,拓宽知识面译精于勤,“三要”,“三不要”,“三要”词义 结构 文化背景“三不要”逐字死译 逻辑连贯失调 炫耀文笔,汉英文化比较与翻译历史背景,wife,deer,If that picture is genuine,I am a Dutchman.,汉英文化比较与翻译历史背景,If that picture is genuine,I am a Dutchman.如果那张画是真迹,我就不是人。一些词语的产生,伴有特定的时代背景。英国人口语中经常说I am a Dutchman,if”,如果我们照字面译为“如果我是个荷兰人”,恐怕大多数中国
2、读者对此译文都会困惑不解。其实在英国,这是 广泛流传的一句赌咒用语。为什么英国 人竟如此不把荷兰人当人看待,以至词语Dutchman在英语中成了 一切卑鄙事物的代名词呢?两国在17世纪有过一段不偷快的历史:双方因为商业竞争,你死我活地打了 20几年的仗。战争虽以荷兰失败告终,但英国毕竟也损兵折将,伤了元气。故而英国 普通民众对荷兰人颇有入骨之恨。,地理环境,carry coals to NewcastleFoggy BottomOde to the West Windcast an anchor to windwardas close as an oyster,地理环境,carry coals
3、 to Newcastle:【误译】把煤运送到纽卡斯尔去了。【原意】多此一举。【说明】carry coals to Newcastle是口语(动词短语),意为“多此一举”,“徒劳无功”。纽卡斯尔是英国的产煤中心和煤输出港口,运煤去此地显然是“徒劳无功”。,地理环境,Foggy Bottom:【口】雾谷(美国国务院的谑称,以讽刺该院发言人的发言经常模糊不清)。United States Department of State,which is housed in a building in a low-lying area of Washington near the Potomac River
4、,地理环境,Ode to the West Wind:雪莱【西风颂】If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?,地理环境,cast an anchor to windward未雨绸缪;为安全采取预防措施 as close as an oyster守口如瓶,宗教信仰,Black Friday 13 Love is blind.,宗教信仰,Love is blind:爱是盲目的 奥林匹斯山的众神中,最叫人无可奈何的,就是小爱神丘比特(古希腊名字厄洛斯,罗马名丘比特)。丘比特一直被人们喻为爱情的象征,相传他有头非常美丽的金发,雪白娇嫩的脸蛋,还有一对可以自由自
5、在飞翔的翅膀,丘比特和他母亲爱神阿芙洛狄忒一起主管神、人的爱情和婚姻。不过他与母亲阿芙洛狄忒不同,阿芙洛狄忒代表的是理性的爱,而丘比特代表的是疯狂的爱。丘比特的图片多为蒙眼,以寓意Love is blind。,风俗习惯,red white yellowblue green black,社会政治,working classpeasant,文化艺术,dragon,dog,phoenix,magpie,owl,bat,crane,比喻中的文化差异,as strong as a horsewet like a drowned ratas stupid as a goosebirds of a feat
6、heras easy as winkinglike a hen on a hot girdle,比喻中的文化差异,black sheepto cast pearls before swineas stubborn as a muleas poor as a church mouseas sick as a dogas straight as an arrow,比喻中的文化差异,as thick as thievesas drunk as a fiddleras true as deathas mad as a wet hento look for a needle in a hay stack
7、at a stones throw,比喻中的文化差异,dumb as an oysteras close as an oysteras timid as a hareas like as two peaslike a rat in a holesleep like a log,比喻中的文化差异,the apple of ones eyehave a mind crammed with knowledgeas blind as a batno smoke without firecry up wine and sell vinegaras white as a sheetas deaf as a
8、 post,英汉十大差异英语重形合,汉语重意合,汉语(流水句法)以意思连接独立的单句 彼此的逻辑关系以句序先后加以暗示英语(竹节句法)以连接词连接单句,英语重形合,汉语重意合,1.Because it is late,I must leave.It is late,I must leave.2.An Englishman who could not speak Chinese was once traveling in China.There was an Englishman.He could not speak Chinese.He was once traveling in China.
9、,英语前重心,汉语后重心,Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life.,英语前重心,汉语后重心,The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country,if only they dare to rise in struggle,dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country.小国人民
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