1、Differences between Chinese and western wedding,中西方婚礼的差异,小组成员:张剑鸣 张辰,IIn China,the weddings main colors are red,which is representative of traditional Chinese festive colors.This also makes changing the joyous wedding.,在中国,整个婚礼的主色调是红色,这也是中国的传统的代表喜气的颜色。这也就使婚礼变的喜气洋洋.,West are the romantic type wedding
2、,the entire wedding from start to finish to the full romantic.,西方的婚礼是属于浪漫型的,整个婚礼从开始到结束到充满了浪漫气息。,中式婚宴,教堂,church,The wedding process of differences,After riding in the red bridal bride,the groom rode in front,with the matchmaker,and the Bridal teams to groom the family weddings.Both parents sit on the
3、 court,while the bride and groom were married the next hall.The whole wedding presided over by the master of ceremonies,under the command of his,a bride and groom preparing for the wedding,and worshiped Diocese,then husband and wife worship,into the bridal chamber.,新娘乘着大红花轿在后,新郎骑着马在前,随着红娘和迎亲队伍到新郎家中拜
4、堂.双方家长坐在堂上,而新郎新娘在堂下成婚.整个婚礼由司仪主持,在他的指挥下,新郎新娘一拜天地,二拜高堂,然后夫妻对拜,送入洞房.,The wedding process of differences,到教堂去举行结婚仪式是整个婚礼最重要的环节.首先,随着婚礼进行曲的节奏,新娘挽她的父亲的手走到新郎面前,由她的父亲将她亲手交到新郎手中.牧师会要求新郎新娘对对方作出一辈子的承诺,这也是整个婚礼的高潮.然后他们会在牧师和众人的祝福下,交换结婚戒指并亲吻对方。,To the church wedding ceremony is the most important aspects of the we
5、dding.First of all,with the rhythm of the wedding march,the bride of her fathers harness hands before the groom came from her father that she personally handed the hands of the bridegroom.pastor will ask the bride and groom to make a lifetime commitment to each other,and this is the climax of the we
6、dding.and then they will be priests and to the peoples blessing,exchange of marriage rings and kiss each other.,color,在传统婚礼中,新娘一般穿着红色罗衣,头戴凤冠,上面还有一块红色丝巾.而新郎就穿着红色的长衫马褂,头戴红色大沿帽。In the traditional wedding,the bride usually wear red Luo Yi,head Daifeng Guan,above there is a red scarf.While the groom wore
7、 a red gown jacket,wearing a red brimmed hat.,西方的新娘则以白色调为主,象征纯洁,辅之以蓝,新娘的一些小饰物或花束用蓝色,意味着新娘的纯洁及贞洁。在西方的天主教传统里,白色代表着快乐。一般情况下新郎都是穿黑色的礼服,使整个婚礼显的庄重严肃。,The brides dress is usually white,the groom a black dress,the whole wedding was a solemn seriousness.,西方结婚礼服,中国结婚礼服,中西方婚礼仪式相似之处,中国古代有抛绣球迎亲的习俗;而西方的新郎新娘在教堂举行婚
8、礼后,会把手中的鲜花抛向空中,如果有人接到的话就预示着他将很快结婚。There is some small habits above,marriage customs in the West there are similarities.For example,China has thrown ball of the Bridal ancient customs;and western bride and groom after the wedding in the church,will in the hands of the flowers thrown to the air,so if
9、someone received indicate that he was soon to marry.,the similaritiesof Chinese and western wedding,中西方婚礼上都有一位主持,西方国家的通常是神父或牧师,而中国则是专门的婚庆司仪,其主要任务就是使婚礼更加热闹,亲戚朋友更加开心。,There is a host in in wedding between China an western.in western cuontry,the host usually is pastor,while in China,the whole wedding p
10、resided over by the master of ceremonies.their main task is to make the wedding more lively,friends and relatives that much more fun.,The reason caused by differences,between Chinese and western wedding,中西方在婚俗上面有以上种种的差异,这和中西方人在思想思维的差异有直接的联系。中国人比较保守,喜欢热闹,思维较古板,所以在中国历史几千年的时间里整个婚礼的习俗并没有多大的变化。直到近代西方的文化传
11、入以后,中国的传统文化才开始向西方转化,但在很大的程度上任有中国传统婚俗的礼仪。而中国人爱热闹的性格在中国传统婚礼中可以得到充分的体现。,Marriage in the West have all these above differences and the Westerners thought that the difference of thinking is directly linked.Chinese are more conservative,like the lively,more old-fashioned thinking,so in Chinese history for
12、 thousands of years of time the custom of the wedding has not changed much.Until the introduction of modern Western culture,Chinas traditional culture began to transform to the West,but to a large extent the traditional Chinese marriage customs office etiquette.The Chinese people love the lively cha
13、racters in traditional Chinese wedding can be fully manifested.,Another cause is due to differences between the West and China different religions.China is a predominantly Buddhist(佛教),but the West is largely Christian.So the wedding is in the Western church is the priest at the officiate.Chinese marriage customs of the most important part is preparing for the wedding。,另一个原因是由于西方与中国之间的差异不同的宗教信仰。中国是以佛教占主导地位的国家,但是西方主要是基督徒。这样的婚礼在西方教会的是牧师举行的。中国的婚姻习俗的最重要的部分是准备婚礼。,谢谢观赏!,THE END,