1、科技英语写作中的典型错误例 1汉语原句这种新方法具有效率高、容易调整的优点。英语错句This kind of new method have the advantage of high efficiency,easy adjustment.【错误分析】(1)不用this kind of new method,汉语中的“种”如果在英语中表示只有一种东西时,不能或不必译出来,如“一种算法”,“一种方法”,“一种元素”;(2)havehas;(3)优点有两个,所以advantages advantage;(4)优点只有两个,所以之间的连接用and而不用“,”,更不能用“、”。改正后的句子This n
2、ew method has the advantages of high efficiency and easy adjustment.,例 2汉语原句本文首先讨论了这种信号的特点,然后讨论了它的产生。英语错句This paper first discusses the features of this signal,and then its generation is described.【错误分析】语法上,本句没错误。但由于这是一个并列复合句,一般来说两个并列句中的语态(有时时态)应该一致。所以做如下修改。改正后的句子This paper first discusses the featu
3、res of this signal,and then describes its generation.本句最好采用下列句型:This paper begins with the discussion on the features of this signal,followed by the description of its generation.,例 3汉语原句这台设备的特点是操作简便、价格低廉。英语错句The features of this device are easy in operation and low in price.【错误分析】本句主语是features,所以其表
4、语不能用easy in operation and low in price,而只能用名词短语,这叫做“主表对等”。如果主语是具体的东西,我们就可以说This device is good in quality。改正后的句子The features of this device are easy operation and low price.比较好的一个句型是:This device is characterized by(its)easy operation and low price.,例 4汉语原句我们的方法与以前讨论同一问题的文章中所述的不同。英语错句Our method is di
5、fferent from previous articles discussed the same problem.【错误分析】错误有两处。(1)比较对象不一致,主语是“方法”,而from后是“文章”;(2)discuss为及物动词,之后的the same problem是宾语,所以应该用现在分词,而不是过去分词。另外“以前的文章”用previous articles不好,因为previous多指同一本书或同篇论文里表示的“前面的”;科技论文多用“paper”。改正后的句子Our method is different from those presented(或 described)in t
6、he papers available(或 published before)on(或 discussing)the same problem.,例 5汉语原句只有通过对该系统性能的研究,我们才能了解它的优点。英语错句Only through studied the performance of the system,its advantages can be understood.【错误分析】错误有三处。(1)through是介词,所以其后不能接过去分词分词studied,科技文献常用“through+名词+of+”或“by+动名词+”表示“通过”;(2)以“only+状语”开头,所以后面要
7、发生部分倒装,can应该提前;(3)由于“研究”的主语是人,所以本句应该使用主动语态。改正后的句子Only through the study of the performance of the system,can one(或we)understand(或appreciate)its advantages.,例 6汉语原句本文对提高打印速度和印字质量提供了一种计算机辅助设计手段。英语错句This paper provided a kind of means of computer aid design for progressing the printing speed and the pr
8、inting quality.【错误分析】三个错误:(1)通常在使用“本文讨论了”这种句型时,不用过去时而用一般现在时,所以provided不合适,最好用presents;(2)“一直机辅设计手段”就是CAD method;(3)progressing用词不对,因为progress做动词是不及物动词,提供速度要用increase,提供质量要用improve。改正后的句子This paper presents a CAD method for increasing the printing speed and improving the printing quality.,例 7汉语原句对构件的
9、承载能力做了具体分析。英语错句The detailed analysis of the ability of bearing loads of the components is given.【错误分析】四处错误:(1)“分析”之前应该用不定冠词a;(2)“承载”是“carry loads”而不用“bear loads”;(3)“作分析”表示为“make an analysis of”,“作研究”表示为“make a study of”,“作比较”表示为“make a comparison of”;(4)能力ability之后加of加不定式复合结构做定语,如:能量被定义为物体做功的能力,译为E
10、nergy is defined as the ability of a body to do work,如:电容存储电荷的能力取决于几个因素,译为:The ability of a capacitor to store charge depends upon several factors。改正后的句子A detailed(或 concrete)analysis of the ability of the component to carry loads is made.,例 8汉语原句共有M个多边形,其顶点数均为N。英语错句There are M polygons altogether,w
11、hose vertex number is all N.【错误分析】定语从句中有两个错误:(1)vertex number意为顶点的号码,而顶点数应译为the number of vertexes;(2)这里不能使用all来表示“均”的含义,应该使用each来表示。改正后的句子There are M polygons altogether,each of which has N vertexes.虽然从语法角度来看,定语从句可以译成“the number of vertexes of each of which is N.”但这种表示法不好,显得很繁琐。,例 9汉语原句这个方法需要精确的定位,
12、这就使得它的实现具有一定的难度。英语错句This method requires accurate location and this makes its realization have a little difficulty.【错误分析】have a little difficulty属于中式英文,建议使用somewhat difficult。另外句中用and显得比较松散,建议使用which引导非限制性定语从句或使用分词短语表示结果状语。改正后的句子This method requires accurate location,thus making(或which makes)its rea
13、lization somewhat difficult.,例 10汉语原句对A的识别和对B的确定是使用这一方法的先决条件。英语错句 The recognition of A and determining B are the prerequisite for the use of this method.【错误分析】本句的主语有两个,一个用了名词短语,而另一个则用了动名词短语,这就造成了“非平行结构”,应该让两者统一;另外,prerequisite应采用复数形式,所以在它之后加s。改正后的句子The recognition of A and the determination of B are
14、 the prerequisites for the use of this method.,例 11汉语原句最后提出了实现这种方法应注意的一些问题和解决方法。英语错句At last,we provided some problems that could be noted in implementing this method and solving ways.【错误分析】三个错误:(1)表示“最后”英美人只用finally,at last或in the end均只能表示“最终”的意思,finally表示几项中的最后一项;(2)provided不该用过去时,而最好用present一词来表示;
15、(3)solving ways是中文式英语,解决方法应该用solution来表示;(4)“应注意”最好用deserve to be noted。改正后的句子Finally,some problems that deserve to be noted in implementing this method and their solution are presented.,例 12汉语原句由于缺陷的存在,构件的疲劳寿命将大大降低。英语错句Because of the existing of the defect,the fatigue life of the components will de
16、crease very much.【错误分析】三个错误:(1)existing应改为existence,原则是有名词就不要动名词形式;(2)will decrease 应该为被动形式will be decreased,因为它是外界因素造成的;(3)very much应该为greatly。改正后的句子Because of(或Due to)the existence of the defect,the fatigue life of the components will be decreased(或shortened)greatly.,例 13汉语原句并讨论了这一方法与扫描法相比的优点。英语错句
17、As compared with the scanning method,the advantages of this method has discussed also.【错误分析】三个错误:(1)“与相比”会使用固定短语“(as)compared with”,可是在“优点”“缺点”等名词后面应使用固定搭配介词over来表示“与相比”这一概念;(2)本句主语是advantages,所以谓语应该使用have而不是has;(3)“讨论”应该用被动语态。改正后的句子The advantages of this method over the scanning method have also be
18、en discussed.,例 14汉语原句已知常数K,就能算出C来。英语错句Giving the constant K,C can be calculated.【错误分析】两个错误:(1)表示“已知”有两种方式,一种是过去分词given,这表示这条件是被给定的,另一种是现在分词giving,表示“若知道的话”;(2)本句的主要部分应该使用主动形式,添加主语one或we,因为前面做条件状语的分词短语的逻辑主语必须是句子的主语,如果不一致,则称为“垂悬分词dangling participle”或叫“无依着分词结构unattached participial construction”。改正后的
19、句子Given(或knowing)the constant K,one(或we)can calculate C.(或,it is possible to calculate C.),例 15汉语原句这台新设计的仪器质量很好。英语错句This new designed instrument is in good quality.【错误分析】两个错误,(1)“新”修饰“设计”的,由于designed是过去分词作前置定语,相当于形容词,所以new应该改为副词形式newly,(2)表示“质量好”有两种方法,be good in quality或be of good quality,当然也可以用the
20、quality of is good,但不如前两个好.改正后的句子This newly designed instrument is good in quality.或:This newly designed instrument is of good quality.,例 16汉语原句锡的熔点没有铅的高。英语错句Tin does not have a melting point as high as lead does.【错误分析】as high as lead does部分错误,这是中文式英文的典型问题。比较内容不一样,一个是熔点,一个是铅。如果句子改为Tin does not have
21、a melting point as high as that of lead就正确了。但是英美人不这样用,他们习惯把asas句型套在名词a melting point上,这是要注意不定冠词的特殊位置。改正后的句子Tin does not have as high a melting point as lead does.,例 17汉语原句这台转动的机器将在一二分钟后自动停下来。英语错句This running machine will stop of itself after one minute or two.【错误分析】两个错误,(1)表示瞬间动作或状态的动作将来时句中要表示“在之后”要
22、用in而不能用after 或 later,(2)表示“一两天”,“一两分钟”等概念有两种表示方式,one or two days 或 a day or two.改正后的句子This running machine will stop itself in one or two minutes(或 in a minute or two).,例 18汉语原句在这种情况下,输入不会下降,输出也不会下降。英语错句In this case,the input does not fall;the output does not fall,too.【错误分析】错误在于too,它不能用于否定句,应该用eithe
23、r表示。不过在这种情况下,一般使用neither或nor开头的部分倒装省略句型。改正后的句子In this case,the input does not fall,neither(或nor)does the output.,例 19汉语原句这个问题有待解决。英语错句This problem waits to solve.【错误分析】中文式英文。两个错误,(1)英美人表示“有待于”的概念常用remain,(2)问题被解决,所以应该用被动语态。改正后的句子This problem remains to be solved.,例 20汉语原句这个电荷与存在的其它电荷相互作用。英语错句This ch
24、arge interacts with other present charge.【错误分析】present的位置错了。Present做前置定语时意义为“目前的”而表示“存在”时只能是后置定语。改正后的句子This charge interacts with other charges present.,例 21汉语原句现有的教科书没有提到这一点。英语错句The now existed textbooks do not make mention of this point.【错误分析】错误有两个:(1)exist属于不及物动词,所以不能用过去分词来作定语(英语中只有少数几个不及物动词变来的表示
25、状语的过去分词可做定语,如fallen leaves,the arrived train),因此这里应改为existing。(2)凡用短语动词(如make use of,make mention of,pay attention to,take care of等),其否定式英美人一般只使用no来否定词组中的名词。改正后的句子The existing textbooks(或The textbooks available)have made no mention of this point.,例 22汉语原句x 的所有值均不能满足这一方程。英语错句All values of x cant sati
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