1、现代西方文学理论与批评,Modern WesternLiterary Theory and Criticism,Part 1,Part 1 IntroductionConcepts:Criticism:The reasoned discussion of literary works,an activity which may include some or all of the following procedures,in varying proportions:the defence of literature against moralists and censors,classifi
2、cation of a work according to its genre,interpretation of its meaning,analysis of its structure and style,judgment of its worth by comparison with other works,estimation of its likely effect on readers,and the establishment of general principles by which literary works can be evaluated and understoo
3、d.(Oxford concise Dictionary of Literary Terms),Part 1,Literary Theory literary theory is“speculative discourse on literature and on practice of literature.”It may include reflections on or analysis of general principles and categories of literature,such as its nature and function;its relation to ot
4、her aspects of culture;the purpose,procedures and validity of literary criticism;relation of literary text to their authors and historical contexts;or the production of literary meaning.(Zhu Gang),Part 1,Modern:historical period from Renaissance to 20th century20th centuryWestern:Geographical meanin
5、g:Europe and AmericaCultural meaning:Cultural community of develop capitalism countries,especially based on Christian tradition.Conclusion:Modern western literary theory and criticism are reasoned activities of discussion about literature in Western world in 20th century.,Part 1,Approaches,schools a
6、nd groupsScientism ApproachesRussian FormalismAnglo-American New CriticismCzech StructuralismFrench StructuralismPost Structuralism,Part 1,Humanism ApproachesExistentialismPsychoanalysis CriticismPhenomenological CriticismHermeneutics CriticismReader-Response CriticismFeminism Criticism,Part 1,Histo
7、rical ApproachesMarxist CriticismNew HistoricismCultural StudiesPost-Colonial Criticism,Part 1,Characters:Theorized:almost all of the schools of criticism have their particular theory.Adapting theories or principles from their disciplines.Understanding literature in terms of its relations to history
8、,politics gender,social class,race,mythology or psychology.Critical tendency:many schools of criticism seek to influence on the social reality with in their historical context.,Part 1,References and Further reading:Handbook of critical Approaches to Literature(Third Edition),Wilfred.L.Guerin(ed).Lit
9、erary Theory from Plato to Barthes:An Introductory History,Richard.Harland,外语教学与研究出版社。Twentieth Century Western Critical Theories,Zhu Gang,上海外语教育出版社。Selective Readings in 20th Century Western Critical Theory,张中载,王逢振、赵国新编,外语教学与研究出版社。Literary theory,Jonathan Culler,Oxford University Press,1997.A Reade
10、rs Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory,Roman Selden,Harvester Wheatsheaf,1989.,Part 2,Part 2 The New CriticismTimes:There are four periods:the initiative(1910-1930),the formative(1930-1945),the dominant(1945-1957),and normalization(1960s to the present).If we take T.E.Hume,a British aesthetician,o
11、r American poet Ezra Pound as the initiator of the New Criticism,then this school started in the 1910s.But the New Criticism rose formally in the 1930s when some critics established their theory in America,and it became dominant criticism system in college and university English departments in the 1
12、950s.,Part 2,Members:Founders:I.A.Richards(1883-1981)T.S.Eliot(1888-1965)W.Empson.(1906-1984)Masters:John Crowe Ransom(1888-1974)Allen Tate(1888-1979)Robert Penn Warren(1905-)Cleanth Brooks(1906-1994)W.K.Wimsatt(1907-1975)Rene Wellek(1903-1995),Part 2,Works:I.A Richards:Principles of Literary Critic
13、ism(1924)Practical Criticism:A sturdy of Literary Judgment.(1929)T.S.Eliot:Tradition and the Individual Talent.(1917)William Empson:Seven Types of Ambiguity(1930)John Crowe Ransom:Poetry:A Note in Ontology.(1934)The New Criticism(1941),Part 2,Works:Allen Tate:Tension in Poetry(1938)Cleanth Brooks:Th
14、e Language of Paradox(1942)The Well-wrought Urn.(1947)Understanding Poetry.(1938,with Robert Penn Warren)Understanding fiction.(1943,with Robert Penn Warren)Understanding Drama(1945,with Robert B.Heilman),Part 2,Works:W.K.Wimsatt:The Verbal Icon(1954)The Intentional Fallacy(1946,with M.C.Beardsley)T
15、he Affective fallacy(1949,with M.C.Beardsley)R.Wellek:Theory of Literature(1949,with Austin Warren)History of Modern Criticism 1750-1950(1986),Part 2,Ideas:The New Critics read the individual work of literary art as an organic form.They articulated the concept that in an organic form there is a cons
16、istency and an internal vitality that we should look for and appreciate.One of the most salient considerations of the New Critics was emphasis on form,on the work of art as an object.,Part 2,The New Critics sought precision and structural tightness in the literary work;they favored a style and tone
17、that tended toward irony;they insisted on the presence within the work of everything necessary for its analysis;and they called for an end to a concern by critics with matters outside the work itself-the life of the author,the history of his times,or the social and economic implications of the liter
18、ary work.,Part 2,Keywords:Close reading:A reading method that is the mark of the New Criticism,which takes work as a piece of textured literary art,and only read the work itself.Close reading begins with sensitivity to the words of the text and all their denotative and connotative values and implica
19、tions,then looks for structures,patterns and interrelationships in the text.,Part 2,Tension:A reading strategy offered by Allen Tate in 1938,that means a combination of extension and intension.It is also a New Critical standard for evaluating poetry and poets.Irony:Irony involves a discrepancy betwe
20、en what is said and what is meant.To I.A.Richards irony is bringing opposites to form a balance,while C.Brooks suggested irony is the stability of a context in which the internal pressures balance and mutually support each other.,Part 2,The intentional fallacy:A particular term proposed by Wimsatt a
21、nd Beardsley who argued that the design or intention of the author is neither available nor desirable as a standard for judging the success of a work of literary art,and that a literary work,once published,belongs in the public realm of language,which gives it an objective existence distinct from th
22、e authors original idea of it.,Part 2,The affective fallacy:The affective fallacy is proposed by Wimsatt and Beardsley that means a confusion between the poem and its results(what it is and what it does),It begins by trying to drive the standard of criticism from the psychological effects of the poe
23、m and ends in impressionism and relativism.The outcome of either fallacy,the intentional or the affective,is that the poem itself,as an object of specifically critical judgment,tends to disappear.,Part 3,Part 3 The Psychoanalytical Criticism Times:Started from 1900 when S.Freud published his The Int
24、erpretation of Dreams,then extended to present.There are two important stages in the course of psychoanalytical criticism development.First is the phase of Freud.Second is the phase of Jacque Lacan.,Part 3,Members:Founder:Sigmund Freud(1856-1939)Adherent:Melanie Klein(1882-1960)Ernest Jones(1879-195
25、8)Marie BonaparteNorman Holland(1927-)Jacque Lacan(1901-1981)Lionel Trilling(1905-1975),Part 3,Works:S.Freud:The interpretation of Dreams(1900)Creative writers and Daydreaming Jacque Lacan The four Fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis(1977)Ecrits:A Selection(1966),Part 3,E.Jones:Hamlet and Oedipus
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