1、災難醫療管理之組織.人力管理及法律依據,王宗倫 副教授新光醫院急診科主任,災難醫療組織管理,組織經營,經營理念經營策略組織管理組織領導,經營理念,健康的重要性經營理念與管理哲學環境的變遷二十一世紀醫療服務的趨勢環境的變遷二十一世紀醫療政策的趨勢醫療服務業的本質醫療機構的經營管理市場與非市場的力量運作醫療機構經營管理的未來展望,健康的重要性,全民健康的理念健康的定義災難對健康的衝擊,經營理念與管理哲學,經營理念建立機構經營理念的目的社會責任的意義古典觀點社會經濟觀點管理哲學管理的意義機構經營管理之理想方法機構經營管理之完整體系,環境變遷二十一世紀醫療服務的趨勢,持續增加的醫療需求:災難效應逐漸老
4、市場與非市場的力量運作,非市場力量介入的原因了解非市場力量的重要性何謂非市場環境市場與非市場的差異公私不同參與者不同利害影響不同決定關鍵不同合法非法不同績效評估標準不同,市場與非市場的力量運作,非市場的要素與策略醫療機構的非市場策略,醫療機構經營管理的未來展望,從醫院管理到醫療管理策略焦點營運效率臨床效益網際網路的運用,911美國恐怖攻擊事件,FEMA History,The Federal Emergency Management Agency-an independent agency reporting to the President and tasked with respondin
5、g to,planning for,recovering from and mitigating against disaster.the Congressional Act of 1803:This act,generally considered the first piece of disaster legislation,provided assistance to a New Hampshire town following an extensive fire.In the century that followed,ad hoc legislation was passed mor
6、e than 100 times in response to hurricanes,earthquakes,floods and other natural disasters.,FEMA History,By the 1930s,when the federal approach to problems became popular,the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was given authority to make disaster loans for repair and reconstruction of certain public
7、facilities following an earthquake,and later,other types of disasters.In 1934,the Bureau of Public Roads was given authority to provide funding for highways and bridges damaged by natural disasters.,FEMA History,The Flood Control Act,which gave the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers greater authority to im
8、plement flood control projects,was also passed.This piecemeal approach to disaster assistance was problematic and it prompted legislation that required greater cooperation between federal agencies and authorized the President to coordinate these activities.,FEMA History,The 1960s and early 1970s bro
9、ught massive disasters requiring major federal response and recovery operations by the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration,established within the Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD).,FEMA History,Hurricane Carla struck in 1962,Hurricane Betsy in 1965,Hurricane Camille in 1969 and
10、 Hurricane Agnes in 1972.The Alaskan Earthquake hit in 1964 and the San Fernando Earthquake rocked Southern California in 1971.These events served to focus attention on the issue of natural disasters and brought about increased legislation.In 1968,the National Flood Insurance Act offered new flood p
11、rotection to homeowners,and in 1974 the Disaster Relief Act firmly established the process of Presidential disaster declarations.,FEMA History,President Carters 1979 executive order merged many of the separate disaster-related responsibilities into a new Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA).Amo
12、ng other agencies,FEMA absorbed:the Federal Insurance Administration,the National Fire Prevention and Control Administration,the National Weather Service Community Preparedness Program,the Federal Preparedness Agency of the General Services Administration and the Federal Disaster Assistance Administ
13、ration activities from HUD.Civil defense responsibilities were also transferred to the new agency from the Defense Departments Defense Civil Preparedness Agency.,FEMA History,John Macy was named as FEMAs first director.Macy emphasized the similarities between natural hazards preparedness and the civ
14、il defense activities.FEMA began development of an Integrated Emergency Management System with an all-hazards approach that included direction,control and warning systems which are common to the full range of emergencies from small isolated events to the ultimate emergency-war.,FEMA History,The new
15、agency was faced with many unusual challenges in its first few years that emphasized how complex emergency management can be.Early disasters and emergencies included the contamination of Love Canal,the Cuban refugee crisis and the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant.Later,the Loma
16、Prieta Earthquake in 1989 and Hurricane Andrew in 1992 focused major national attention on FEMA.In 1993,President Clinton nominated James L.Witt as the new FEMA director.Witt became the first agency director with experience as a state emergency manager.,FEMA History,Witt initiated sweeping reforms t
17、hat streamlined disaster relief and recovery operations,insisted on a new emphasis regarding preparedness and mitigation,and focused agency employees on customer service.The end of the Cold War also allowed Witt to redirect more of FEMAs limited resources from civil defense into disaster relief,reco
18、very and mitigation programs.Witts plans were put to the test by the Great Midwest Flood of 1993 and Californias massive Northridge Earthquake in January,1994.The agencys transformation was recognized as an integral part of the Clinton Administrations efforts to reinvent government and in 1995 Presi
19、dent Clinton recognized the agencys accomplishments in his State of the Union address.,Domestic Terrorism,Guide of All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning:(1996)Attachment A:EarthquakeAttachment B:Flooding and Dam FailureAttachment C:HAZMATAttachment D:HurricaneAttachment E:Chemical AgentsAttachmen
20、t F:Nuclear ConflictAttachment G:Terrorism(To be Developed!)Attachment H:TornadoUnited States Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operation Plan(New Release),聯邦應變計劃FRP緊急支援功能ESFs,Transportation:DOTCommunication:NCSPublic Work:DODFirefighting:USDA&FSInformation and Planning:FEMAMass C
21、are:ARCResource Support:GSAHealth and Medical:HHSUrban Search and Rescue:FEMAHazardous Materials:EPAFood:USDAEnergy:DOE,Interagency Coordination,醫療機構人力資源管理,人力資源管理的基本理念與架構組織人事體制與彼得原理人力資源管理的五大重點醫療機構人力資源的相關議題人力資源管理未來的發展趨勢,人力資源管理的基本理念與架構,人力資源管理的架構組織人力的規劃與需求組織工作的設計教育訓練的體系組織的行為規範,組織人事體制與彼得原理,體制的分類職務分類制的起因
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 灾难 医疗 管理 组织 人力 法律依据
