1、hn y b hu 汉 语 笔 画,din 点 Dot stroke,hng 横Horizontal stroke,竖,sh 竖 Verical stroke,撇,pi 撇 Left-down slanting,捺,n 捺Right-down slanting,t 提Right upward stroke,横折,Hngzh 横折Turn or a bend,竖折,shzh竖折,hngzht横 折提,Hnggu横 钩Horizontal hook,竖钩,shgu竖 钩Vertical hook,Hngzhgu横 折 钩,shzhzhgu竖 折折钩,竖弯,shwn竖 弯,shwngu竖 弯钩,hn
2、gzhwngu横 折 弯钩,横撇,hngpi横 撇,Pidin撇点,篆书(seal script),篆书是汉字最古老的字体,具有明显的象形特点。Zhuanshu is the oldesst script of Chinese Han writing,and carried the most obvious features in pictorial characters.770200BC,隶书(clerical script),Lishu was a commonly used script in the Han dynasty.It was appeared in the Xi Han d
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